Ututo http://www.ututo.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ututo Still very much alive, but now mostly based on Ubuntu (that's the Ututo UL variant) Citing from the homepage, via Google Translate: It is an Ubuntu 64 iso, to which the packages and non-free repositories were removed and the nucleus replaced by a free one. The scripts for doing that task are here. The idea is to serve the original purpose of Ututo: distribute Simusol. And of course keep your two characteristics relevant: * Operate without installing in an extremely simple, * And be 100% free. The aim of the project is to encourage and promote the generation and appropiation of knowledge in developing countries, reducing the (so called) digital divide. In this opportunity, after a two-year break, the Ututo project meets the presentation and distribution of the free SimuSol software. SimuSol facilitates the description and simulation of different physical circuits and their numerical simulation. The original version (?) and for sure the XS variant were based on Gentoo, as was probably the desktop variant Ututo-e. The last release of the XS variant was 2012.04, not sure about the e variant.