# ChangeLog for www-apache/mod_httpbl
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apache/mod_httpbl/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2009/11/30 16:51:14 flameeyes Exp $

*mod_httpbl-1.5-r1 (30 Nov 2009)

  30 Nov 2009; Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org>
  files/99_mod_httpbl.conf, -mod_httpbl-1.5.ebuild,
  Revision bump, change the configuration file to disallow access to the
  diagnostics page by default.

  26 Nov 2009; Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org>
  files/99_mod_httpbl.conf, mod_httpbl-1.5.ebuild:
  Enable httpbl in the configuration and add a debug USE flag.

*mod_httpbl-1.5 (26 Nov 2009)

  26 Nov 2009; Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org>
  +files/99_mod_httpbl.conf, +mod_httpbl-1.5.ebuild, +metadata.xml:
  Initial import of mod_httpbl that allows using Project Honey Pot's
  blacklist to filter HTTP requests.