# ChangeLog for media-libs/libtxc_dxtn # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/libtxc_dxtn/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2012/03/09 18:39:32 mgorny Exp $ 09 Mar 2012; Michał Górny libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1.ebuild: Remove pointless no-op find call. Please learn to read comments on bugs first, and test your very stupid changes before committing. 09 Mar 2012; Tomáš Chvátal libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1.ebuild: Stable 1.0.1 on both amd64 and x86 as it does what it should. 25 Aug 2011; Matt Turner libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1.ebuild: Remove fetch restriction. *libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1 (23 Aug 2011) 23 Aug 2011; Matt Turner +libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Add libtxc_dxtn to portage, bug 65607