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Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 390 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files/ b/www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files/
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index d3fcf38..0000000
--- a/www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-Provides a form to send an email to the blog-owner.
-If you make any changes to this plugin, please send a patch to
-<sa+pyblosxom at c-area dot ch> so I can incorporate them.
-To install:
-1) Put in your plugin directory.
-2) In add 'contact' to py['load_plugins']
-3) Add the following variables to
- py['contact_urltrigger'] = "/contact" # optional, this is the default
- py['contact_smtp_server'] = "localhost" # required
- py['contact_smtp_to'] = "" # required
-4) Optionally create a template named contact.<flavour> in your flavour directory.
- If no contact.<flavour> exists a simple default is used. See _default_template below.
- - My compatibility plugin if you're not using pyblosxom 1.2+.
-$Id:,v 1.6 2005/08/25 13:21:48 sar Exp $
-__author__ = "Steven Armstrong <sa at c-area dot ch>"
-__version__ = "$Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2005/08/25 13:21:48 $"
-__url__ = ""
-__description__ = "Provides a form to send an email to the blog-owner."
-__license__ = "GPL 2+"
-# Python imports
-import urlparse
-# Pyblosxom imports
-from Pyblosxom.renderers.blosxom import Renderer
-from Pyblosxom import tools
-# Variables
-TRIGGER = "/contact"
-TRIGGER_KEY = "contact_urltrigger"
-INIT_KEY = "contact_initiated"
-MESSAGE_KEY = "contact_error_message"
-_form_fields = ['name', 'email', 'subject', 'message']
-_default_template = """
-<h2>Contact me</h2>
-<div style="display:block;">$contact_error_message</div>
-<form name="contactForm" id="contactForm" method="post" action="$base_url$contact_urltrigger">
-<div class="contactLine">
- <div class="contactLabel">
- <label class="contactLine" for="name" title="Your name">Name</label>
- </div>
- <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="$contact_name" /><br />
-<div class="contactLine">
- <div class="contactLabel">
- <label class="contactLine" for="email" title="Your email address">Email</label>
- </div>
- <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="$contact_email" /><br />
-<div class="contactLine">
- <div class="contactLabel">
- <label class="contactLine" for="subject" title="Subject of your message">Subject</label>
- </div>
- <input class="contactLine" type="text" name="subject" id="subject" value="$contact_subject" /><br />
-<div class="contactText">
- <div class="contactLabel">
- <label class="contactText" for="message" title="Your message">Message</label>
- </div>
- <textarea name="message" id="message" style="height:150px;">$contact_message</textarea><br />
-<div class="contactSubmit">
- <div class="contactButton">
- <input class="contactSubmit" type="submit" value="Send" style="width:auto; margin-right:0;" />
- </div>
- <div class="contactButton">
- <input class="contactSubmit" type="reset" value="Reset" style="width:auto; margin-right:0;" />
- </div>
-## Helper functions
-rfc822_specials = '()<>@,;:\\"[]'
-def isAddressValid(addr):
- '''
- Taken from
- Posted by Matt Messier on Tue, Sep 02, 2003 (06:19 PM) GMT
- >>> isAddressValid('djfhdfh')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('')
- 8
- >>> isAddressValid('')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj\')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj"@"')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj" "')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj\" \"')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj." "')
- 13
- >>> isAddressValid('dj."@ "')
- 14
- >>> isAddressValid('dj."@<> "')
- 16
- >>> isAddressValid('dj."@<>ü "')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj<>')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj\<\>')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj\')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('dj\\')
- 0
- >>> isAddressValid('')
- 8
- >>> isAddressValid('<')
- 0
- '''
- # Ported from Recipe 3.9 in Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++ by
- # John Viega and Matt Messier (O'Reilly 2003)
- # First we validate the name portion (name@domain)
- c = 0
- while c < len(addr):
- if addr[c] == '"' and (not c or addr[c - 1] == '.' or addr[c - 1] == '"'):
- c = c + 1
- while c < len(addr):
- if addr[c] == '"':
- c = c + 1
- break
- if addr[c] == '\\' and addr[c + 1] == ' ':
- c = c + 2
- continue
- if ord(addr[c]) < 32 or ord(addr[c]) >= 127: return 0
- c = c + 1
- else: return 0
- if addr[c] == '@': break
- if addr[c] != '.': return 0
- c = c + 1
- continue
- if addr[c] == '@': break
- if ord(addr[c]) <= 32 or ord(addr[c]) >= 127: return 0
- if addr[c] in rfc822_specials: return 0
- c = c + 1
- if not c or addr[c - 1] == '.': return 0
- # Next we validate the domain portion (name@domain)
- domain = c = c + 1
- if domain >= len(addr): return 0
- count = 0
- while c < len(addr):
- if addr[c] == '.':
- if c == domain or addr[c - 1] == '.': return 0
- count = count + 1
- if ord(addr[c]) <= 32 or ord(addr[c]) >= 127: return 0
- if addr[c] in rfc822_specials: return 0
- c = c + 1
- ## The final return statement was modified to return the split point
- ## (position of @) so that the email can split in its two subsections.
- if count >= 1:
- return domain
-def verify_installation(request):
- config = request.getConfiguration()
- retval = 1
- if not 'contact_urltrigger' in config:
- print "Missing optional property: 'contact_urltrigger'"
- print "Using the default of '%s'" % TRIGGER
- _required = ['contact_smtp_server', 'contact_smtp_to']
- for prop in _required:
- if not prop in config:
- print "Missing required property: '%s'" % prop
- retval = 0
- return retval
-class ContactRenderer(Renderer):
- def render(self, header=1):
- config = self._request.getConfiguration()
- data = self._request.getData()
- # root_datadir is normaly set after the cb_pathinfo callback.
- # but if a plugin implements cb_handle (as this one does),
- # cb_pathinfo is never called.
- # if root_datadir is not set and flavourdir is not set in
- # an exception is thrown in BlosxomRenderer._getFlavour.
- # so set root_datadir here explicitly to prevent that.
- if not 'root_datadir' in data:
- data['root_datadir'] = config['datadir']
- # initialize flavour
- self.flavour = self._getFlavour(data.get('flavour', 'html'))
- data['content-type'] = self.flavour['content_type'].strip()
- if header:
- self.addHeader("Status", "200 OK")
- if self._needs_content_type and data['content-type'] != "":
- self.addHeader('Content-type', '%s; charset=%s' % (data['content-type'], config.get('blog_encoding', 'iso-8859-1')))
- self.showHeaders()
- d = {}
- d.update(config)
- d.update(data)
- if 'head' in self.flavour:
- self._outputFlavour(d, 'head')
- if not 'contact' in self.flavour:
- self.flavour['contact'] = _default_template
- self._outputFlavour(d, 'contact')
- if 'foot' in self.flavour:
- self._outputFlavour(d, 'foot')
- self.rendered = 1
-def _update_config(config):
- if TRIGGER_KEY in config:
- global TRIGGER
- else:
- # set this explicitly so it's available in templates
-def _handle_post(request):
- form = request.getForm()
- data = request.getData()
- http = request.getHttp()
- config = request.getConfiguration()
- email = {}
- error = False
- error_messages = []
- if not 'HTTP_REFERER' in http or \
- not http['HTTP_REFERER'].startswith('://'.join(urlparse.urlsplit(config['base_url'])[0:1])):
- data[MESSAGE_KEY] = "Posting from foreign hosts not allowed.<br />\nUse the form below to send your message."
- return
- for field in _form_fields:
- if not field in form:
- error_messages.append("Missing required field '%s'." % field)
- error = True
- else:
- # strip markup
- parser = tools.Stripper()
- parser.feed(form[field].value)
- email[field] = parser.gettext()
- if 'email' in email.keys() and not isAddressValid(email['email']):
- error = True
- error_messages.append("Invalid email address '%s'. Cannot deliver your message!" % email['email'])
- if error:
- data[MESSAGE_KEY] = "<br />\n".join(error_messages)
- _remember_email(email, data)
- else:
- success, data[MESSAGE_KEY] = _send_email(email, config)
- if success:
- _forget_email(data)
- else:
- _remember_email(email, data)
-def _remember_email(email, data):
- """
- Stores form fields in the data dict so they can be used to
- populate the form in the template.
- """
- for key in email:
- data["contact_%s" % key] = email[key]
-def _forget_email(data):
- """
- Resets/forgets any stored form field values.
- """
- for key in _form_fields:
- key = "contact_%s" % key
- if key in data:
- del data[key]
-def _send_email(email, config):
- try:
- try: from email.Utils import formatdate
- except ImportError: from rfc822 import formatdate
- import smtplib
- smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config['contact_smtp_server'])
- email['to'] = config["contact_smtp_to"]
- email['date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
- msg = """\
-From: %(name)s <%(email)s>
-To: %(to)s
-Date: %(date)s
-Subject: %(subject)s
-""" % email
- smtp.sendmail(
- from_addr=email['email'],
- to_addrs=config['contact_smtp_to'],
- msg=msg
- )
- smtp.quit()
- except:
- if hasattr(tools, "log_exception"):
- tools.log_exception()
- return (False, "Error: Problem sending email.")
- else:
- return (True, "Thanks for feeding my mailbox ;-)")
-# Callbacks
-def cb_start(args):
- request = args['request']
- http = request.getHttp()
- config = request.getConfiguration()
- _update_config(config)
- if http['PATH_INFO'].startswith(TRIGGER):
- data = request.getData()
- data[INIT_KEY] = True
-def cb_handle(args):
- request = args['request']
- data = request.getData()
- if INIT_KEY in data:
- http = request.getHttp()
- if http['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() == "POST":
- _handle_post(request)
- else:
- _forget_email(data)
- ContactRenderer(request, request.getResponse()).render()
- return 1
-def cb_end(args):
- # cleanup
- request = args['request']
- data = request.getData()
- if INIT_KEY in data:
- del data[INIT_KEY]
- if MESSAGE_KEY in data:
- del data[MESSAGE_KEY]