# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/package.mask,v 1.4009 2005/05/25 11:58:31 ka0ttic Exp $
# When you add an entry to this file, add your name, the date, and an
# explanation of why something is getting masked
# NOTE: Please add your entry at the top!

##  This is an example
# <bangert@gentoo.org> (28 Jun 2002)
# psypete says these are broken and i am using the
# opporturnity to test the masking style :)
# <bangert@gentoo.org> (28 Jun 2002)
# psypete says these are not really broken - its just
# the v4l stuff that does not work
##   End example

# Joe Sapp <nixphoeni@gentoo.org> (22 May 2005)
# Removing old desklets that use deprecated functionality.
# Old -core's are also scheduled to be removed
# these breaks deps.  Work with arch teams to fix that first (mr_bones_)

# Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@gentoo.org> (22 May 2005)
# Migration from Turck MMCache to eAccelerator,
# see bug #82670.

# Luca Barbato <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (22 May 2005)
# Special version, masked since doesn't work standard systems.

# Sven Wegener <swegener@gentoo.org> (19 May 2005)
# Development version, I'm having bad experience with the built-in recode functions.

# Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> (19 May 2005)
# Masking the new monodevelop and it's couple new deps.

# Marinus Schraal <foser@gentoo.org> (19 May 2005)
# Obsoleted pack (#93171), up for removal

# Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> (18 May 2005)
# Masking all 2.5* gtk-sharp release, which is the preview
# of the gtk-sharp-2.0 stuff.

# Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org> (18 May 2005)
# This ebuild is totally broken, but I have not had time to look into the issue.
# I am adding it here so I can get some assistance on it.

# Saleem Abdulrasool <compnerd@gentoo.org> (27 May 2005)
# This is the shiny new Netbeans 4.0 ebuild! Its built
# from source for the first time and just want to make
# sure it doesnt break on anyones box.  It most likely
# will be unmasked in a week.

# Robin Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> (17 May 2005)
# This new 4.0 series ebuild is similar to the 4.1 series stuff, 
# so provides an easier testing ground for many of the features.

# Elfyn McBratney <beu@gentoo.org> (15 May 2005)
# Needs a bit of testing before it goes straight to stable.

# Sven Wegener <swegener@gentoo.org> (15 May 2005)
# Masked for preparing the irssi-cvs to irssi-svn move

# Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> (14 May 2005)
# Masked for testing with eclectic. Subject to major changes.

# Carsten Lohrke <carlo@gentoo.org< (12 May 2005)
# early bird stuff

# Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> (11 May 2005)
# Masked and scheduled for removal. Won't be removed before new versions hit
# the the tree

# Jory A. Pratt <anarchy@penguin-geek.com> (09 May 2005)
# masked until -fPIC is on libs only

# Masatomo Nakano <nakano@gentoo.org> (08 May 2005)
# Masked for testing with new libpq package.

# Doug Goldstein <cardoe@gentoo.org> (08 May 2005)
# Masked cause it needs to get out of the tree
# it stanks so bad it makes me want to gag

# Marcelo Goes <vanquirius@gentoo.org> (08 May 2005)
# Masked for testing

# Masatomo Nakano <nakano@gentoo.org> (08 May 2005)
# Masked for testing.

# Tony Vroon <chainsaw@gentoo.org> (08 May 2005)
# Unversioned perlscript, unresponsive upstream. Pending removal from the tree.

# Ryan Phillips <rphillips@gentoo.org> (07 May 2005)
# New fox layout.  In testing

# Henrik Brix Andersen <brix@gentoo.org (07 May 2005)

# sys-power/speedfreq is deprecated in favor of sys-power/cpufreqd due
# to unresolved bugs and lack of upstream activity.

# Sven Wegener <swegener@gentoo.org> (05 May 2005)
# Development versions, without this mask users will not get the upstream
# stable ~arch version by default, which means we can't mark it stable because
# it's not tested. If you want it, please unmask.

# Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org> (04 May 2005)
# need upstream release to fix security issue #91421

# Jeremy Huddleston <eradicator@gentoo.org> (04 May 2005)
# regression testing

# Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <pclouds@gentoo.org> (04 May 2005)
# it breaks sandbox/portage

# Elfyn McBratney <beu@gentoo.org> (03 May 2005)
# New package, needs testing, might break.

# Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> (02 May 2005)
# Masking as it is broken against newer wine versions,
# and completely abandoned upstream

# Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org> (1 May 2005)
# GNOME 2.10 mask

# Elfyn McBratney <beu@gentoo.org> (28 Apr 2005)
# Masked for testing.

# Elfyn McBratney <beu@gentoo.org> (27 Apr 2005)
# Security mask, see bug #88926.

# Diego Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> (27 April 2005)
# Transcode 1.0.0 is still in beta, masking until final is released.

# Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org> (26 April 2005)
# CVS is still broken :( Masking till I'm sure it's fixed.

# Fernando J. Pereda <ferdy@gentoo.org> (25 April 2005)
# mask these until the new mailwrapper/mailer-config scheme is ready
# it is secure to unmask them to test

# Martin Schlemmer <azarah@gentoo.org> (23 Apr 2005)
# Testing release for gcc-4.0.0.

# Martin Schlemmer <azarah@gentoo.org> (23 Apr 2005)
# This is one bad puppy - unresolved symbols all over the place.  Builds
# glibc fine, but screws up silently not building mtrace, etc.  If you need
# a later binutils for gcc-4.0.0, please use binutils-2.15.97.

# Rob Cakebread <pythonhead@gentoo.org> (22 Apr 2005)
# Versions in portage no longer supported. Abeni 1.0 will be in portage soon after wxGTK-2.6.0

# Alin Nastac <mrness@gentoo.org> (21 Apr 2005)
# viruses are filtered only on the first request of the URL (bug #89948)

# Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> (21 Apr 2005)
# Initial testing of new boinc ebuilds

# Jan Brinkmann <luckyduck@gentoo.org> (21 Apr 2005)
# missing dependencies, see #89893

# John N. Laliberte <allanonjl@gentoo.org> (21 Apr 2005)
# Masked because some deps are masked for gnome 2.10

# Torsten Veller <tove@gentoo.org> (21 Apr 2005)
# pre-relase snapshot - alpha version

# Mamoru KOMACHI <usata@gentoo.org>
# No fix available for bug #87906

# Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org> 
# CVS HEAD snapshots

# Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org> (17 Apr 2005)
# Site is dead.

# Konstantin Arkhipov <voxus@gentoo.org> (15 Apr 2005)
# Masked until arrival of userland tools. At least.

# Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org> 
# Testing, and still might be adding a bunch of stuff.

# Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> (11 Apr 2005)
# Masked as a new cairo innevitably breaks cairo using apps

# <trapni@gentoo.org> (10 Apr 2005)
# Before adding for testing ;)

# Jeremy Huddleston <eradicator@gentoo.org> (09 Apr 2005)
# Hangs in setup.sh sometimes...

# Gustavo Felisberto <humpback@gentoo.org> (08 April 2005)
# Initial import to give users chance to test

# Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> (07 April 2005)
# Doesn't build anymore. Asked maintainer to fix or remove it.

# Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> (07 April 2005)
# Mask for testing -- mit-krb5-1.4 needs work

# Carsten Lohrke <carlo@gentoo.org> (07 April 2005)
# Mask development versions.

# Gustavo Zacarias <gustavoz@gentoo.org> (04 Apr 2005)
# Needs python 2.4

# <axxo@gentoo.org> (03 Apr 2005)
# broken

# <axxo@gentoo.org> (03 Apr 2005)
# pritty sure some of the upgrade paths are broken

# Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> (02 Apr 2005)
# Masking the new muine until gtk-sharp-1.9* and friends are out of package.mask

# Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> (31 Mar 2005)
# Masking the new monodevelop and it's couple new deps.

# Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> (31 Mar 2005)
# Masking all 1.9* gtk-sharp release, which is the preview
# of the gtk-sharp-2.0 stuff.

# Andreas Proschofsky <suka@gentoo.org> (30 Mar 2005)
# Pre-Release, use on your own risk

# Jon Portnoy <avenj@gentoo.org> (29 Mar 2005)
# 2.21 introduces more severe bugs than it fixes. See bug 87091.

# Konstantin Arkhipov <voxus@gentoo.org> (26 Mar 2005)
# masked for heavy testing

# Luca Barbato <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (22 March 2005)
# Experimental ebuild

# Rob Holland <tigger@gentoo.org> (21 March 2005)
# marked due to bad code #84659

# Aaron Walker <ka0ttic@gentoo.org> (18 Mar 2005)
# buffer overflows galore; pending removal.

# Chris White <chriswhite@gentoo.org> (17 Mar 2005)
# Security mask bug #82631

# Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@gentoo.org> (14 Mar 2005)
# Needs more testing.

# Stuart Herbert <stuart@gentoo.org> (12th march 2005)
# automatically activates ZTS mode when any threaded MPMs are installed,
# even if mpm_prefork is the default

# Otavio R. Piske <angusyoung@gentoo.org> (11 Mar 2005)
# New ebuild that needs more testing.

# Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org> (10 Mar 2005)
# For baselayout-1.12, alpha/beta signify baselayout developers only;
# rc signifies ~arch; 1.12.0 release will signify ~arch candidate for quick
# stable.

# Aaron Walker <ka0ttic@gentoo.org> (09 Mar 2005)
# Depends on python-2.4.

# Alastair Tse <liquidx@gentoo.org> (09 Mar 2005)
# Unsupported upstream, superceded by qc-usb.

# Joe McCann <joem@gentoo.org> (30 April 2005)
#Gnome-2.10.1 mask
#evolution mask
#accessibility pkgs
#End of gnome-2.10 mask

# Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@gentoo.org> (05 Mar 2005)
# Segfaults on module shutdown.

# solar <solar@gentoo> (01 Mar 2005)
# security masked by request of bug #79720

# Jeremy Huddleston <eradicator@gentoo.org> (01 Mar 2005)
# Still in development.  Doesn't work right.  I know it doesn't work right.  Don't use it.  Also, it triggers a sandbox bug.

# Paul de Vrieze <pauldv@gentoo.org> (27 Feb 2005)
# This whole module should be deleted. It overlaps subversion

# Masatomo Nakano <nakano@gentoo.org> (27 Feb 2005)
# Tihs package is conflict with postgresql at the moment
# and waiting on implementing virtual/postgresql.

# Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@gentoo.org> (24 Feb 2005)
# Masked due to vulnerabilities and upstream being dead
# Bug #81634

# Gregorio Guidi <greg_g@gentoo.org> (21 Feb 2005)
# Needs testing.

# <solar@gentoo> (18 Feb 2005)
# All version below 1.3.17 have exploitable format string problems. The 
# bidwatcher package lacks a maintainer and metadata and will most 
# likely be punted from the tree. Bug #82460 (CAN-2005-0158)

# Matthew Kennedy <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2005)
# moving to bese-2004@common-lisp.net/arnesi--dev--1.2 patch scheme

# foser <foser@gentoo.org> (14 Feb 2005)
# unmaintained (#82037)

# <robbat2@gentoo.org> (14 Feb 2005)
# progsreiserfs does bad things when modifying reiserfs partitions but is the
# only API with read operations, so we need to keep it.  the latest rc version
# is the most stable of the lot, but still don't trust it's write ops!

# <pylon@gentoo.org> (13 Feb 2005)
# From website: "We know that 0.4.x is a bit buggy on trades :), for people who
# wish to play a stable game, please use 0.3.2"

# <genone@gentoo.org> (25 Aug 2004)
# Version including CVS snapshots for gtk2 support, masked until
# it proofs itself usable (modified 13 Feb 2005).
# <genone@gentoo.org> (13 Feb 2005)
# Plugins for gtk2 version.

# Ned Ludd <security@gentoo> (13 Feb 2005)
# Masked by request of the security team. bug 79704

# Matthew Kennedy <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (10 Feb 2005)
# Masked while waiting on apache module refresh

# Tavis Ormandy <taviso@gentoo.org> (9 Feb 2005)
# Masked pending security audit.

# Matthew Kennedy <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (8 Feb 2005)
# To many incorrect type assertions made to make the port viable for now.

# Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org> (07 Feb 2005)
# Mask offlineimap testing versions

# <trapni@gentoo.org> (4 Feb 2005)
# Apache herd package refresh
# These ebuilds are incompatible with new apache and related ebuilds.
# See Meta-bug #76457.

# Mike Doty <kingtaco@gentoo.org> (4 Feb 2005)
# masking due to replacment by media-video/spca5xx. due for
# removal from tree after 1 May 2005.

#Gustavo Felisberto <humpback@gentoo.org> (4 Feb 2005)
#Masked for user testing

# Brad Cowan <bcowan@gentoo.org> (04 Feb 2005)
# masking until upstream fixes .so problem

# Matthew Kennedy <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (2 Feb 2005)
# Uncertain upstream; Needs work for apache-modules eclass; mod_webapp needs to
# be broken out of it

# Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> (02 Feb 2005)
# broken... doesn't even query the LDAP server

# Paul de Vrieze <pauldv@gentoo.org> (02 Feb 2005)
# Masked for testing dependend packages

# Sven Wegener <swegener@gentoo.org> (30 Jan 2005)
# Major changes, needs some more testing

# Jeremy Huddleston <eradicator@gentoo.org> (28 Jan 2004)
# Added alpha 4.0 gcc by request for testing.  It is not ready for prime time,
# so if you use it and it breaks your system it's your fault.

# <xmerlin@gentoo.org> (27 Jan 2005)
# Masked for a memory corruption bug

# <dragonheart@gentoo.org> (25 Jan 2005)
# Apache herd package refresh
# Masked for user testing. bug #77781 Meta-bug #76457

# nagios-*2 is still beta

# <compnerd@gentoo.org> (24 Jan 2005)
# Masked as it has security holes. We (Java Herd) recommend that you use
# sun-jdk instead of this deprecated package.  This will be removed unless
# someone wishes to touch this (it has an evil license btw). (bug #78854)

# Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org> (22 Jan 2005)
# Segfaulting all over the place, pending tests with gtk2 version

# Christian Parpart <trapni@gentoo.org> (21 Jan 2005)
# mod_auth_mysql changes versioning scheme from YYMMDD to usual version numbers.

# <kosmikus@gentoo.org> (19 Jan 2005)
# several compilation problems using current gcc's,
# for example #73367

# <vapier@gentoo.org> (16 Jan 2005)
# dropbear-0.44 doesnt seem to want to let people login #78295

# <plasmaroo@gentoo.org> (16 Jan 2005)
# Live CVS build, masking to keep the bunny rabbits happy.

# <dragonheart@gentoo.org> (16 Jan 2005)
# spurious SEGV

# <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (14 Jan 2005)
# Cinelerra is too broken to be fixed

# <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (Jan 12 2005)
# no longer needed for the time being; use app-emacs/slime instead
# app-emacs/slime-cvs

# <fafhrd@gentoo.org> (10 Jan 2005)
# Masking version that needs to be removed soon;
# Newer version was released soon after to correct major bugs.

# <ribosome@gentoo.org> (09 Jan 2005)
# Beta release

# <solar@gentoo> (07 Jan 2005)
# Masked for security reasons. Requested by <koon@gentoo>. Upstream 
# appears to be dead / not responding to emails. So this package is 
# now marked as removal pending. See bug #74703 for more details.

# <battousai@gentoo.org> (03 May 2005)
# Also apply to new -core version.
# <battousai@gentoo.org> (06 Jan 2005)
# Needs testing before release.

# <pythonhead@gentoo.org> (04 Jan 2005)
# Masked for testing.

# <hansmi@gentoo.org> (02 Jan 2005)
# Masked for testing

# <chriswhite@gentoo.org> (30 Dec 2004)
# Junkie being masked per security bug #74696

# <gmsoft@gentoo.org> (27 Dec 2004)
# Masking 2.4 kernel sources on hppa.
# 2.4 is no more supported upstream.

# <trapni@gentoo.org> (18 Dec 2004)
# Contains a security vulnerability. See #74272.

# <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (14 Dec 2004)
# Masked pending removal

# <danarmak@gentoo.org> (11 Dec 2004)
# Considered broken by upstream; future to be decided

# <genone@gentoo.org> (08 Dec 2004)
# app-portage pre-christmas cleaning, these packages are unmaintained upstream
# and have open bugs

# <dragonheart@gentoo.org> (04 Dec 2004)
# Bug #70529 indicates problems with configuration file reading

# <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (02 Dec 2004)
# Masking since this version is broken

# <phosphan@gentoo.org> (2/12/2004)
# Masking for security reasons, see bug #68712

# <nakano@gentoo.org> (28 Nov 2004)
# bincima-1.3* are beta versions for testing purposes, 
# probably very unstable.

# <ciaranm@gentoo.org> (28 Nov 2004)
# vim7 is still under heavy development

# <klieber@gentoo.org> (26 Nov 2004)
# The following packages contains a security vulnerability and has been
# hard masked accordingly.
# Please see http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70666 for more info
# You may unmask this package by placing an appropriate entry in your
# /etc/portage/package.unmask file

# <chriswhite@gentoo.org> (25 Nov 2004)
# media-video/bcast who commited this!?
# better yet, who marked it stable!
# masking because it's just plain broken.

# <robbat2@gentoo.org> (17 Nov 2004)
# Masking for testing

# <usata@gentoo.org> (15 Nov 2004)
# need to fix bug #71366

# <pythonhead@gentoo.org (13 Nov 2004)
# 2.6.0 is now in portage but will remove this soon as deps in other ebuilds are fixed

# <danarmak@gentoo.org> (23 Oct 2004)
# Experimental package for plugin separate from main qt ebuild
# masked until considered official; atm it would overwrite the same plugin as installed
# by x11-lib/qt

# <foser@gentoo.org> (22 Oct 2004)
# no good release #68514 & #68034

# <hansmi@gentoo.org> (19 Oct 2004)
# Masked all ebuilds of xeasyconf, because there is no stable
# xfree-ebuild anymore and xeasyconf depends on XFree86.

# <liquidx@gentoo.org> (16 Oct 2004)
# Deprecate old unsupported gphoto-0.4.3. use gphoto2.

# <foser@gentoo.org> (13 Oct 2004)
# masks to make gnome 2.8 behave

# <latexer@gentoo.org> (11 Oct 2004)
# Broken, soon to be removed pending reworking.
# Related ebuilds that depped on config-kernel

# <axxo@gentoo.org> (07 Oct 2004)
# work in progress

# Heinrich Wendel <lanius@gentoo.org> (29 Sep 2004)
# This Swig version breaks a lot of stuff, since it doesn't
# provide the runtime libraries

# Robert Coie <rac@gentoo.org> (28 Sep 2004)
# FEATURES=maketest is still dodgy, and even when I got the whole
# shebang to actually build and install, it was segfaulting on me, so
# there are some deep-seated issues here.  The Mason ebuild will go
# in, but without the apache2 USE.  Also must decide whether or not to
# depend on ApacheHandler2.

# ticho@gentoo.org 25 Sep 2004
# Masking hotwayd-0.8, because it's been reported to corrupt emails (bug #58531). Package currently seems unmaintained.

# Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org> (23 Sep 2004)
# upstream is unstable

# <chriswhite@gentoo.org> (25 Aug 2004)
# alpha version, seems ok to ~arch, but just to be safe..

# <carlo@gentoo.org> (23 Aug 2004)
# upstream development suspended
# package can be removed in a few months

# <agriffis@gentoo.org> (19 Aug 2004)
# Masking because this package is not ready for prime, but want it in
# portage for better observation (and users are clamoring)

# <agriffis@gentoo.org> (18 Aug 2004)
# Masking due to security issues that will never be solved since there
# are no new versions forthcoming, bug 56109

# <squinky86@gentoo.org> (17 Aug 2004)
# Masked by request of upstream developers.

# <pfeifer@gentoo.org> (12 Aug 2004)
# Masked for following ebuilds for testing:

# <latexer@gentoo.org> (11 Aug 2004)
# This is broken with recent mono releases. Waiting on a new upstream release

# <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (8 Aug 2004)
# won't build for now

# <twp@gentoo.org> (6 Aug 2004)
# Masked until linking problems are solved

# <robbat2@gentoo.org> (19 July 2004)
# Mask because it seems broken.

# <esammer@gentoo.org> (18 July 2004)
# Mysql 4.1.3 changed the number of arguments to shutdown breaking
# this module. This version of the perl module should work, but is
# super-untested and is, therefore, masked.

# <usata@gentoo.org> (2 July 2004)
# emacs-unicode-2 branch is not stable and SLOT support for emacs
# is incomplete. info directory handling should be reconsidered.

# <kanaka@gentoo.org> (18 May 2004)
# these have fetch restrictions, since doesn't have fetch
# restrictions, I have masked these.

# <squinky86@gentoo.org> (01 May 2004)
# accessibility testing for development purposes

# <obz@gentoo.org> (11 Dec 2004)
# gnome meta update tracker for 2.8.2 and 2.8.3

# <klasikahl@gentoo.org> (09 Apr 2004)
# Still in the testing phase.
# Just changed the package name, so I'm fixing the line up.

# <humpback@gentoo.org> (07 Apr 2004)
# these are here waiting for jabberd2

# <klieber@gentoo.org> (01 Apr 2004)
# The following packages contain a remotely-exploitable
# security vulnerability and have been hard masked accordingly.
# Please see http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44351 for more info
# You may unmask this package by placing an appropriate entry in your
# /etc/portage/package.unmask file

# <humpback@gentoo.org> (28 Mar 2004)
# Needs some more testing

# <raker@gentoo.org> (18 Mar 2004)
# The latest AfterStep beta is broken :(

# <aliz@gentoo.org> (17 Mar 2004)
# Security related

# <rajiv@gentoo.org> (03 Mar 2004)
# security problems. see bug #43658.

# <weeve@gentoo.org> (02 Mar 2004)
# mask slib-3.1.1 until gnucash can get a fix for it

# <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2004)
# gcloop support, to be tested a bit

# <absinthe@gentoo.org> (17 Feb 2004)
# major API changes; not compatible with anything yet

# <genone@gentoo.org> (12 Feb 2004)
# masking stuff that depends on realplayer as it breaks the dependency chain
# with realplayer being masked.

# <solar@gentoo> (06 Feb 2004)
# RealOne/RealPlayer 8 vulnerabilities bug #40469

# <george@gentoo.org> (03 Feb 2004)
# blas dependants, will have to be unmasked after virtual is finalized and blas is unmasked

# <battousai@gentoo.org> (24 Dec 2004)
# unmask 4.4.0+, working with xorg. merry x-mas
# <spyderous@gentoo.org> (16 Sept 2004)
# change from -r7 to xorg -- -r7 was a security release, xfree is deprecated
# <spyderous@gentoo.org> (14 Feb 2004)
# change from -r5 to -r6 -- -r5 was another security release (sigh)
# <spyderous@gentoo.org> (12 Feb 2004)
# change from -r4 to -r5 -- -r4 was security release
# <battousai@gentoo.org> (13 Jan 2004)
# needs testing and xfree-4.3.0-r7 release first

# <robbat2@gentoo.org> (10 Jan 2004)
# blocked for testing

# <solar@gentoo> (Jan 11 2004)
# multiple vulnerabilities discovered in zebra.

# <axxo@gentoo.org>
# lotsa things in the tree don't compile with 1.5 yet
# 1.5 defaults too -target 1.5 making downgrading to a 1.4(/1.3)
# impossible, see bug 65937 for more information/discussion

# <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (06 Jan 2004)
# Has memory leak issue

# <taviso@gentoo.org> (06 Jan 2004)
# alpha branch of gnupg.
# <dragonheart@gentoo.org> (27 Aug 2004)
# Masked due to gnupg-1.9 dependancy
# <dragonheart@gentoo.org> (25 Oct 2004)

# <hattya@gentoo.org> (05 May 2005)
# development branch.

# <robbat2@gentoo.org> (29 Nov 2003)
# Need external testing

# <brad@gentoo.org> (22 Nov 2003)
# Mask mandrake-artwork-0.9.6 until it works with KDE

# <robbat2@gentoo.org> (20 Oct 2003)
# needs gcc3.3/tcl8.4 fixing

# <tseng@gentoo.org> (11 Oct 2003)
# Mask pending a solution to bsetroot

# <seemant@gentoo.org> (02 Aug 2003)
# masking openafs-1.3 series as it is really unstable and useless

# <liquidx@gentoo.org> (28 Jun 2003)
# cjkcodecs replaces koreancodecs and possibly japanesecodecs

# <seemant@gentoo.org> (21 May, 2003)
# Masked while it's still under development.

# <seemant@gentoo.org> (22 Apr 2003)
# the package is unmainteained and dead upstream. it will die in portage
# accordingly.

# <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (16 Mar 2003)
# to be tested, seems unstable

# <liquidx@gentoo.org> (13 Mar 2003)
# evolution beta and friends. may cause breakage!
# NEVER remove this mask!! We once renamed gtkhtml-3.0 to libgtkhtml-3.0,
# so if you remove it, gtk+1 apps that use gtkhtml will get the wrong deps
# - liquidx (10 Jun 2003)

# <liquidx@gentoo.org> (10 Mar 2003)
# not really stable enough for my tastes. needs testing.

# <mkennedy@gentoo.org> (14 Dec 2002)
# see dev-db/postgresql #11822, net-im/sim #11654, and net-misc/mico
# (btw, all the other distros are using 2.5.4a)

# <phoenix@gentoo.org> (21 Nov 2002)
# The huge nsplugins mask. These plugins use
# the new layout (/usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins)
# and should work in both mozilla and phoenix.

# <verwilst@gentoo.org> (13 Nov 2002)
# B0rks jabber-server, using 1.4.0 instead

# <george@gentoo.org> (15 Oct 2002)
# new version has some issues with gcc-3.2

# <seemant@gentoo.org> (25 Jul 2002)
# masked because of unhealthy groupadd operation in postinst
# needs sorting out on the policy

# <seemant@gentoo.org> (25 Jul 2002)
# masked while licensing is sorted out

# <raker@gentoo.org> (16 Jul 2002)
# libwmfun completes compiling but doesn't appear to support PLDrawString
# functions correctly.  Masking while incompatible pointers are figured out

# Only use the mesa and mesa-glu provided with x11-base/xfree,
# as the external ones gives problems in most cases with DRI/DRM.
# Nvidia users do not use it anyhow, and tdfx users report that
# it works fine with the mesa included with xfree.  If you do
# unmask these, make sure that you know what you are doing, and
# know that if anything breaks, then you get to keep the pieces.
# azarah (26 May 2002)

#untested, author mentions an error

# broken (achim)

# broken