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Diffstat (limited to 'tesseract/src/training/unicharset/validate_myanmar.cpp')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tesseract/src/training/unicharset/validate_myanmar.cpp b/tesseract/src/training/unicharset/validate_myanmar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..173ddf09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tesseract/src/training/unicharset/validate_myanmar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include "validate_myanmar.h"
+#include "errcode.h"
+#include "icuerrorcode.h"
+#include "tprintf.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h" // From libicu
+#include "unicode/uscript.h" // From libicu
+namespace tesseract {
+// Returns whether codes matches the pattern for a Myanmar Grapheme.
+// Taken directly from the unicode table 16-3.
+// See
+bool ValidateMyanmar::ConsumeGraphemeIfValid() {
+ const unsigned num_codes = codes_.size();
+ if (codes_used_ == num_codes) return true;
+ // Other.
+ if (IsMyanmarOther(codes_[codes_used_].second)) {
+ UseMultiCode(1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Kinzi.
+ if (codes_used_ + 2 < num_codes && codes_[codes_used_].second == 0x1004 &&
+ codes_[codes_used_ + 1].second == kMyanmarAsat &&
+ codes_[codes_used_ + 2].second == kMyanmarVirama) {
+ ASSERT_HOST(!CodeOnlyToOutput());
+ ASSERT_HOST(!CodeOnlyToOutput());
+ if (UseMultiCode(3)) return true;
+ }
+ // Base consonant/vowel. NOTE that since everything in Myanmar appears to be
+ // optional, except the base, this is the only place where invalid input can
+ // be detected and false returned.
+ if (IsMyanmarLetter(codes_[codes_used_].second)) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ } else {
+ if (report_errors_) {
+ tprintf("Invalid start of Myanmar syllable:0x%x\n",
+ codes_[codes_used_].second);
+ }
+ return false; // One of these is required.
+ }
+ if (ConsumeSubscriptIfPresent()) return true;
+ ConsumeOptionalSignsIfPresent();
+ // What we have consumed so far is a valid syllable.
+ return true;
+// TODO(rays) Doesn't use intermediate coding like the other scripts, as there
+// is little correspondence between the content of table 16-3 and the char
+// classes of the Indic languages. (Experts may disagree and improve!)
+// In unicode table 16-3 there is basically a long list of optional characters,
+// which can be coded quite easily.
+// Unfortunately, table 16-3 doesn't include even half the Myanmar unicodes!!
+// The table also allows sequences that still result in dotted circles!!
+// So with a lot of guesswork the rest have been added in a reasonable place.
+Validator::CharClass ValidateMyanmar::UnicodeToCharClass(char32 ch) const {
+ if (IsMyanmarLetter(ch)) return CharClass::kConsonant;
+ return CharClass::kOther;
+// Helper consumes/copies a virama and any subscript consonant.
+// Returns true if the end of input is reached.
+bool ValidateMyanmar::ConsumeSubscriptIfPresent() {
+ // Subscript consonant. It appears there can be only one.
+ const unsigned num_codes = codes_.size();
+ if (codes_used_ + 1 < num_codes &&
+ codes_[codes_used_].second == kMyanmarVirama) {
+ if (IsMyanmarLetter(codes_[codes_used_ + 1].second)) {
+ ASSERT_HOST(!CodeOnlyToOutput());
+ if (UseMultiCode(2)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Helper consumes/copies a series of optional signs.
+// Returns true if the end of input is reached.
+bool ValidateMyanmar::ConsumeOptionalSignsIfPresent() {
+ // The following characters are allowed, all optional, and in sequence.
+ // An exception is kMyanmarMedialYa, which can include kMyanmarAsat.
+ const std::vector<char32> kMedials({kMyanmarAsat, kMyanmarMedialYa, 0x103c,
+ 0x103d, 0x103e, 0x105e, 0x105f, 0x1060,
+ 0x1081, 0x1031});
+ for (char32 ch : kMedials) {
+ if (codes_[codes_used_].second == ch) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ if (ch == kMyanmarMedialYa &&
+ codes_[codes_used_].second == kMyanmarAsat) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vowel sign i, ii, ai.
+ char32 ch = codes_[codes_used_].second;
+ if (ch == 0x102d || ch == 0x102e || ch == 0x1032) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ }
+ // Vowel sign u, uu, and extensions.
+ ch = codes_[codes_used_].second;
+ if (ch == 0x102f || ch == 0x1030 || (0x1056 <= ch && ch <= 0x1059) ||
+ ch == 0x1062 || ch == 0x1067 || ch == 0x1068 ||
+ (0x1071 <= ch && ch <= 0x1074) || (0x1083 <= ch && ch <= 0x1086) ||
+ ch == 0x109c || ch == 0x109d) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ }
+ // Tall aa, aa with optional asat.
+ if (codes_[codes_used_].second == 0x102b ||
+ codes_[codes_used_].second == 0x102c) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ if (codes_[codes_used_].second == kMyanmarAsat) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // The following characters are allowed, all optional, and in sequence.
+ // Anusvar, Dot below, Visarga
+ const std::vector<char32> kSigns({0x1036, 0x1037, 0x1038});
+ for (char32 ch : kSigns) {
+ if (codes_[codes_used_].second == ch) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Tone mark extensions.
+ ch = codes_[codes_used_].second;
+ if (ch == 0x1038 || ch == kMyanmarAsat || ch == 0x1063 || ch == 0x1064 ||
+ (0x1069 <= ch && ch <= 0x106d) || (0x1087 <= ch && ch <= 0x108d) ||
+ ch == 0x108f || ch == 0x109a || ch == 0x109b ||
+ (0xaa7b <= ch && ch <= 0xaa7d)) {
+ if (UseMultiCode(1)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Returns true if the unicode is a Myanmar "letter" including consonants
+// and independent vowels. Although table 16-3 distinguishes between some
+// base consonants and vowels, the extensions make no such distinction, so we
+// put them all into a single bucket.
+// Update MYANMAR LETTER based on following:
+// - Myanmar
+// - Myanmar Extended-A
+// - Myanmar Extended-B
+/* static */
+bool ValidateMyanmar::IsMyanmarLetter(char32 ch) {
+ return (0x1000 <= ch && ch <= 0x102a) || ch == 0x103f ||
+ (0x104c <= ch && ch <= 0x1055) || (0x105a <= ch && ch <= 0x105d) ||
+ ch == 0x1061 || ch == 0x1065 || ch == 0x1066 ||
+ (0x106e <= ch && ch <= 0x1070) || (0x1075 <= ch && ch <= 0x1081) ||
+ ch == 0x108e || (0xa9e0 <= ch && ch <= 0xa9e4) ||
+ (0xa9e7 <= ch && ch <= 0xa9ef) || (0xa9fa <= ch && ch <= 0xa9fe) ||
+ (0xaa60 <= ch && ch <= 0xaa6f) || (0xaa71 <= ch && ch <= 0xaa73) ||
+ ch == 0xaa7a || ch == 0xaa7e || ch == 0xaa7f;
+// Returns true if ch is a Myanmar digit or other symbol that does not take
+// part in being a syllable eg. punctuation marks.
+/* static */
+bool ValidateMyanmar::IsMyanmarOther(char32 ch) {
+ IcuErrorCode err;
+ UScriptCode script_code = uscript_getScript(ch, err);
+ if (script_code != USCRIPT_MYANMAR && ch != Validator::kZeroWidthJoiner &&
+ ch != Validator::kZeroWidthNonJoiner)
+ return true;
+ return (0x1040 <= ch && ch <= 0x104f) || (0x1090 <= ch && ch <= 0x1099) ||
+ (0x109e <= ch && ch <= 0x109f) || (0xa9f0 <= ch && ch <= 0xa9f9) ||
+ (ch == 0xa9e6 || ch == 0xaa70) || (0xaa74 <= ch && ch <= 0xaa79);
+} // namespace tesseract