# ChangeLog for sci-physics/geant-python # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-physics/geant-python/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2012/07/12 02:13:34 heroxbd Exp $ 12 Jul 2012; Benda Xu geant-python-4.9.5.ebuild: replace sed hacks with configure provided libdir 21 May 2012; Benda Xu +files/geant-python-4.9.5-vis-fix.patch, geant-python-4.9.5.ebuild: fix VisManager c++ signature mismatch, upstream http://bugzilla- geant4.kek.jp/show_bug.cgi?id=1318 20 May 2012; Benda Xu +geant-python-4.9.5.ebuild geant-python-4.9.5_p01.ebuild: add version 4.9.5 for 4.9.5_p01 cannot function correctly, upstream bug http://bugzilla-geant4.kek.jp/show_bug.cgi?id=1317; add example USE flag. *geant-python-4.9.5_p01 (20 May 2012) 20 May 2012; Benda Xu +files/geant-python-4.9.5-build.patch, +files/geant-python-4.9.5-visverbose.patch, +geant-python-4.9.5_p01.ebuild, +metadata.xml: initial commit