# ChangeLog for app-arch/zpaq-extras # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-arch/zpaq-extras/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2011/08/25 12:14:38 mgorny Exp $ *zpaq-extras-1 (25 Aug 2011) 25 Aug 2011; Michał Górny zpaq-extras-0_p20110106.ebuild, +zpaq-extras-1.ebuild: Update BMP preproc to work with new zpaq. *zpaq-extras-0_p20110106 (06 Jan 2011) 06 Jan 2011; Michał Górny -zpaq-extras-0_p20100426.ebuild, +zpaq-extras-0_p20110106.ebuild: Bump to install standard ZPAQ configurations as well as they are not installed stand-alone anymore in >=app-arch/zpaq-2.03 (and the built-in variants don't accept arguments). 05 Jan 2011; Michał Górny zpaq-extras-0_p20100426.ebuild: EAPI bump (w/ Prefix-related fixes), general ebuild cleanup with flexibility in mind (now user should be even able to add additional configs through user patches). *zpaq-extras-0_p20100426 (04 Jan 2011) 04 Jan 2011; Michał Górny +zpaq-extras-0_p20100426.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Importing zpaq archiver extra compression profiles from Sunrise as per bug #278021.