----------------------------------COPYRIGHT NOTICE---------------------------------/

  � Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Cedric Notredame  ( Fri Aug 20 12:26:44 MDT 2004). 
  All rights reserved.

  This documents describes the licensing 
  conditions of the T-COFFEE software (Otherwise 
  indicated as the software in the rest of this 
  document) from the Centre National de la Recherche 
  Scientifique (Otherwise indicated as the OWNER
  in the rest of this document).	

  IMPORTANT NOTICE: This software and its associated 
  documentation are the copyright works of the OWNER, 
  which has responsibility for the OWNER intellectual 
  property. Use of the software and documentation is 
  governed by the terms of the Academic Licence Agreement 
  set out below. You will not be able to install the software 
  unless you first agree to those terms. If you accept 
  the terms of the Licence Agreement, proceed with the 
  installation of the software, otherwise abort it. 

  The software and its associated documentation are 
  made available on the following terms, free of charge 
  to academic end-users and solely for the purposes of 
  their own academic research. Commercial or other 
  non-academic use is permitted on the terms of a Commercial 
  Licence Agreement and subject to payment of  agreed charges. 
  Commercial or other non-academic users are not 
  permitted to download from this site, and should 
  contact the author for details of access conditions.

  The OWNER grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable 
  licence to use the software and its associated documentation 
  for academic research purposes. You will not use them 
  for any other purpose.

  You will not sub-license, loan, hire, transfer or 
  otherwise supply the software or its associated documentation 
  or the access password to any other person.

  You will not copy or post the software or its associated 
  documentation to any other computer, computer network or 
  server or broadcast it in any media. You will not copy the
  software or its associated documentation except to the extent 
  required for lawful use or back-up purposes.

  You will not adapt, modify, merge, translate, reverse engineer, 
  decompile or dissassemble the software, except to the extent 
  permitted by applicable law.

  You will hold the contents of the software and its associated 
  documentation in confidence and not disclose any part of it to 
  any other person without the prior written permission
  of the OWNER.

  In any reports or publications you make or contribute to based 
  on your use of the software, you will acknowledge the contribution 
  of the OWNER.

  The software, its associated documentation and the copyright in them 
  belong exclusively to the OWNER and all rights in them are reserved to 
  the OWNER except as expressly provided in this Licence Agreement.

  The software its associated documentation are supplied "AS IS" 
  for experimental purposes and at your own risk. The OWNER makes no 
  warranty and gives no undertaking as to the quality, merchantability 
  or fitness for purpose of the software, its correspondence with any 
  description, the OWNER's title to the software, that the software its 
  associated documentation is free from error or defect, or has been 
  developed with reasonable care or skill, or that its use will not 
  infringe any copyright, patent, trade mark or other third party 
  rights, and all terms implied by law are excluded to the fullest 
  extent permitted by law.

  The OWNER will have no liability to you, whether in contract, tort 
  or otherwise, in relation to the use of the software or its associated 
  documentation, for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect, special 
  or consequential, except in the case of death or personal injury caused 
  by the OWNER negligence, and all such liability is excluded to the greatest 
  extent permitted by applicable law.

  The licence granted under this Licence Agreement will terminate if you 
  destroy the software. The OWNER reserves the right to terminate the licence 
  in the event of a breach by you of any of the terms of this Licence Agreement. 
  This Licence Agreement is governed by French law and subject to the jurisdiction 
  of the French courts. 

----------------------------------COPYRIGHT NOTICE---------------------------------/