; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64-linux-gnu -mattr=+sve < %s | FileCheck %s ; These tests are here to ensure we don't get a selection error caused ; by performPostLD1Combine, which should bail out if the return ; type is a scalable vector define @test_post_ld1_insert(i32* %a, i32** %ptr, i64 %inc) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_post_ld1_insert: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr w8, [x0] ; CHECK-NEXT: add x9, x0, x2, lsl #2 ; CHECK-NEXT: str x9, [x1] ; CHECK-NEXT: fmov s0, w8 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %load = load i32, i32* %a %ins = insertelement undef, i32 %load, i32 0 %gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %a, i64 %inc store i32* %gep, i32** %ptr ret %ins } define @test_post_ld1_dup(double* %a, double** %ptr, i64 %inc) { ; CHECK-LABEL: test_post_ld1_dup: ; CHECK: // %bb.0: ; CHECK-NEXT: ldr d0, [x0] ; CHECK-NEXT: add x8, x0, x2, lsl #3 ; CHECK-NEXT: str x8, [x1] ; CHECK-NEXT: mov z0.d, d0 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret %load = load double, double* %a %dup = call @llvm.aarch64.sve.dup.x.nxv2f64(double %load) %gep = getelementptr double, double* %a, i64 %inc store double* %gep, double** %ptr ret %dup } declare @llvm.aarch64.sve.dup.x.nxv2f64(double)