# Copyright 1999-2001 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Author Grant Goodyear <g2boojum@gentoo.org> # /home/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/skel.build,v 1.7 2001/08/25 21:15:08 chadh Exp S=${WORKDIR}/${P} DESCRIPTION="Fax and Voice modem programs." SRC_URI="ftp://alpha.greenie.net/pub/mgetty/source/1.1/${PN}${PV}-Apr16.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://alpha.greenie.net/mgetty" DEPEND="sys-libs/glibc app-text/tetex sys-apps/gawk sys-devel/perl" src_compile() { cd doc patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/mgetty-${PV}-gentoo.diff cd .. sed -e 's/var\/log\/mgetty/var\/log\/mgetty\/mgetty/' policy.h-dist > policy.h emake || die cd voice emake || die cd .. } src_install () { #you must *personally verify* that this trick doesn't install #anything outside of DESTDIR; do this by reading and understanding #the install part of the Makefiles. Also note that this will often #also work for autoconf stuff (usually much more often than DESTDIR, #which is actually quite rare. dodir /var/spool dodir /usr/share/info make prefix=${D}/usr INFODIR=${D}/usr/share CONFDIR=${D}/etc/mgetty+sendfax spool=${D}/var/spool install || die cd voice make prefix=${D}/usr spool=${D}/var/spool install || die #make DESTDIR=${D} install || die #again, verify the Makefiles! We don't want anything falling outside #of ${D}. }