/* * jquery.atd.js - jQuery powered writing check with After the Deadline * Author : Raphael Mudge, Automattic Inc. * License : LGPL or MIT License (take your pick) * Project : http://www.afterthedeadline.com/development.slp * Contact : raffi@automattic.com * * Derived from: * * jquery.spellchecker.js - a simple jQuery Spell Checker * Copyright (c) 2008 Richard Willis * MIT license : http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Project : http://jquery-spellchecker.googlecode.com * Contact : willis.rh@gmail.com */ /* jshint onevar: false, sub: true, smarttabs: true, loopfunc: true */ /* global AtDCore, AtD_proofread_click_count:true, CSSHttpRequest, ActiveXObject */ var AtD = { rpc : '', /* see the proxy.php that came with the AtD/TinyMCE plugin */ rpc_css : 'http://www.polishmywriting.com/atd-jquery/server/proxycss.php?data=', /* you may use this, but be nice! */ rpc_css_lang : 'en', api_key : '', i18n : {}, // Back-compat listener : {} }; AtD.getLang = function( key, defaultk ) { return ( window.AtD_l10n_r0ar && window.AtD_l10n_r0ar[key] ) || defaultk; }; AtD.addI18n = function( obj ) { // Back-compat window.AtD_l10n_r0ar = obj; }; AtD.setIgnoreStrings = function(string) { AtD.core.setIgnoreStrings(string); }; AtD.showTypes = function(string) { AtD.core.showTypes(string); }; AtD.checkCrossAJAX = function(container_id, callback_f) { /* checks if a global var for click stats exists and increments it if it does... */ if (typeof AtD_proofread_click_count !== 'undefined') { AtD_proofread_click_count++; } AtD.callback_f = callback_f; /* remember the callback for later */ AtD.remove(container_id); var container = jQuery('#' + container_id); var text = jQuery.trim(container.html()); text = text.replace(/\</g, '<').replace(/\>/g, '>').replace(/\&/g, '&'); text = encodeURIComponent( text.replace( /\%/g, '%25' ) ); /* % not being escaped here creates problems, I don't know why. */ /* do some sanity checks based on the browser */ if ((text.length > 2000 && navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') || text.length > 7800) { if (callback_f !== undefined && callback_f.error !== undefined) { callback_f.error('Maximum text length for this browser exceeded'); } return; } /* do some cross-domain AJAX action with CSSHttpRequest */ CSSHttpRequest.get(AtD.rpc_css + text + '&lang=' + AtD.rpc_css_lang + '&nocache=' + (new Date().getTime()), function(response) { /* do some magic to convert the response into an XML document */ var xml; if (navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); xml.async = false; xml.loadXML(response); } else { xml = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(response, 'text/xml'); } /* check for and display error messages from the server */ if (AtD.core.hasErrorMessage(xml)) { if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.error !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.error(AtD.core.getErrorMessage(xml)); } return; } /* highlight the errors */ AtD.container = container_id; var count = Number( AtD.processXML(container_id, xml) ); if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.ready !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.ready(count); } if (count === 0 && AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.success !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.success(count); } AtD.counter = count; AtD.count = count; }); }; /* check a div for any incorrectly spelled words */ AtD.check = function(container_id, callback_f) { /* checks if a global var for click stats exists and increments it if it does... */ if (typeof AtD_proofread_click_count !== 'undefined') { AtD_proofread_click_count++; } AtD.callback_f = callback_f; /* remember the callback for later */ AtD.remove(container_id); var container = jQuery('#' + container_id); var text = jQuery.trim(container.html()); text = text.replace(/\</g, '<').replace(/\>/g, '>').replace(/\&/g, '&'); text = encodeURIComponent( text ); /* re-escaping % is not necessary here. don't do it */ jQuery.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : AtD.rpc + '/checkDocument', data : 'key=' + AtD.api_key + '&data=' + text, format : 'raw', dataType : (jQuery.browser.msie) ? 'text' : 'xml', error : function(XHR, status, error) { if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.error !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.error(status + ': ' + error); } }, success : function(data) { /* apparently IE likes to return XML as plain text-- work around from: http://docs.jquery.com/Specifying_the_Data_Type_for_AJAX_Requests */ var xml; if (typeof data === 'string') { xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); xml.async = false; xml.loadXML(data); } else { xml = data; } if (AtD.core.hasErrorMessage(xml)) { if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.error !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.error(AtD.core.getErrorMessage(xml)); } return; } /* on with the task of processing and highlighting errors */ AtD.container = container_id; var count = Number( AtD.processXML(container_id, xml) ); if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.ready !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.ready(count); } if (count === 0 && AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.success !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.success(count); } AtD.counter = count; AtD.count = count; } }); }; AtD.remove = function(container_id) { AtD._removeWords(container_id, null); }; AtD.clickListener = function(event) { if (AtD.core.isMarkedNode(event.target)) { AtD.suggest(event.target); } }; AtD.processXML = function(container_id, responseXML) { var results = AtD.core.processXML(responseXML); if (results.count > 0) { results.count = AtD.core.markMyWords(jQuery('#' + container_id).contents(), results.errors); } jQuery('#' + container_id).unbind('click', AtD.clickListener); jQuery('#' + container_id).click(AtD.clickListener); return results.count; }; AtD.useSuggestion = function(word) { this.core.applySuggestion(AtD.errorElement, word); AtD.counter --; if (AtD.counter === 0 && AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.success !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.success(AtD.count); } }; AtD.editSelection = function() { var parent = AtD.errorElement.parent(); if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.editSelection !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.editSelection(AtD.errorElement); } if (AtD.errorElement.parent() !== parent) { AtD.counter --; if (AtD.counter === 0 && AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.success !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.success(AtD.count); } } }; AtD.ignoreSuggestion = function() { AtD.core.removeParent(AtD.errorElement); AtD.counter --; if (AtD.counter === 0 && AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.success !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.success(AtD.count); } }; AtD.ignoreAll = function(container_id) { var target = AtD.errorElement.text(); var removed = AtD._removeWords(container_id, target); AtD.counter -= removed; if (AtD.counter === 0 && AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.success !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.success(AtD.count); } if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.ignore !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.ignore(target); AtD.core.setIgnoreStrings(target); } }; AtD.explainError = function() { if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.explain !== undefined) { AtD.callback_f.explain(AtD.explainURL); } }; AtD.suggest = function(element) { /* construct the menu if it doesn't already exist */ var suggest; if (jQuery('#suggestmenu').length === 0) { suggest = jQuery('
'); suggest.prependTo('body'); } else { suggest = jQuery('#suggestmenu'); suggest.hide(); } /* find the correct suggestions object */ var errorDescription = AtD.core.findSuggestion(element); /* build up the menu y0 */ AtD.errorElement = jQuery(element); suggest.empty(); if (errorDescription === undefined) { suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_title_no_suggestions', 'No suggestions') + ''); } else if (errorDescription['suggestions'].length === 0) { suggest.append('' + errorDescription['description'] + ''); } else { suggest.append('' + errorDescription['description'] + ''); for (var i = 0; i < errorDescription['suggestions'].length; i++) { (function(sugg) { suggest.append('' + sugg + ''); })(errorDescription['suggestions'][i]); // jshint ignore:line } } /* do the explain menu if configured */ if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.explain !== undefined && errorDescription['moreinfo'] !== undefined) { suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_option_explain', 'Explain...') + ''); AtD.explainURL = errorDescription['moreinfo']; } /* do the ignore option */ suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_option_ignore_once', 'Ignore suggestion') + ''); /* add the edit in place and ignore always option */ if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.editSelection !== undefined) { if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.ignore !== undefined) { suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_option_ignore_always', 'Ignore always') + ''); } else { suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_option_ignore_all', 'Ignore all') + ''); } suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_option_edit_selection', 'Edit Selection...') + ''); } else { if (AtD.callback_f !== undefined && AtD.callback_f.ignore !== undefined) { suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_option_ignore_always', 'Ignore always') + ''); } else { suggest.append('' + AtD.getLang('menu_option_ignore_all', 'Ignore all') + ''); } } /* show the menu */ var pos = jQuery(element).offset(); var width = jQuery(element).width(); /* a sanity check for Internet Explorer--my favorite browser in every possible way */ if (width > 100) { width = 50; } jQuery(suggest).css({ left: (pos.left + width) + 'px', top: pos.top + 'px' }); jQuery(suggest).fadeIn(200); /* bind events to make the menu disappear when the user clicks outside of it */ AtD.suggestShow = true; setTimeout(function() { jQuery('body').bind('click', function() { if (!AtD.suggestShow) { jQuery('#suggestmenu').fadeOut(200); } }); }, 1); setTimeout(function() { AtD.suggestShow = false; }, 2); }; AtD._removeWords = function(container_id, w) { return this.core.removeWords(jQuery('#' + container_id), w); }; /* * Set prototypes used by AtD Core UI */ AtD.initCoreModule = function() { var core = new AtDCore(); core.hasClass = function(node, className) { return jQuery(node).hasClass(className); }; core.map = jQuery.map; core.contents = function(node) { return jQuery(node).contents(); }; core.replaceWith = function(old_node, new_node) { return jQuery(old_node).replaceWith(new_node); }; core.findSpans = function(parent) { return jQuery.makeArray(parent.find('span')); }; core.create = function(string/*, isTextNode*/) { // replace out all tags with &-equivalents so that we preserve tag text. string = string.replace(/\&/g, '&'); string = string.replace(//g, '>'); // find all instances of AtD-created spans var matches = string.match(/\<span class="hidden\w+?" pre="[^"]*"\>.*?\<\/span\>/g); var x; // ... and fix the tags in those substrings. if (matches) { for (x = 0; x < matches.length; x++) { string = string.replace(matches[x], matches[x].replace(/\</gi, '<').replace(/\>/gi, '>')); } } if (core.isIE()) { // and... one more round of corrections for our friends over at the Internet Explorer matches = string.match(/\<span class="mceItemHidden"\>\&nbsp;\<\/span>/g, string); //|<BR.*?class.*?atd_remove_me.*?\>/gi, string); if (matches) { for (x = 0; x < matches.length; x++) { string = string.replace(matches[x], matches[x].replace(/\</gi, '<').replace(/\>/gi, '>').replace(/\&/gi, '&')); } } } var node = jQuery(''); node.html(string); return node; }; core.remove = function(node) { return jQuery(node).remove(); }; core.removeParent = function(node) { /* unwrap exists in jQuery 1.4+ only. Thankfully because replaceWith as-used here won't work in 1.4 */ if (jQuery(node).unwrap) { return jQuery(node).contents().unwrap(); } else { return jQuery(node).replaceWith(jQuery(node).html()); } }; core.getAttrib = function(node, name) { return jQuery(node).attr(name); }; return core; }; AtD.core = AtD.initCoreModule();