# ChangeLog for net-misc/asterisk-oh323 # Copyright 2000-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/asterisk-oh323/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2005/05/10 12:49:37 dholm Exp $ 10 May 2005; David Holm asterisk-oh323-0.6.5.ebuild: Added to ~ppc. *asterisk-oh323-0.6.5 (10 Mar 2005) 10 Mar 2005; Stefan Knoblich +files/asterisk-oh323-0.6.5-Makefile.patch, +asterisk-oh323-0.6.5.ebuild: New version. Using openh323 and pwlib headers in /usr/include from now on. Debug use-flag enables Wraptracing if needed. *asterisk-oh323-0.5.10 (12 Mar 2004) 12 Mar 2004; Stefan Knoblich asterisk-oh323-0.5.10.ebuild, asterisk-oh323-0.5.9.ebuild, files/asterisk-oh323-0.5.10-Makefile.patch, files/asterisk-oh323-0.5.10-asterisk-driver-Makefile.patch: version bump and some fixes for the new openh323 release. old blocks now with new openh323 installed (won't compile...) *asterisk-oh323-0.5.9 (19 Feb 2004) 19 Feb 2004; Stefan Knoblich asterisk-oh323-0.5.9.ebuild, metadata.xml, files/asterisk-oh323-0.5.9-Makefile.patch, files/asterisk-oh323-0.5.9-asterisk-driver-Makefile.patch: Initial import. Ebuild submitted by Russell Cloran