# ChangeLog for net-misc/hylafax # Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/hylafax/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2003/02/12 08:24:03 vapier Exp $ 06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees <manson@gentoo.org> : changed sparc ~sparc keywords *hylafax-4.1.5 (25 Oct 2002) 09 Dec 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.5.ebuild : Marked stable. 25 Oct 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.5.ebuild, files/digest-hylafax-4.1.5 : Version bump. See http://www.hylafax.org/4.1.5.html for release info. Most notably, an important issue with faxgetty has been resolved. Also changed the ebuild to correct the install location of html docs. Currently marked unstable. *hylafax-4.1.3 (12 Aug 2002) 11 Sep 2002; Nick hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.3.ebuild : Updated small typo 27 Aug 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.3.ebuild : Added fixes to address bug #7058. Cleaned up the ebuild formatting. Corrected license to be freedist. 15 Aug 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.3.ebuild : Added /etc/init.d/hylafax permissions fix. 12 Aug 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.3.ebuild, files/digest-hylafax-4.1.3 : Version bump. I have removed previous patches from the ebuild temporarily until I can figure out which patches are still needed. Taken from the release notes: 4.1.3 includes fixes for a remote format string vulnerability which could be abused in a denial of service attack. Also fixed is a buffer overflow condition when receiving fax image data which potentially could be exploited to execute arbitrary code as root. Also present in 4.1.3 are fixes for several other local remote format string vulnerabilities which, in some installations, could lead to elevated privileges by abuse. Everyone is advised to upgrade. *hylafax-4.1.2-r1 (24 Apr 2002) 13 Aug 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.2-r1.ebuild ; Added "insopts -m 755" so /etc/init.d/hylafax installs with correct permissions. 06 Jul 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.2-r1.ebuild : Added KEYWORDS, LICENSE, SLOT. 24 Apr 2002; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.2-r1.ebuild files/hylafax-4.1.2-r1-gentoo-diffs.tar.bz2 files/digest-hylafax-4.1.2-r1 : Lee Howard <faxguy@deanox.com> from the hylafax-users mailing list informed me that drobbins' patch to make the configure script work with sed-3.02.80 (as posted on hylafax's bugzilla by g2boojum) was a tad incomplete. He graciously completed it et voila! successful emerge without having to compile a static sed-3.02 :) Many thanks to him. *hylafax-4.1.2 (23 Apr 2002) 06 Jul 2002; phoen][x <phoenix@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.2.ebuild : Added KEYWORDS, LICENSE, SLOT. 23 Apr 2002; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> hylafax-4.1.2.ebuild files/hylafax-4.1.2-gentoo-diffs.tar.bz2 files/digest-hylafax-4.1.2 : Updated to newest stable release. This is a pain to build because it requires a lower GNU/sed version than we have in portage. So, GNU/sed-3.02 is fetched and built statically, so that it can be used to configure hylafax. The other patches are taken from Mandrake's srpm for 4.1.1, but seems to work well with this. *hylafax-cvs-000614-r1 (1 Feb 2002) 1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <gbevin@gentoo.org> ChangeLog : Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you can find in the root directory of the portage repository.