# ChangeLog for sci-geosciences/mapnik # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/mapnik/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2009/01/04 19:48:41 mr_bones_ Exp $ 04 Jan 2009; Michael Sterrett mapnik-0.5.1.ebuild: add missing xml to IUSE 08 Nov 2008; Steve Arnold mapnik-0.5.1.ebuild: Fixed the sed that modifies the fontpath in mapnik python lib. The rendering problem reported in bug #239402 has been verified as fixed. 02 Nov 2008; Steve Arnold mapnik-0.5.1.ebuild: Fixed PGSQL linkage issues and other whacked build stuff; added ogcserver example config. All input plugins build now. Postgres dep should be changed to a virtual when ready (postgresql plugin won't build against libpq package). 25 Sep 2008; Steve Arnold mapnik-0.5.1.ebuild: just forestalling Mr_Bones with a QA fix... 25 Sep 2008; Steve Arnold metadata.xml, mapnik-0.5.1.ebuild: Removed proj and gdal use flags in favor of hard depends (mostly to make it cleaner for people using gpsdrive). *mapnik-0.5.1 (25 Sep 2008) 25 Sep 2008; Steve Arnold +files/mapnik-0.5.1-include-fix.patch, +metadata.xml, +mapnik-0.5.1.ebuild: New mapping toolkit supporting gpsdrive, as well as general mapping. Closes bug #140599.