Tinderbox ========= g-Octave provides a script to run build tests for all the octave-forge packages automatically and report issues to the `bug tracker`_. .. _`bug tracker`: http://www.g-octave.org/trac/report/9 .. warning:: This script is not intended to be used by end-users, only developers. Creating the environment ------------------------ We recommend the use of the script inside a chroot environment. For this you'll need to download the latest stage3 tarball from the Gentoo mirrors and create a basic environment:: # cd /home/user/g-octave # tar xvjpf stage3-*.tar.bz2 Configuring the environment --------------------------- You should copy the needed files from your Gentoo installation to the chroot environment, to ease the configuration. :: # cp /etc/resolv.conf /home/user/g-octave/etc # cp /etc/make.conf /home/user/g-octave/etc You may also need some files from ``/etc/portage`` Mounting filesystems/directories -------------------------------- You should mount your current ``${PORTDIR}`` (e.g. ``/usr/portage``) inside the chroot dir (the script will force the use of Portage to build the packages):: # mkdir /home/user/g-octave/usr/portage # mount -o bind /usr/portage /home/user/g-octave/usr/portage Mounting ``/proc`` and ``/dev``:: # mount -t proc none /home/user/g-octave/proc # mount -o bind /dev /home/user/g-octave/dev Entering the chroot environment ------------------------------- :: # chroot /home/user/g-octave /bin/bash # env-update # source /etc/profile # export PS1="(g-octave) $PS1" Updating the packages and installing the dependencies ----------------------------------------------------- :: # emerge -avuDN system # USE="git" emerge -av layman # layman -a science # FEATURES="test" emerge -av g-octave Configuring g-Octave -------------------- You should `create an account`_ on the `g-Octave project page`_, edit the file ``/etc/g-octave.cfg`` and append the lines below (with your data):: trac_user = username trac_passwd = password .. _`create an account`: http://www.g-octave.org/trac/register .. _`g-Octave project page`: http://www.g-octave.org/trac/ Now you're done with the configuration. Running the script ------------------ Try to update the package database (only works with the live version of g-Octave):: # g-octave --sync Make sure that you have activated all the ``USE`` flags needed on octave:: # emerge -vp octave And build it firstly:: # emerge octave Now that you already have the main dependency of all the packages installed and g-Octave configured, you can run the script:: # /usr/share/g-octave/contrib/manage_pkgdb.py The packages are installed with the ``--oneshot`` option. To remove them with the dependencies, run:: # emerge -av --depclean Umounting filesystems/directories --------------------------------- :: # exit # cd # umount /home/user/g-octave/{proc,dev,usr/portage}