# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-irc/anope/anope-1.7.17.ebuild,v 1.2 2006/11/23 17:26:15 vivo Exp $

inherit eutils

DESCRIPTION="Anope IRC Services"


DEPEND="mysql? ( virtual/mysql )"


pkg_setup() {
	enewgroup anope
	enewuser anope -1 -1 ${INSTALL_DIR} anope

src_compile() {
	local myconf
	if ! use mysql; then
		myconf="${myconf} --without-mysql"
	#Threads cant be disabled currently
	#if ! use threads; then
	#	myconf="${myconf} --without-threads"

	epatch ${FILESDIR}/pid-patch.diff

	econf \
		${myconf} \
		--bindir ${INSTALL_DIR} \
		--with-bindir=${INSTALL_DIR} \
		--with-datadir=${INSTALL_DIR}/data \
		--with-modules=${INSTALL_DIR}/modules \
		--with-encryption \
		--with-rungroup=anope \
		--with-permissions=077 \
	|| die "Configuration failed."

	sed -i -e "/^build:/s:$: language:g" "${S}"/Makefile || die "sed failed"

	emake || die "Make failed."

src_install() {
	dodir ${INSTALL_DIR}
	dodir ${INSTALL_DIR}/data
	dodir ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/logs
	dodir ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages
	dodir ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/modules
	dodir ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/modules/runtime
	dodir ${INSTALL_DIR}/modules

	dodir /var/run/anope
	fowners anope:anope /var/run/anope
	keepdir /var/run/anope

	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/logs
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/modules
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/modules/runtime
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/modules

	exeinto ${INSTALL_DIR}
	doexe src/services
	insinto ${INSTALL_DIR}/data
	newins data/example.conf services.conf

	exeinto /etc/init.d
	newexe ${FILESDIR}/anope.initd anope
	insinto /etc/conf.d
	newins ${FILESDIR}/anope.confd anope

	insinto ${INSTALL_DIR}/modules
	doins src/modules/*.so

	keepdir ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/logs

	insinto ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages
	doins lang/cat
	doins lang/de
	doins lang/en_us
	doins lang/es
	doins lang/fr
	doins lang/gr
	doins lang/hun
	doins lang/it
	doins lang/nl
	doins lang/pl
	doins lang/pt
	doins lang/ru
	doins lang/tr

	keepdir ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/modules/runtime

	insinto ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/modules
	doins src/protocol/*.so
	doins src/core/*.so

	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/services
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/services.conf
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/cat
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/de
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/en_us
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/fr
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/gr
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/hun
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/it
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/nl
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/pl
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/pt
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/ru
	fowners anope:anope ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/languages/tr

	dodoc Changes Changes.conf Changes.lang Changes.mysql docs/*

pkg_postinst() {
	ewarn "Anope won't run out of the box, you still have to configure it to match your IRCDs configuration."
	ewarn "Edit ${INSTALL_DIR}/data/services.conf to configure Anope."
	ewarn "!!! ATTENTION !!!"
	ewarn "If you had used 1.7.15 before, be sure to read Changes.mysql to update your MySQL"
	ewarn "tables or anope will break after restart"
	ewarn "!!! ATTENTION !!!"