# generic tinderbox specfile # The subarch can be any of the supported catalyst subarches (like athlon-xp). # Refer to the catalyst reference manual for suppurted subarches. # http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/ # example: # subarch: athlon-xp subarch: # The version stamp is an identifier for the build. It can be anything you wish# it to be, but it is usually a date. # example: # version_stamp: 2006.1 version_stamp: # The target specifies what target we want catalyst to do. # example: # target: tinderbox target: tinderbox # The rel_type defines what kind of build we are doing. This is merely another # identifier, but it useful for allowing multiple concurrent builds. Usually, # default will suffice. # example: # rel_type: default rel_type: # This is the system profile to be used by catalyst to build this target. It is# specified as a relative path from /usr/portage/profiles. # example: # profile: default-linux/x86/2006.1 profile: # This specifies which snapshot to use for building this target. # example: # snapshot: 2006.1 snapshot: # This specifies where the seed stage comes from for this target, The path is # relative to $clst_sharedir/builds. The rel_type is also used as a path prefix# for the seed. # example: # default/stage3-x86-2006.1 source_subpath: # These are the hosts used as distcc slaves when distcc is enabled in your # catalyst.conf. It follows the same syntax as distcc-config --set-hosts and # is entirely optional. # example: # distcc_hosts: distcc_hosts: # This is an optional directory containing portage configuration files. It # follows the same syntax as /etc/portage and should be consistent across all # targets to minimize problems. # example: # portage_confdir: /etc/portage portage_confdir: # This option specifies the location to a portage overlay that you would like to # have used when building this target. # example: # portage_overlay: /usr/local/portage portage_overlay: # This allows the optional directory containing the output packages for # catalyst. Mainly used as a way for different spec files to access the same # cache directory. Default behavior is for this location to be autogenerated # by catalyst based on the spec file. # example: # pkgcache_path: /tmp/packages pkgcache_path: # The tinderbox target can build packages with any USE settings. However, it # should be noted that these settings are additive to the settings in the # chosen profile. This is extremely useful when testing possible changed to a # profile or package. # example: # tinderbox/use: gtk2 gnome kde qt bonobo cdr esd gtkhtml mozilla mysql perl ruby tcltk cups ldap ssl tcpd -svga tinderbox/use: # This is the list of packages that will be built by the tinderbox target. # Each of these is considered a separate target to test, and catalyst will use # rsync to reset the build area to the default from the source_subpath before # each package. This allows for testing USE changes on individual packages as # well as for dependency issues. # exampleL # tinderbox/packages: dante tsocks sys-apps/eject minicom links acpid apmd parted whois tcpdump cvs zip unzip netcat partimage app-admin/sudo app-cdr/cdrtools gnome emacs dev-lang/ruby enlightenment kde mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird xfce4 openbox fluxbox sylpheed openoffice-bin gimp xemacs xmms abiword gaim xchat pan tetex xcdroast k3b samba nmap gradm ettercap ethereal mplayer tinderbox/packages: # Setting the option overrides the location of the kerncache kerncache_path: