# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/lastfmplayer/lastfmplayer-,v 1.3 2006/08/05 17:35:45 genstef Exp $ inherit eutils subversion versionator DESCRIPTION="The Last.fm player allows you to listen to their internet radio which is tailored to your music profile" HOMEPAGE="http://www.last.fm/help/player" SRC_URI="" ESVN_REPO_URI="svn://svn.audioscrobbler.net/LastFM_client/trunk" ESVN_OPTIONS="--revision ${PV#*_p}" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" IUSE="debug" DEPEND="=x11-libs/qt-4*" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" pkg_setup() { if ! built_with_use x11-libs/qt gif png ; then eerror "It appears that qt was compiled without the gif or png USE flag" eerror eerror "In order to work, you need to enable these USE flag(s)" eerror "To do this, run the following in a command window:" eerror "echo \"x11-libs/qt gif png\" >> /etc/portage/package.use" eerror "and recompile qt using \"emerge -avN1 qt\"" die "no gif or png support in qt" fi if use debug && ! built_with_use x11-libs/qt debug ; then eerror "In order to use debug, you need to compile Qt 4" eerror "with debug USE flag." fi } src_compile() { if use debug ; then qmake CONFIG+=debug || die "qmake failed" else qmake CONFIG-=debug QMAKE_TARGET=LastFM || die "qmake failed" fi emake qmake_all || die "emake qmake_all failed" epatch ${FILESDIR}/lastfmplayer-amd64.patch emake || die "emake failed" } src_install() { # Docs dodoc ChangeLog HACKING README TODO # The root at which the player, data, and cache # are to be installed local destination="/opt/lastfm" cd bin #Bin name if ! use debug ; then MY_B=LastFM else MY_B=LastFM_debug fi # Install the player exeinto ${destination} doexe ${MY_B} # Install libraries and symlinks v=( $(get_version_components ) ) base=libLastFMTools.so one=${base}.${v[0]} two=${one}.${v[1]} three=${two}.${v[2]} dosym ${three} ${destination}/${two} dosym ${two} ${destination}/${one} dosym ${one} ${destination}/${base} insinto ${destination} doins -r data extensions services ${three} # Make a folder such that album art cache works diropts -m0775 -g audio dodir ${destination}/cache keepdir ${destination}/cache # Icon, menu, protcol make_wrapper lastfm ./${MY_B} ${destination} ${destination} newicon data/icon.png lastfm.png make_desktop_entry lastfm "Last.fm Player" lastfm.png insinto /usr/share/services doins ${FILESDIR}/lastfm.protocol } pkg_postinst() { einfo "In order to use the Last.fm player with your mozilla based browser," einfo "You must follow these steps:" einfo " 1. Go to \"about:config\" using the location bar" einfo " 2. Right-click on the page. Select \"New\" and then \"String\"" einfo " 3. Type in the name field: \"network.protocol-handler.app.lastfm\"" einfo " 4. Type in the value field: \"/usr/bin/lastfm\"" einfo einfo "If you experiance awkward fonts or widgets, you may consider" einfo "running \"qtconfig\" and change the settings" einfo einfo "To configure a browser you need to add something like" einfo "\"Browser=/usr/bin/firefox\" under [general] in ~/.config/last.fm/player.ini" }