diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer')
8 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog b/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..573be8515c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/smokeping
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2006/08/09 18:09:00 chtekk Exp $
+*smokeping-2.0.9 (09 Aug 2006)
+ 09 Aug 2006; Luca Longinotti <> +files/78_smokeping.conf,
+ +files/config.dist, +files/smokeping.init, +metadata.xml,
+ +smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild:
+ Add package, closes bug #66980. Thanks to Lee Thompson and Steve Clement for
+ the initial ebuild.
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/Manifest b/net-analyzer/smokeping/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..017d58f6b078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+AUX 78_smokeping.conf 376 RMD160 6a5ab3e4d5d94e6b410f52dfdbf99fe3e8ef32ab SHA1 1ef976cddf5bd1cfc5f68dacc2172d075be4677c SHA256 c29e0c2e83b28f1aac3cda5d4990f0eee5fdc9e2abd084b07a538aec29860b0e
+MD5 bf6b85058b4bd9a08549957342eab268 files/78_smokeping.conf 376
+RMD160 6a5ab3e4d5d94e6b410f52dfdbf99fe3e8ef32ab files/78_smokeping.conf 376
+SHA256 c29e0c2e83b28f1aac3cda5d4990f0eee5fdc9e2abd084b07a538aec29860b0e files/78_smokeping.conf 376
+AUX config.dist 2962 RMD160 e19833de607c6b8a6c88b26b4c903736e9b5ca86 SHA1 7dd78fdf8f0129c3e2b47015b67381e7b127332d SHA256 031f0cb72de57812ed34f463d71e90d05fb7b0e2b8df79d5e6ec42e67dfeca7e
+MD5 6fd6e657d1d0286ab82689e55ae7d9cb files/config.dist 2962
+RMD160 e19833de607c6b8a6c88b26b4c903736e9b5ca86 files/config.dist 2962
+SHA256 031f0cb72de57812ed34f463d71e90d05fb7b0e2b8df79d5e6ec42e67dfeca7e files/config.dist 2962
+AUX smokeping.init 1632 RMD160 c041fb04e1d63dfd077ecd7abd0248eb7dc63c1c SHA1 b7e08ea0bcf5490c4e9b1124e39aab724fda87af SHA256 625634db58c5eca142d6bf13741e5afbb18ecdbbd780cbfeafe13711a94dc929
+MD5 a85c9870f88c721b06c03d7cf6605133 files/smokeping.init 1632
+RMD160 c041fb04e1d63dfd077ecd7abd0248eb7dc63c1c files/smokeping.init 1632
+SHA256 625634db58c5eca142d6bf13741e5afbb18ecdbbd780cbfeafe13711a94dc929 files/smokeping.init 1632
+DIST smokeping-2.0.9.tar.gz 393777 RMD160 3ddbe35f6ec634773d6facc5d7e4c17c17753984 SHA1 89427122eada5fdf5f6145705f080583fb2d245a SHA256 c9fc10d04afae31ac5283101f0211e842faf98784301178833ada1e3e4a0dcf5
+EBUILD smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild 3080 RMD160 d1c0aa02682a55a647c24a5f71c68417cda95258 SHA1 bba44a8a040a919b68e5e1ee2bffcea78bce2e48 SHA256 4db52435220547ee6e81368faad23178167a13422722e7ece8330ab08e581558
+MD5 b06b55835269039edb6f925e5c1e6a42 smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild 3080
+RMD160 d1c0aa02682a55a647c24a5f71c68417cda95258 smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild 3080
+SHA256 4db52435220547ee6e81368faad23178167a13422722e7ece8330ab08e581558 smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild 3080
+MISC ChangeLog 421 RMD160 eacdc8cf0d1d6577b6933fe189972c91ae0c205a SHA1 465f18f413b6b4d714a29be188d05997b1dd2209 SHA256 b5dfff870563f8c677f461087d33a74873ddd5092b933aab5d8cc7d93eb33cd3
+MD5 25b25398aa9139828a2f6b6949eccc80 ChangeLog 421
+RMD160 eacdc8cf0d1d6577b6933fe189972c91ae0c205a ChangeLog 421
+SHA256 b5dfff870563f8c677f461087d33a74873ddd5092b933aab5d8cc7d93eb33cd3 ChangeLog 421
+MISC metadata.xml 230 RMD160 fd2ff2b82d75b757b306ba2de0f742b6cd1f966e SHA1 b4e616879ea88965ecb0709eaa12d7fe1d5dbe1d SHA256 903c9de2c99aeba3f9543766df6ea311ad16e4e44c2e9f66519880eccb76050e
+MD5 b1bcc1a84490adeeaff207fb5578fa44 metadata.xml 230
+RMD160 fd2ff2b82d75b757b306ba2de0f742b6cd1f966e metadata.xml 230
+SHA256 903c9de2c99aeba3f9543766df6ea311ad16e4e44c2e9f66519880eccb76050e metadata.xml 230
+MD5 81d1df4235dfdb4f6c31e7c7e7612a1f files/digest-smokeping-2.0.9 247
+RMD160 5970b92757c24b8c4067b5684e1c6ba10d8915e7 files/digest-smokeping-2.0.9 247
+SHA256 1cf4755243694a82121a0a5b8f46731cabfd1bfc61b951aa3e5dd3ef44fa51ae files/digest-smokeping-2.0.9 247
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/78_smokeping.conf b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/78_smokeping.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e710ae822342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/78_smokeping.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+### Setup the smokeping image cache
+<IfModule mod_alias.c>
+ Alias "/.simg/" "/var/lib/smokeping/.simg/"
+ <IfModule mod_perl.c>
+ <Directory "/var/lib/smokeping/.simg/">
+ Options -Indexes MultiViews
+ AllowOverride None
+ <IfModule mod_access.c>
+ Order deny,allow
+ Deny from all
+ Allow from
+ </IfModule>
+ </Directory>
+ </IfModule>
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/config.dist b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/config.dist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3c6796c4b841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/config.dist
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Note that all IP addresses in this file are false, to prevent some
+# machine falling uder a deadly DOS storm because all users keep
+# the same addresses in their config.
+*** General ***
+owner = Joe Random
+contact =
+mailhost =
+sendmail = /usr/lib/sendmail
+imgcache = /var/lib/smokeping/.simg
+imgurl = ../.simg
+datadir = /var/lib/smokeping
+piddir = /var/lib/smokeping
+cgiurl =
+smokemail = /etc/smokemail.dist
+# specify this to get syslog logging
+syslogfacility = local0
+# each probe is now run in its own process
+# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
+# concurrentprobes = no
+*** Alerts ***
+to =
+from =
+type = loss
+# in percent
+pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%,>0%,>0%
+comment = suddenly there is packet loss
+type = loss
+# in percent
+pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
+comment = loss 3 times in a row
+type = loss
+# in percent
+pattern = ==S,>0%,>0%,>0%
+comment = loss at startup
+type = rtt
+# in milli seconds
+pattern = <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,<100,>100,>100,>100
+comment = routing mesed up again ?
+*** Database ***
+step = 300
+pings = 20
+# consfn mrhb steps total
+AVERAGE 0.5 1 1008
+AVERAGE 0.5 12 4320
+ MIN 0.5 12 4320
+ MAX 0.5 12 4320
+AVERAGE 0.5 144 720
+ MAX 0.5 144 720
+ MIN 0.5 144 720
+*** Presentation ***
+template = /etc/smokeping.template
++ overview
+width = 600
+height = 50
+range = 10h
++ detail
+width = 600
+height = 200
+unison_tolerance = 2
+"Last 3 Hours" 3h
+"Last 30 Hours" 30h
+"Last 10 Days" 10d
+"Last 400 Days" 400d
+*** Probes ***
++ FPing
+binary = /usr/sbin/fping
+*** Targets ***
+probe = FPing
+menu = Top
+title = Network Latency Grapher
+remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of YYZ. \
+ Here you will learn all about the latency of our network.
++ World
+menu = World
+title = Worldwide Connectivity
+++ Europe
+menu = Europe
+title = European Connectivity
++++ Switzerland
+menu = Switzerland
+title = Swiss Connectivity
+alerts = bigloss,someloss,startloss
+++++ SBB
+menu = SBB/CFF/FFS
+title = Swiss Federal Railways Webserver
+host =
+++++ Tiscali
+menu = Tiscali Web
+title = Tiscali Webserver
+host =
++++ UK
+menu = United Kingdom
+title = United Kingdom
+++++ UCL
+menu = UCL
+title = UCL
+host = www.ucl-abc.acc.uki
+++ USA
+menu = North America
+title =North American Connectivity
++++ MIT
+menu = MIT
+title = Massachusetts Institute of Technology Webserver
+host = www.gurkoman.ybc
++++ IU
+menu = IU
+title = Indiana University
+host = www.iu.ali
++++ UCB
+menu = U. C. Berkeley
+title = U. C. Berkeley Webserver
+host = www.berkly.udi
++++ UCSD
+menu = U. C. San Diego
+title = U. C. San Diego Webserver
+host =
++++ Sun
+menu = Sun Microsystems
+title = Sun Microsystems Webserver
+host =
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/digest-smokeping-2.0.9 b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/digest-smokeping-2.0.9
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2e6892b48215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/digest-smokeping-2.0.9
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 512c0bc38176451df7d664050b1283d9 smokeping-2.0.9.tar.gz 393777
+RMD160 3ddbe35f6ec634773d6facc5d7e4c17c17753984 smokeping-2.0.9.tar.gz 393777
+SHA256 c9fc10d04afae31ac5283101f0211e842faf98784301178833ada1e3e4a0dcf5 smokeping-2.0.9.tar.gz 393777
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/smokeping.init b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/smokeping.init
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6419ff12a098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/smokeping.init
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+opts="start stop dump restore"
+depend() {
+ use dns
+ need net
+checkconfig() {
+ if [[ ! -e "/usr/bin/smokeping" ]] ; then
+ eerror "You need /usr/bin/smokeping to run smokeping!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e "/etc/smokeping" ]] ; then
+ eerror "You need /etc/smokeping to run smokeping!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ einfo "Please remember to setup smokeping at /etc/smokeping!"
+start() {
+ checkconfig || return 1
+ ebegin "Starting smokeping"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --name smokeping \
+ --exec /usr/bin/smokeping \
+ --chuid smokeping:smokeping
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping smokeping"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop \
+ --pidfile /var/lib/smokeping/
+ eend $?
+dump() {
+ ebegin "Dumping smokeping rrd files to XML for backup or upgrade use"
+ if service_started "${myservice}" ; then
+ eerror "You need to stop smokeping before dumping files!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ for f in `find /var/lib/smokeping -name '*.rrd' -print` ; do
+ f_xml=`dirname $f`/`basename $f .rrd`.xml
+ rrdtool dump "$f" > "${f_xml}"
+ chown root:0 "${f_xml}"
+ done
+ eend $?
+restore() {
+ ebegin "Restoring smokeping rrd files from XML dump files"
+ if service_started "${myservice}" ; then
+ eerror "You need to stop smokeping before restoring files!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ for f in `find /var/lib/smokeping -name '*.xml' -print` ; do
+ f_rrd=`dirname $f`/`basename $f .xml`.rrd
+ mv -f "${f_rrd}" "${f_rrd}.bak"
+ chown root:0 "${f_rrd}.bak"
+ rrdtool restore "$f" "${f_rrd}"
+ chown smokeping:smokeping "${f_rrd}"
+ done
+ eend $?
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/metadata.xml b/net-analyzer/smokeping/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c9a807a76004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Luca Longinotti</name>
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild b/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fa06a36e5a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.0.9.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/08/09 18:09:00 chtekk Exp $
+inherit perl-module eutils
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
+DESCRIPTION="A powerful latency measurement tool."
+ perl-core/libnet
+ >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2
+ net-analyzer/fping
+ apache2? ( >=net-www/apache-2.0.54-r30 >=www-apache/mod_perl-2.0.1 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup smokeping
+ enewuser smokeping -1 -1 /var/lib/smokeping smokeping
+src_compile() {
+ # There is a makefile we don't want to run so leave this here
+ einfo "Skip compile."
+src_install() {
+ # First move all the perl modules into the vendor lib area of Perl
+ perlinfo
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}
+ doins lib/*.pm
+ ### This one kind of concerns me, possible conflict with other software
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Config
+ doins lib/Config/*.pm
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Smokeping
+ doins lib/Smokeping/*.pm
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Smokeping/matchers
+ doins lib/Smokeping/matchers/*.pm
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Smokeping/probes
+ doins lib/Smokeping/probes/*.pm
+ # Create the files in var for rrd file storage and the cgi webserver script
+ keepdir /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ fowners smokeping:smokeping /var/lib/${PN}
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ fowners apache:apache /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ else
+ fowners smokeping:smokeping /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ fi
+ fperms 775 /var/lib/${PN} /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ exeinto /var/www/localhost/perl
+ newexe htdocs/${PN}.cgi.dist ${PN}.pl
+ dosed 's:^use lib:#use lib:g' /var/www/localhost/perl/${PN}.pl
+ dosed 's:sepp/bin/speedy:bin/perl:' /var/www/localhost/perl/${PN}.pl
+ dosed 's:/home/oetiker/data/projects/AADJ-smokeping/dist/etc/config:/etc/smokeping:' \
+ /var/www/localhost/perl/${PN}.pl
+ # Create the binary
+ newbin bin/${PN}.dist ${PN}
+ dosed 's:/usr/sepp/bin/perl-5.8.4:/usr/bin/perl:g' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ dosed 's:^use lib:#use lib:g' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ # dosed 's:/sepp::' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ dosed 's:etc/config.dist:/etc/smokeping:' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ # Create the config files
+ insinto /etc
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/config.dist" ${PN}
+ newins etc/basepage.html.dist ${PN}.template
+ doins etc/smokemail.dist
+ exeinto /etc/init.d
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init" ${PN}
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/78_${PN}.conf"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ chown smokeping:smokeping "${ROOT}/var/lib/${PN}"
+ chmod 755 "${ROOT}/var/lib/${PN}"
+ einfo
+ einfo "Four more steps are needed to get ${PN} un&running:"
+ einfo "1) You need to edit /etc/${PN}"
+ einfo "2) You need to edit the template at /etc/${PN}.template"
+ einfo "3) You need to make the fping binary setuid root:"
+ einfo " # chmod 4755 /usr/sbin/fping"
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ einfo "4) Make sure to add -D PERL to APACHE2_OPTS in /etc/conf.d/apache2"
+ einfo " and to restart apache2."
+ fi
+ einfo "You can now start ${PN} with '/etc/init.d/${PN} start'."
+ einfo