diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/doc/lazy.html ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/doc/lazy.html
--- regex-base-0.71/doc/lazy.html	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/doc/lazy.html	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+  <head>
+    <title>Text.Regex.Lazy</title>
+  </head>
+<h2>Version 0.70 (2006-08-10)</h2>
+<h3>By Chris Kuklewicz (TextRegexLazy (at) personal (dot) mightyreason (dot) com)</h3>
+Changes from 0.66 to 0.70
+  <li> regex-tre added for libtre backend (Text.Regex.TRE), see http://laurikari.net/tre/
+  <li> regex-devel added for tests and benchmarks
+  <li> Text.Regex.*.Wrap APIs improved: the exported wrap* functions
+  never call fail or error under normal circumstances, and use Either
+  types to report errors.  Allocation failures are reported with fail.
+  <li> Text.Regex.*.(ByteString|String) all should export
+  compile/execute/regexec functions which report errors using Either.
+Changes from 0.55 to 0.66
+  <li> I broke this into many packages, regex-base for the interface and regex-pcre, regex-posix, regex-parsec, regex-dfa for the four backends and regex-compat to replace Text.Regex(.New)
+  <li> The top level Makefile now can drive setup and installation of all the packages at once.
+Changes from 0.44 to 0.55
+  <li> <b>JRegex has been assimilated: PCRE and PosixRE are here</b>.
+  The JRegex-style API rocks, see below and Context.hs and Example.hs
+  <li> Haddock seems to run via ./setup haddock, but the documentation is very thin
+  <li> ./setup test runs TestTestRegexLazy binary if uncommented in cabal file
+  <li> default is now to compile with -Wall -Werror -O2
+  <li> You may need to point the cabal file's "Extra-Lib-Dirs" to point to pcre.
+  <li> You may or may not need a "-lpcre" option to ghc when building
+  projects that depend on Text.Regex.Lazy now.
+Changes from 0.33 to 0.44
+  <li> Cabal
+  <li> Compile with -Wall -Werror
+  <li> Change DFAEngineFPS from Data.FastPackedString to Data.ByteString
+See the LICENSE file for details on copyright.  See README for building instructions.
+The new API is very close to JRegex and supports 4 backends:
+  <li> Posix, the standard c regex library
+  <li> PCRE, the <a href="http://www.pcre.org/">Perl Compatible Regular Expressions</a> c library
+  <li> Full, the lazy Parsec based library (see old api below)
+  <li> DFA, the fast lazy matching library (see old api below)
+And for all backends, there are two types that can be used as a source
+of regular expressions or to match a regular expression against:
+String, and ByteString.  The ByteString library will be in the next
+GHC and can be gotten
+from <a
+For simplest use of the new API: import Text.Regex.Lazy and one of
+import Text.Regex.PCRE((=~),(=~~))
+import Text.Regex.Parsec((=~),(=~~))
+import Text.Regex.DFA((=~),(=~~))
+import Text.Regex.PosixRE((=~),(=~~))
+import Text.Regex.TRE((=~),(=~~))
+The things you can demand of (=~) and (=~~) are all
+instance defined in Text.Regex.Impl.Context and they are used
+in <tt>Example.hs</tt> as well.
+You can redefine (=~) and (=~~) to use different options by using makeRegexOpts:
+(=~) :: (RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source,RegexContext Regex source1 target) => source1 -> source -> target
+(=~) x r = let q :: Regex
+               q = makeRegexOpts (some compoption) (some execoption) r
+           in match q x
+(=~~) ::(RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source,RegexContext Regex source1 target,Monad m) => source1 -> source -> m target
+(=~~) x r = let q :: Regex
+                q = makeRegexOpts (some compoption) (some execoption) r
+            in matchM q x
+There is a medium level API with functions compile/execute/regexec in
+all the Text.Regex.*.(String|ByteString) modules.  These allow for
+errors to be reported as Either types when compiling or running.
+The low level APIs are in the Text.Regex.*.Wrap modules.  For the
+c-library backends these expose most of the c-api in wrap* functions
+that make the type more Haskell-like: CString and CStingLen and
+newtypes to specify compile and execute options.  The actual foreign
+calls are not exported; it does not export the raw c api.
+Also, Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap will let you query if it was compiled with
+UTF8 suppor: <tt>configUTF8 :: Bool</tt>.  But I do not provide a way
+to marshall to or from UTF8.  (If you have a UTF8 ByteString then you
+would probably be able to make it work, assuming the indices PCRE uses
+are in bytes, otherwise look at the wrap* functions which are a thin
+layer over the pcreapi).
+The old Text.Regex API is can be replaced. If you need to be drop in
+compatible with <tt>Text.Regex</tt> then you can
+import <tt>Text.Regex.New</tt> and report any infidelities as bugs.
+Some advantages of <tt>Text.Regex.Parsec</tt> over <tt>Text.Regex</tt>:
+  <li> It does not marshal to and from c-code arrays, so it is much
+       faster on large input strings.
+  <li> It consumes the input <tt>String</tt> in a mostly lazy manner.
+       This makes streaming from input to output possible.
+  <li> It performs sanity checks so that <tt>subRegex</tt>
+       and <tt>splitRegex</tt> don't loop or go crazy if the pattern
+       matches an empty string -- it will just return the input.
+  <li> If the <tt>String</tt> regex does not parse then you get a nicer error
+       message.
+Internally it uses <tt>Parsec</tt> to turn the string regex into
+a <tt>Pattern</tt> data type, simplify the <tt>Pattern</tt>, then
+transform the <tt>Pattern</tt> into a <tt>Parsec</tt> parser that
+accepts matching strings and stores the sub-strings of parenthesized
+All of this was motivated by the inability to use <tt>Text.Regex</tt>
+to complete
+the <a
+benchmark</a> on <a href="http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/">The
+Computer Language Shootout</a>.  The current entry there, by Don
+Stewart and Alson Kemp and Chris Kuklewicz, does not use this Parsec
+solution, but rather a custom DFA lexer from the CTK library.
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/doc/README ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/doc/README
--- regex-base-0.71/doc/README	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/doc/README	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+README for TestRegexLazy-0.66
+By Chris Kuklewicz (TextRegexLazy (at) personal (dot) mightyreason (dot) com)
+For more detail on Text.Regex.Lazy look at the very very outdated
+lazy.html file or the LICENSE file.
+To build and install:
+  get Data.ByteString from http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/fps.html
+  (You probably want to configure ByteString's cabal with -p for profiling)
+  edit list of BACKENDS in Makefile if you want to exclude regex-tre or regex-pcre
+  edit regex-pcre/regex-pcre.cabal to point to your PCRE installation
+  edit CONF and USER variables in Makefile to point to your setup
+  (The CONF includes -p for profiling)
+  run "make all" which will create and install all the packages in $(SUBDIRS)
+The packages:
+  regex-base : This hold the type class definitions and (most) RegexContext,Extract instances
+  regex-compat : Builds Text.Regex.New (soon to replace Text.Regex) on top of regex-parsec
+  regex-pcre : Build the PCRE backend, http://www.pcre.org/
+  regex-posix : Builds the Posix backend
+  regex-parsec : Builds my lazy parsec based pure haskell backend
+  regex-dfa : Build the simple backend based on CTKLight (this is LGPL)
+There is an additional "regex-devel" package where I am setting up
+testing and bechmarking. Use "make regex-devel" at the top level to
+compile (not install), or use its cabal Setup.hs.
+regex-devel/bench/runbench.sh is my simple toy benchmark.
+To use =~ and =~~ new API:
+> import Text.Regex.(Parsec|DFA|PCRE|PosixRE|TRE)
+and perhaps
+> import Text.Regex.Base
+Look at Example*.hs and instances in Text.Regex.Base.Context.hs for what it can do.
+For old "Text.Regex" API drop in compatibility, import Text.Regex.New (uses PosixRE backend)
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/doc/Redesign.txt ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/doc/Redesign.txt
--- regex-base-0.71/doc/Redesign.txt	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/doc/Redesign.txt	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+The regular expression stuff needs some of a rethink.
+Things that could be made more efficient, as I think of them:
+(1) Making Arrays in Wrap* may be a bit inefficient
+counter: Usage may be like "look up element 3" so random access is good
+(2) String DFA: the findRegex computes the prefix string itself, which is sometimes wasted / sometimes wanted / always discarded.  Also, the input string at the start of the match is discarded
+(3) Lazy computes MatchedStrings array then discards it.  Wasteful.
+(4) Mighty extend RegexLike with ability to return "strings", i.e. Extract instance.  The default conversion could be left in for some things.   Then RegexContext could pull from that instead of matchOnce/matchAll.
+(5) make RegexLike default matchAll/matchOnce in terms of matchOnceText and matchAllText
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/examples/Example2.hs ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/examples/Example2.hs
--- regex-base-0.71/examples/Example2.hs	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/examples/Example2.hs	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
+import Text.Regex.Base
+import Text.Regex.Posix(Regex,(=~),(=~~)) -- or DFA or PCRE or PosixRE
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B(ByteString,pack)
+-- Show mixing of ByteString and String as well as polymorphism:
+main = let x :: (RegexContext Regex String target) => target
+           x = ("abaca" =~ B.pack "(.)a")
+           x' :: (RegexContext Regex String target,Monad m) => m target
+           x' = ("abaca" =~~ "(.)a")
+           y :: (RegexContext Regex B.ByteString target) => target
+           y = (B.pack "abaca" =~ "(.)a")
+           y' :: (RegexContext Regex B.ByteString target,Monad m) => m target
+           y' = (B.pack "abaca" =~~ B.pack "(.)a")
+       in do print (x :: Bool)
+             print (x :: Int)
+             print (x :: [MatchArray])
+             print (x' :: Maybe (String,String,String,[String]))
+             print (y :: Bool)
+             print (y :: Int)
+             print (y :: [MatchArray])
+             print (y' :: Maybe (B.ByteString,B.ByteString,B.ByteString,[B.ByteString]))
+{- Output is, except for replacing Full with DFA (which has no capture)
+[array (0,1) [(0,(1,2)),(1,(1,1))],array (0,1) [(0,(3,2)),(1,(3,1))]]
+Just ("a","ba","ca",["b"])
+[array (0,1) [(0,(1,2)),(1,(1,1))],array (0,1) [(0,(3,2)),(1,(3,1))]]
+Just ("a","ba","ca",["b"])
+{- The output for DFA is
+[array (0,0) [(0,(1,2))],array (0,0) [(0,(3,2))]]
+Just ("a","ba","ca",[])
+[array (0,0) [(0,(1,2))],array (0,0) [(0,(3,2))]]
+Just ("a","ba","ca",[])
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/examples/Example3.lhs ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/examples/Example3.lhs
--- regex-base-0.71/examples/Example3.lhs	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/examples/Example3.lhs	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
+> import Text.Regex.Base
+> import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE as R
+> import qualified Text.Regex.PosixRE as S
+> import qualified Text.Regex.Parsec as F
+Choose which library to use depending on presence of PCRE library.
+> (=~) :: (RegexMaker R.Regex R.CompOption R.ExecOption a,RegexContext R.Regex b t
+>         ,RegexMaker F.Regex F.CompOption F.ExecOption a,RegexContext F.Regex b t
+>         ,RegexMaker S.Regex S.CompOption S.ExecOption a,RegexContext S.Regex b t)
+>      => b -> a -> t
+> (=~) = case R.getVersion of
+>          Just _ -> (R.=~)
+>          Nothing -> case S.getVersion of
+>                       Just _ -> (S.=~)
+>                       Nothing -> (F.=~)
+> main = print ("abc" =~ "(.)c" :: Bool)
\ No newline at end of file
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/examples/Example.hs ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/examples/Example.hs
--- regex-base-0.71/examples/Example.hs	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/examples/Example.hs	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
+import Text.Regex.Base
+import Text.Regex.Posix((=~),(=~~)) -- or DFA or PCRE or PosixRE
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B(ByteString,pack)
+main = let b :: Bool
+           b = ("abaca" =~ "(.)a")
+           c :: [MatchArray]
+           c = ("abaca" =~ "(.)a")
+           d :: Maybe (String,String,String,[String])
+           d = ("abaca" =~~ "(.)a")
+       in do print b
+             print c
+             print d
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/Makefile ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/Makefile
--- regex-base-0.71/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/Makefile	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
+	Text/Regex \
+	Text/Regex/Base
+PACKAGE 	= regex-base
+VERSION 	= 0.72
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -cpp 
+SRC_HADDOCK_OPTS += -t "Haskell Hierarchical Libraries ($(PACKAGE) package)"
+include $(TOP)/mk/target.mk
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/package.conf.in ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/package.conf.in
--- regex-base-0.71/package.conf.in	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/package.conf.in	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+name:		PACKAGE
+version:	VERSION
+license:	BSD3
+maintainer:	TextRegexLazy@personal.mightyreason.com
+exposed:	True
+exposed-modules:        Text.Regex.Base
+                        Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike
+                        Text.Regex.Base.Context
+                        Text.Regex.Base.Impl
+import-dirs:	IMPORT_DIR
+library-dirs:	LIB_DIR
+hs-libraries:   "HSregex-base"
+depends:	 base
+haddock-interfaces:	HADDOCK_IFACE
+haddock-html:		HTML_DIR
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/prologue.txt ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/prologue.txt
--- regex-base-0.71/prologue.txt	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/prologue.txt	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Interfaces for regular expressions
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/regex-base.cabal ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/regex-base.cabal
--- regex-base-0.71/regex-base.cabal	2006-12-05 18:29:02.000000000 +0000
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/regex-base.cabal	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 -- To fix for cabal < 1.1.4 comment out the Extra-Source-Files line
 -- ****************************************************************
 Name:                   regex-base
-Version:                0.71
+Version:                0.72
 -- Cabal-Version:       >=1.1.4
 License:                BSD3
 License-File:           LICENSE
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Buildable:              True
 -- Other-Modules:
 -- ********* Be backward compatible until 6.4.2 is futher deployed
 -- HS-Source-Dirs:         "."
-Extensions:             MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies
+Extensions:             MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, CPP
 -- GHC-Options:            -Wall -Werror
 GHC-Options:            -Wall -Werror -O2
 -- GHC-Options:            -Wall -ddump-minimal-imports
diff -urwpN regex-base-0.71/Text/Regex/Base/Context.hs ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/Text/Regex/Base/Context.hs
--- regex-base-0.71/Text/Regex/Base/Context.hs	2006-12-05 18:29:02.000000000 +0000
+++ ghc-6.6.1/libraries/regex-base/Text/Regex/Base/Context.hs	2007-04-25 18:24:10.000000000 +0100
@@ -185,9 +185,12 @@ instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext
   match r s = maybe (-1,0) (!0) (matchOnce r s)
   matchM r s = maybe regexFailed (return.(!0)) (matchOnce r s)
+-- overlaps with instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b (Array Int b)
 instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b MatchArray where 
   match r s = maybe nullArray id (matchOnce r s)
   matchM r s = maybe regexFailed return (matchOnce r s)
 instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b (b,MatchText b,b) where 
   match r s = maybe (s,nullArray,empty) id (matchOnceText r s)
@@ -216,21 +219,27 @@ instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext
            , mrMatch = whole
            , mrAfter = post
            , mrSubs = fmap fst ma
-           , mrSubList = tail (map fst subs) })
+           , mrSubList = map fst subs })
 -- ** Instances based on matchAll,matchAllText
+-- overlaps with instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b [Array Int b]
 instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b [MatchArray] where
   match = matchAll
   matchM = nullFail
 instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b [MatchText b] where
   match = matchAllText
   matchM = nullFail
+-- overlaps with instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b [b]
 instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b [(MatchOffset,MatchLength)] where
   match r s = [ ma!0 | ma <- matchAll r s ]
   matchM = nullFail
 instance (RegexLike a b) => RegexContext a b [b] where
   match r s = [ fst (ma!0) | ma <- matchAllText r s ]