media-tv proxy-maintainers Gentoo VDR Project Use alternate channel on record fribid support, for languages, written from right to left remove duplicate EPG entries controls video-dir choice on recording support for grapftft plugin up from vdr-graphtft-0.1.7 Install HTML documentation Enables automatic jumping over cut marks while watching a recording skip seconds in played records Allows to replace main menu entries by some special plugins (like epgsearch, extrecmenu, ...) Enables support for the menuorg-plugin Removes NALU fill data from h.264-Streams of TS files permanent timeshift by recording live TV on hard disk, need plugin vdr-permashift permanent timeshift by recording live TV on RAM, need plugin >=vdr-permashift-1 Support for pin plugin Enable support for plugin vdr-rotor for dish-positioner. Enable support for the plugin vdr-setup support for ttxtsubs plugin replacement for the liemikuutio patch, adds some nice must haves features Replace original icon set in menu Enables support for the plugin vdr-yaepg