# ChangeLog for sci-visualization/nonolith-connect # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/nonolith-connect/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2012/03/22 10:15:45 chainsaw Exp $ *nonolith-connect-1.1 (22 Mar 2012) 22 Mar 2012; Tony Vroon +files/1.1-cflags-respect.patch, +nonolith-connect-1.1.ebuild: New upstream release which implements a REST API and adds advanced trigger modes for future use. Udev rule has been removed, not needed due to USB initial group on nonolith-connect user. *nonolith-connect-1.0.1 (21 Feb 2012) 21 Feb 2012; Tony Vroon +files/1.0.1-cflags-respect.patch, +files/60-nonolith-connect.rules, +nonolith-connect-1.0.1.ebuild, +files/nonolith-connect.initd, +metadata.xml: Initial commit. Ebuild by me, build system tamed by Kacper "xarthisius" Kowalik. Please note that you require CEE hardware to use the pixelpulse visualiser. Many thanks to upstream for rolling me a personal tarball.