.TH "ideskrc" "5" "" "" "" .SH "NAME" ideskrc \- Configuration file for idesk(5) .SH "USAGE" The .ideskrc file needs to be placed in the root of your home directory. .SH "FORMAT" The structure of the file is as follows: .IP table Config : .br end .PP Anything else in the file will be ignored. .SH "SETTINGS" \fIBold\fR: boolean (true/false) If 'true', this will make your font bold. \fIDoubleClick\fR: boolean (true/false) If 'false', you only need to click once to launch the icon. If 'true' (default) icons require double-clicking. Note: This feature may not be available in your platform's version of idesk. \fIFontColor\fR: (hex value, #RRGGBB) Sets the color of the desired font. \fIFontName\fR: the name of the desired font. \fIFontSize\fR: the point size of the desired font. \fIHighContrast\fR: boolean (true/false) An alternative to Shadow. If 'true', draws a border around the text in the opposite color. If 'false', it is disabled. \fILocked\fR: boolean (true/false). Prevents the icons from being moved. \fIPaddingX\fR, \fIPaddingY\fR: (pixels) The amount of desired padding around the icon. \fIShadow\fR: boolean (true/false) Turning this on will draw a drop shadow of color ShadowColor behind the text. The shadow will be ShadowX pixels right and ShadowY pixels down (negative values will work). Both ShadowX and ShadowY default to 1. \fIShadowColor\fR: (hex value, #RRGGBB) Sets the color of the drop shadow. \fIShadowX\fR, \fIShadowY\fR: (pixels) Sets the size and direction of the drop shadow. \fITransparency\fR: (0-255) Determines the alpha transparency of the icon before a mouse-over. If '0', the icon will be invisible without moving your mouse over it. If '255', mouse-over glow is disabled. .SH "EXAMPLE" table Config FontName: verdana FontSize: 11 FontColor: #ffffff PaddingX: 25 PaddingY: 25 DoubleClick: false Transparency: 100 HighContrast: false Locked: false Shadow: true ShadowColor: #000000 ShadowX: 222 ShadowY: 22 Bold: false .br end .SH "SEE ALSO" \fIidesk(1)\fR .SH "PROGRAM AUTHORS" .IP Chris Roberts (nikon) .br Bryn (curious) .br Christopher Morris .br Tim Finley .SH "MANPAGE AUTHOR" .IP Dylan Carlson