# ChangeLog for sci-chemistry/sparky
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-chemistry/sparky/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2005/12/18 20:42:32 spyderous Exp $

  18 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>; sparky-3.111.ebuild:
  Prefer RESTRICT=mirror over nomirror, as portage code does.

  18 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>; sparky-3.111.ebuild:
  We can't mirror this.

*sparky-3.111 (18 Dec 2005)

  18 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>;
  +files/fix-install.patch, +metadata.xml, +sparky-3.111.ebuild:
  A new graphical NMR assignment and integration program for proteins, nucleic
  acids, and other polymers. Very strange build system; takes lots of hacking
  and tweaking to get working. Doesn't work with python-2.4, only 2.3.