This is a progress report #5 for Project Grumpy. Progress so far =============== I basically wasted last week trying to get Tinderbox working on my desktop machine, but eventually gave up as I ran into some troubles with its networking. I also cooperated with infra team to get my app running on, but eventually gave up because I needed upstream release for Flask-SQLAlchemy, and patching it would have been too cumbersome. Therefore I ended up setting a preview of the web UI on my own server, just visit our IRC channel [1] to get the url ;) Also, together with my mentor Leio, we updated roadmap for the second part of this project timeline. More about that in the future plans section. [1] irc:// Future plans ============ I have already integrated basic OpenID support and developer signup and have plans to implement "favorite packages" functionality for developers. 19 Jul - 25 Jul: * Implement "favorite packages" functionality * Basic grumpy commandline utils for developers * Web interface improvements 27 Jul - 1 Aug : * Unittesting for models * Version bump checker plugins * PyPi * GNOME * Tinderbox plugin implementation (if I can get my desktop machine working) * Web interface improvements... 2 Aug - 8 Aug: * TBD. Project info ============ Git repository of Grumpy repo is available from [2]. [2];a=summary Project's semi-official IRC channel is #gentoo-grumpy on Freenode network, if you run into troubles when testing out this project, then just ping me with a message.