.TH SUBVERSION.ECLASS 5 "Nov 2004" "Portage 2.0.51" portage .SH NAME subversion.eclass \- provides subversion fetching functions .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBsubversion\fR eclass provides functions that enable the ebuild author to create 'live' ebuilds that fetch the program's sources from a subversion repository. .br \fBNOTE\fR: At the very minimum, the \fBsubversion\fR eclass requires the \fBESVN_REPO_URI\fR variable to be set (see below). .SH VARIABLES .TP .B "ESVN_REPO_URI" = \fI"svn://foo/bar/trunk"\fR This variable sets the URI from which the sources will be fetched. The \fBsubversion\fR eclass supports fetching from the following protocols: \fIhttp\fR, \fIhttps\fR, and \fIsvn\fR. This variable is required to be set. .TP .B "ESVN_STORE_DIR" = \fI"${DISTDIR}/svn-src"\fB This variable defines the location in which the fetched sources will be kept. The default value is '${DISTDIR}/svn-src' and should be sufficient in most cases. .TP .B "ESVN_FETCH_CMD" = \fI"svn checkout"\fB This variable defines the command used for initial checkout and defaults to 'svn checkout'. .TP .B "ESVN_UPDATE_CMD" = \fI"svn update"\fB This variable defines the command used for updating sources and defaults to 'svn update'. .TP .B "ESVN_PROJECT" = \fI"foobar"\fB This variable defines the name of the project and defaults to '${PN/-svn}'. .TP .B "ESVN_BOOTSTRAP" = \fI"autogen.sh"\fB This variable defines the name of the bootstrap script to execute in preparation for the build process. This variable is empty by default. Note: "./" is automatically prepended, so it is unnecessary for the ebuild author to do so. .TP .B "ESVN_PATCHES" = \fI"foo.patch *.diff"\fB This variable defines a list of patches to apply prior to fetching the sources. In addition to literal filenames, you may also use globbing such as *.diff. This variable is empty by default. .SH FUNCTIONS .TP .B subversion_src_unpack The default \fBsrc_unpack\fR provided by the \fBsubversion\fR eclass simply fetches the program's sources from the URI specified by \fBESVN_REPO_URI\fR, applies any patches specified by \fBESVN_PATCHES\fR, and then executes the bootstrap script specified by \fBESVN_BOOTSTRAP\fR. .SH REPORTING BUGS Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/ .SH SEE ALSO .BR ebuild (5) .SH FILES .BR /usr/portage/eclass/subversion.eclass .SH AUTHORS Aaron Walker .SH CVS HEADER $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/man/subversion.eclass.5,v 1.3 2005/05/10 11:13:07 swegener Exp $