# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/udev/udev-077-r5.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/12/13 19:35:22 gregkh Exp $

inherit eutils flag-o-matic

DESCRIPTION="Linux dynamic and persistent device naming support (aka userspace devfs)"

KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"

# We need the lib/rcscripts/addon support

src_unpack() {
	unpack ${A}

	cd "${S}"

	# patches go here...
	#epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-udev_volume_id.patch
	epatch ${FILESDIR}/udev-parisc-path_id.patch

	# No need to clutter the logs ...
	sed -ie '/^DEBUG/ c\DEBUG = false' Makefile
	# Do not use optimization flags from the package
	sed -ie 's|$(OPTIMIZATION)||g' Makefile

	# Make sure there is no sudden changes to udev.rules.gentoo
	# (more for my own needs than anything else ...)
	MD5=`md5sum < "${S}/etc/udev/gentoo/udev.rules"`
	MD5=${MD5/  -/}
	if [ "${MD5}" != "84fa41fd643ad2afeb922b3048cfd05f" ]
		eerror "gentoo/udev.rules has been updated, please validate!"
		die "gentoo/udev.rules has been updated, please validate!"

src_compile() {
	filter-flags -fprefetch-loop-arrays
	local myconf=
	local extras="extras/scsi_id extras/volume_id extras/ata_id extras/run_directory extras/usb_id extras/floppy extras/cdrom_id extras/firmware"

	use selinux && myconf="${myconf} USE_SELINUX=true"

	# Not everyone has full $CHOST-{ld,ar,etc...} yet
	local mycross=""
	type -p ${CHOST}-ar && mycross=${CHOST}-

	# Do not work with emake
	make \
		EXTRAS="${extras}" \
		udevdir="/dev/" \
		CROSS=${mycross} \
		${myconf} || die

src_install() {
	# we install everything by "hand" and don't rely on the udev Makefile to do
	# it for us (why? it's easier that way...)
	dobin udevinfo
	dobin udevtest
	dobin udevmonitor
	into /
	dosbin udev
	dosbin udevd
	dosbin udevsend
	dosbin udevstart
	dosbin udevcontrol
	dosbin extras/run_directory/udev_run_devd
	dosbin extras/run_directory/udev_run_hotplugd
	dosbin extras/ata_id/ata_id
	dosbin extras/volume_id/vol_id
	dosbin extras/scsi_id/scsi_id
	dosbin extras/usb_id/usb_id
	dosbin extras/cdrom_id/cdrom_id
	dosbin extras/path_id
	dosbin extras/floppy/create_floppy_devices
	dosbin extras/firmware/firmware_helper

	#exeinto /etc/udev/scripts
	exeinto /lib/udev
	#doexe extras/ide-devfs.sh
	#doexe extras/scsi-devfs.sh
	doexe extras/raid-devfs.sh

	# Our udev config file
	insinto /etc/udev
	newins ${FILESDIR}/udev.conf.post_059 udev.conf

	# Our rules files
	insinto /etc/udev/rules.d/
	#newins etc/udev/gentoo/udev.rules 50-udev.rules
	newins ${FILESDIR}/udev.rules-077-r5 50-udev.rules

	# scsi_id configuration
	insinto /etc
	doins extras/scsi_id/scsi_id.config

	# set up symlinks in /etc/hotplug.d/default
	dodir /etc/hotplug.d/default
	dosym ../../../sbin/udevsend /etc/hotplug.d/default/10-udev.hotplug

	# set up the /etc/dev.d directory tree
	dodir /etc/dev.d/default
	dodir /etc/dev.d/net
	exeinto /etc/dev.d/net
	doexe extras/run_directory/dev.d/net/hotplug.dev

	# all of the man pages
	doman *.8
	doman extras/ata_id/ata_id.8
	doman extras/edd_id/edd_id.8
	doman extras/scsi_id/scsi_id.8
	doman extras/volume_id/vol_id.8
	doman extras/dasd_id/dasd_id.8
	doman extras/cdrom_id/cdrom_id.8

	# our udev hooks into the rc system
	insinto /lib/rcscripts/addons
	newins "${FILESDIR}"/udev-start-077-r4.sh udev-start.sh
	doins "${FILESDIR}"/udev-stop.sh

	dodoc docs/{overview,udev_vs_devfs}
	dodoc docs/writing_udev_rules/*

	newdoc extras/volume_id/README README_volume_id

	# Create some nodes that we know we need.
	# set the time/date so we can see in /dev which ones we copied over
	# in the udev-start.sh script
	mkdir ${D}/lib/udev/devices

	mknod ${D}/lib/udev/devices/null c 1 3
	chmod 666 ${D}/lib/udev/devices/null
	touch -t 200010220101 ${D}/lib/udev/devices/null

	mknod ${D}/lib/udev/devices/zero c 1 5
	chmod 666 ${D}/lib/udev/devices/zero
	touch -t 200010220101 ${D}/lib/udev/devices/zero

	mknod ${D}/lib/udev/devices/console c 5 1
	chmod 600 ${D}/lib/udev/devices/console
	chown root:tty ${D}/lib/udev/devices/console
	touch -t 200010220101 ${D}/lib/udev/devices/console

pkg_preinst() {
	if [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/udev/udev.config" -a \
	     ! -f "${ROOT}/etc/udev/udev.rules" ]
		mv -f ${ROOT}/etc/udev/udev.config ${ROOT}/etc/udev/udev.rules

	# delete the old udev.hotplug symlink if it is present
	if [ -h "${ROOT}/etc/hotplug.d/default/udev.hotplug" ]
		rm -f ${ROOT}/etc/hotplug.d/default/udev.hotplug

	# delete the old wait_for_sysfs.hotplug symlink if it is present
	if [ -h "${ROOT}/etc/hotplug.d/default/05-wait_for_sysfs.hotplug" ]
		rm -f ${ROOT}/etc/hotplug.d/default/05-wait_for_sysfs.hotplug

pkg_postinst() {
	if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" -a -n "`pidof udevd`" ]
		killall -15 udevd &>/dev/null
		sleep 1
		killall -9 udevd &>/dev/null
	/sbin/udevd --daemon

	# people want reminders, I'll give them reminders.  Odds are they will
	# just ignore them anyway...
	ewarn "Note: If you are upgrading from a version of udev prior to 046"
	ewarn "      and you rely on the output of udevinfo for anything, please"
	ewarn "      either run 'udevstart' now, or reboot, in order to get a"
	ewarn "      up-to-date udev database."
	ewarn "Note: If you are upgrading from a version of udev prior to 050"
	ewarn "      and you had written some custom permissions rules, please"
	ewarn "      realize that the permission rules are now part of the main"
	ewarn "      udev rules files and are not stand-alone anymore.  This means"
	ewarn "      you need to rewrite them."
	ewarn "Note: If you are upgrading from a version of udev prior to 057"
	ewarn "      and you have written custom rules, and rely on the etc/dev.d/"
	ewarn "      functionality, please read the RELEASE-NOTES file for details"
	ewarn "      on what has changed with this feature, and how to change your"
	ewarn "      rules to work properly."
	ewarn "Note: If you are upgrading from a version of udev prior to 059"
	ewarn "      and you have written custom rules, and rely on the etc/dev.d/"
	ewarn "      functionality, or the etc/hotplug.d functionality, or just"
	ewarn "      want to write some very cool and power udev rules, please "
	ewarn "      read the RELEASE-NOTES file for details on what has changed"
	ewarn "      with this feature, and how to change your rules to work properly."
	ewarn "Note: If you are upgrading from a version of udev prior to 063"
	ewarn "      and you use the devfs-style names for your block devices"
	ewarn "      or use devfs-style names in /etc/inittab or /etc/securetty or"
	ewarn "      your GRUB or LILO kernel boot command line, you need to"
	ewarn "      change them back to LSB compliant names, as the devfs names are"
	ewarn "      now gone.  If you wish to use some persistent names for your"
	ewarn "      block devices, look at the symlinks in /dev/disk/ for the names"
	ewarn "      you can use."

	einfo "For more information on udev on Gentoo, writing udev rules, and"
	einfo "         fixing known issues visit:"
	einfo "         http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/udev-guide.xml"