Maya for Linux License Installation Instructions


                              License Overview


*If you are an existing Alias|Wavefront customer, please follow Step A
*If you are a new customer to Alias|Wavefront, please jump directly to Step
*If you have a license and would like to jump directly to License
Installation help click here


       Step A - Download the most recent online License data from the
                        Alias|Wavefront External Web


To obtain license data more recent than the information included on the
software CD, follow these instructions to obtain it from our web site.

  1. Go to the following URL to download the latest encrypted license file
  2. Save the file in a directory of your choice. Remember the location of
     the downloaded file as you will need it in the following instructions.
  3. Log in as root.
  4. Launch the installKey program located in the LicenseMaya directory on
     this CD. To launch the program type:
  5. Use the browse button to the right of the Input file form and specify
     the location of the downloaded Alias|Wavefront license file explained
     above in point #1.
  6. If your organization uses a non-default filename for the license file,
     click the Advanced button to specify the path and filename. The default
     filenames for the license files are:
          /var/flexlm/aw.dat - for node-locked licenses
          /var/flexlm/aw_servername.dat - for floating licenses
  7. Click Install.

     If your license successfully installed, a message appears telling you
     the license was installed. You have completed the licensing portion.
     If your license was not successfully installed and a message appears
     stating no licenses were installed, go to Step B below.


            Step B - Obtaining your license from Alias|Wavefront


To obtain your license, you must send a request to Alias|Wavefront with your
machine information and the products you wish to license. Follow these
instructions for each node-locked or license server machine.

  1. To obtain your license, you must include your computers unique identifier
     number. You obtain this by running the lmhostid command which is installed
     with Maya in the AWCommon-5.3-3 package.

     For Example:

     /usr/aw/COM/bin/lmhostid -ether  

     This will return a line of output something like the following:

     The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is "00c05fa6670f"

    The number between the quotes in the last field is the number that we need.
    In this example that number is 00c05fa6670f for your machine it will be a
    similar but different number. 
  2. On any browser (it does not need to be the same machine), access and complete
     the online SPAR (Software Product Authorization Request) form at:
	Complete the printed SPAR form that comes with your softwares shipment
	and fax it to one of the offices listed on the form. Alias|Wavefront will
	process your request and provide you with the licenses by fax, email or mail
	as specified.

  3. Once you have received your license from Alias|Wavefront, see below for
     instructions on installing your license.


                      License Installation Information


Setting up Node-locked licensing

Before following these instructions, you must have license(s) from A|W to
install into the aw.dat file. The following is an example of a Node-locked

      FEATURE MayaUnltd sgiawd 4.500 permanent uncounted \
             01B0390D2AD3 HOSTID=690c5c73
  1. Login as root
  2. Launch the following executable:
  3. In the installKey Window, cut and paste the License file that you
     received from Alias|Wavefront.
  4. Hit the Install button.
  5. A message window will pop up alerting the user to the status of the
     license installation.


  3. Save the node-locked license that you received via email to a text file
     in a directory of your choice
  4. In the Input File box, browse to the location of the text license file
     and choose the license text file that you created in the preceding
  5. Hit the Install button.
  6. A message window will pop up alerting you to the status of the license

NOTE: By default, the license will be installed in as /var/flexlm/aw.dat .
If your licenses are stored in a different location, click on the Advanced
button and specify the unique output path and file to install the licenses
If the installation was successful, then you are ready to launch the Maya
4.5 software. If it wasn't successful, please read the error message
carefully and email or phone the appropriate site below with the error information:

        In the Americas: or phone: 1-877-927-7478
        For Europe, Middle East and Africa:
             Italy - 0800 780809
             France - 0800 902295
             United Kingdom - 0800 7318923
             Germany - 0800 1827660
             Other countries - +32(0)9 2661234
        For Asia and South Pacific: or phone: 81 3 3470 8282


Setting up Client-Server licensing (Floating licenses)

Before following these instructions, you must have:

   * Licensing Server software and A|W Common tools installed on the system.
   * license(s) from A|W to put into aw_servername.dat file. The following
     is an example floating license file:

          SERVER server 690c5c73 7111
          DAEMON sgiawd /usr/aw/COM/etc/sgiawd

          FEATURE MayaUnltdf sgiawd 4.500 1-jun-2003 1 1A49082BD10D
          FEATURE MayaClothSimf sgiawd 4.500 1-jun-2003 1 704907A37BF3

  1. Login as root
  2. Launch the following executable:
  3. In the installKey Window, cut and paste the License file that you
     received from Alias|Wavefront.
  4. Hit the Install button.
  5. A message window will pop up alerting you to the status of the license


  3. Save the floating license that you received via email to a text file in
     a directory of your choice
  4. In the Input File box, browse to the location of the text license file
     and choose the license text file that you created in the preceding
     NOTE: By default, the license will be installed in
     /var/flexlm/aw_servername.dat (where servername is the name of your
     license server). If your licenses are stored in a different location,
     click on the Advanced button and specify the unique output path and
     file to install the licenses into.
  5. Hit the Install button.
  6. A message window will pop up alerting you to the status of the license
     If the license installation wasn't successful, please read the error
     message carefully and email or phone the appropriate site below with the exact error
     message and any other useful information:

	In the Americas: or phone: 1-877-927-7478
        For Europe, Middle East and Africa:
             Italy - 0800 780809
             France - 0800 902295
             United Kingdom - 0800 7318923
             Germany - 0800 1827660
             Other countries - +32(0)9 2661234
        For Asia and South Pacific: or phone: 81 3 3470 8282

  7. For stopping and starting the server daemon, server diagnostic etc,
     please refer to your Maya Installation book.