# ChangeLog for dev-java/groovy
# Copyright 2000-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/groovy/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2005/12/11 20:31:53 nichoj Exp $

  11 Dec 2005; Joshua Nichols <nichoj@gentoo.org>
  Loosened xerces dependency (bug #115158).

  18 Oct 2005; Thomas Matthijs <axxo@gentoo.org> files/basescript-1.0_beta4,
  Actualy build without previous groovy install, and fixes #55870. Thanks too
  Eivind Tagseth <eivindt-gentoo@multinet.no>

  06 May 2005; Sven Wegener <swegener@gentoo.org>
  Removed * postfix from <, <=, >= and > dependencies.

  20 Jan 2005; Jan Brinkmann <luckyduck@gentoo.org>
  added missing jikes dependency. see #78819.

  05 Jan 2005; Jan Brinkmann <luckyduck@gentoo.org>
  groovy-1.0_beta4-r1.ebuild, groovy-1.0_beta4.ebuild:
  Updated jar-from asm calls to satisfy the new asm-1.4 slot.

  16 Oct 2004; Thomas Matthijs <axxo@gentoo.org> groovy-1.0_beta4-r1.ebuild,
  use java-pkg_dohtml instead of dohtml to also install the package-list in
  case of api docs: #50740

  08 Aug 2004; Stuart Herbert <stuart@gentoo.org> groovy-1.0_beta4-r1.ebuild,
  Changed dep to www-servers/tomcat because of the net-www split

  05 May 2004; Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
  groovy-1.0_beta4-r1.ebuild: Silly oversight, now the groovyConsole
  loads, but there are still some issued about activation, probably
  a dep I forgot.

*groovy-1.0_beta4-r1 (05 May 2004)

  05 May 2004; Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
  groovy-1.0_beta4-r1.ebuild files/basescript-1.0_beta4-r1
  files/build.xml-1.0_beta4-r1 files/digest-groovy-1.0_beta4-r1:
  A slew of fixes. Added CLI scripts. groovyConsole does not work 
  yet, dunno exactly why.

*groovy-1.0_beta4 (03 May 2004)

  03 May 2004; Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
  groovy-1.0_beta4.ebuild: Initial import. Ebuild submitted by myself.