#!/usr/bin/perl # $RCSid = "$Id: xconv.pl,v 1.1 2001/06/27 01:49:25 achim Exp $"; sub print_header; sub print_defaults; print_header; print_defaults; while( ) { chomp; # Remove comment lines if( grep /^#/, $_ ) { next; } @command = split ; if( !defined $command[0] ) { next; } if( grep /rpc/, $command[2] ) { print STDERR "Warning: Service $command[0] not added because\n"; print STDERR "xinetd does not handle rpc services well\n"; next; } print "service $command[0]\n"; print "{\n"; print "\tflags = REUSE NAMEINARGS\n"; print "\tsocket_type = $command[1]\n"; print "\tprotocol = $command[2]\n"; if( grep /no/, $command[3] ) { print "\twait = no\n"; } else { print "\twait = yes\n"; } @user = split /\./, $command[4]; print "\tuser = $user[0]\n"; if( defined $user[1] ) { print "\tgroup = $user[1]\n"; } if( grep /internal/, $command[5] ) { print "\ttype = INTERNAL\n"; print "\tid = $command[0]-$command[1]\n"; } else { print "\tserver = $command[5]\n"; print "\tserver_args = "; $i = 6; while( defined $command[$i] ) { print "$command[$i] "; $i++; } print "\n"; } print "}\n"; print "\n"; } sub print_defaults { print "# The defaults section sets some information for all services\n"; print "defaults\n"; print "{\n"; print "\t#The maximum number of requests a particular service may handle\n"; print "\t# at once.\n"; print "\tinstances = 25\n"; print "\n"; print "\t# The type of logging. This logs to a file that is specified.\n"; print "\t# Another option is: SYSLOG syslog_facility [syslog_level]\n"; print "\tlog_type = FILE /var/log/servicelog\n"; print "\n"; print "\t# What to log when the connection succeeds.\n"; print "\t# PID logs the pid of the server processing the request.\n"; print "\t# HOST logs the remote host's ip address.\n"; print "\t# USERID logs the remote user (using RFC 1413)\n"; print "\t# EXIT logs the exit status of the server.\n"; print "\t# DURATION logs the duration of the session.\n"; print "\tlog_on_success = HOST PID\n"; print "\n"; print "\t# What to log when the connection fails. Same options as above\n"; print "\tlog_on_failure = HOST RECORD\n"; print "\n"; print "\t# The maximum number of connections a specific IP address can\n"; print "\t# have to a specific service. \n"; print "\tper_source = 5\n"; print "}\n"; print "\n"; } sub print_header { print "# This file generated by xconv.pl, included with the xinetd\n"; print "# package. xconv.pl was written by Rob Braun (bbraun\@synack.net)\n"; print "#\n"; print "# The file is merely a translation of your inetd.conf file into\n"; print "# the equivalent in xinetd.conf syntax. xinetd has many \n"; print "# features that may not be taken advantage of with this translation.\n"; print "# Please refer to the xinetd.conf man page for more information \n"; print "# on how to properly configure xinetd.\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; }