import math import re from functools import partial from time import time import pytest from snakeoil import klass class Test_GetAttrProxy: kls = staticmethod(klass.GetAttrProxy) def test_it(self): class foo1: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj __getattr__ = self.kls("obj") class foo2: pass o2 = foo2() o = foo1(o2) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(o, "blah") assert o.obj == o2 o2.foon = "dar" assert o.foon == "dar" o.foon = "foo" assert o.foon == "foo" def test_attrlist(self): def make_class(attr_list=None): class foo(metaclass=self.kls): if attr_list is not None: locals()["__attr_comparison__"] = attr_list with pytest.raises(TypeError): make_class() with pytest.raises(TypeError): make_class(["foon"]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): make_class([None]) def test_instancemethod(self): class foo: bar = "baz" class Test: method = self.kls("test") test = foo() test = Test() assert test.method("bar") == class TestDirProxy: @staticmethod def noninternal_attrs(obj): return sorted(x for x in dir(obj) if not re.match(r"__\w+__", x)) def test_combined(self): class foo1: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("obj") class foo2: def __init__(self): self.attr = "foo" o2 = foo2() o = foo1(o2) assert self.noninternal_attrs(o) == ["attr", "obj"] def test_empty(self): class foo1: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("obj") class foo2: pass o2 = foo2() o = foo1(o2) assert self.noninternal_attrs(o2) == [] assert self.noninternal_attrs(o) == ["obj"] def test_slots(self): class foo1: __slots__ = ("obj",) def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("obj") class foo2: __slots__ = ("attr",) def __init__(self): self.attr = "foo" o2 = foo2() o = foo1(o2) assert self.noninternal_attrs(o) == ["attr", "obj"] class Test_contains: func = staticmethod(klass.contains) def test_it(self): class c(dict): __contains__ = self.func d = c({"1": 2}) assert "1" in d assert 1 not in d class Test_get: func = staticmethod(klass.get) def test_it(self): class c(dict): get = self.func d = c({"1": 2}) assert d.get("1") == 2 assert d.get("1", 3) == 2 assert d.get(1) is None assert d.get(1, 3) == 3 class Test_chained_getter: kls = klass.chained_getter def test_hash(self): assert hash(self.kls("foon")) == hash("foon") assert hash(self.kls("foon.dar")) == hash("foon.dar") def test_caching(self): l = [id(self.kls("fa2341f%s" % x)) for x in "abcdefghij"] assert id(self.kls("fa2341fa")) == l[0] def test_eq(self): assert self.kls("asdf", disable_inst_caching=True) == self.kls( "asdf", disable_inst_caching=True ) assert self.kls("asdf2", disable_inst_caching=True) != self.kls( "asdf", disable_inst_caching=True ) def test_it(self): class maze: def __init__(self, kwargs): self.__data__ = kwargs def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.__data__.get(attr, self) d = {} m = maze(d) f = self.kls assert f("foon")(m) == m d["foon"] = 1 assert f("foon")(m) == 1 assert f("dar.foon")(m) == 1 assert f(".".join(["blah"] * 10))(m) == m with pytest.raises(AttributeError): f("foon.dar")(m) class Test_jit_attr: kls = staticmethod(klass._internal_jit_attr) @property def jit_attr(self): return partial(klass.jit_attr, kls=self.kls) @property def jit_attr_named(self): return partial(klass.jit_attr_named, kls=self.kls) @property def jit_attr_ext_method(self): return partial(klass.jit_attr_ext_method, kls=self.kls) def mk_inst( self, attrname="_attr", method_lookup=False, use_cls_setattr=False, func=None, singleton=klass._uncached_singleton, ): f = func if not func: def f(self): self._invokes.append(self) return 54321 class cls: def __init__(self): sf = partial(object.__setattr__, self) sf("_sets", []) sf("_reflects", []) sf("_invokes", []) attr = self.kls(f, attrname, singleton, use_cls_setattr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self._sets.append(self) object.__setattr__(self, attr, value) def reflect(self): self._reflects.append(self) return 12345 return cls() def assertState(self, instance, sets=0, reflects=0, invokes=0, value=54321): assert instance.attr == value sets = [instance] * sets reflects = [instance] * reflects invokes = [instance] * invokes msg = ( "checking %s: got(%r), expected(%r); state was sets=%r, " "reflects=%r, invokes=%r" % ("%s", "%s", "%s", instance._sets, instance._reflects, instance._invokes) ) assert instance._sets == sets, msg % ("sets", instance._sets, sets) assert instance._reflects == reflects, msg % ( "reflects", instance._reflects, reflects, ) assert instance._invokes == invokes, msg % ( "invokes", instance._invokes, invokes, ) def test_implementation(self): obj = self.mk_inst() # default state is use_cls_setattr = False self.assertState(obj, invokes=1) self.assertState(obj, invokes=1) del obj._attr self.assertState(obj, invokes=2) self.assertState(obj, invokes=2) # basic caching is now verified. obj = self.mk_inst(use_cls_setattr=True) self.assertState(obj, sets=1, invokes=1) self.assertState(obj, sets=1, invokes=1) del obj._attr self.assertState(obj, sets=2, invokes=2) self.assertState(obj, sets=2, invokes=2) def test_jit_attr(self): now = time() class cls: @self.jit_attr def my_attr(self): return now o = cls() assert o.my_attr == now assert o._my_attr == now class cls: @self.jit_attr def attr2(self): return now def __setattr__(self, attr, value): raise AssertionError("setattr was invoked") o = cls() assert o.attr2 == now assert o._attr2 == now del o._attr2 assert o.attr2 == now assert o._attr2 == now def test_jit_attr_named(self): now = time() # check attrname control and default object.__setattr__ avoidance class cls: @self.jit_attr_named("_blah") def my_attr(self): return now def __setattr__(self, attr, value): raise AssertionError("setattr was invoked") o = cls() assert o.my_attr == now assert o._blah == now class cls: @self.jit_attr_named("_blah2", use_cls_setattr=True) def my_attr(self): return now def __setattr__(self, attr, value): object.__setattr__(self, "invoked", True) object.__setattr__(self, attr, value) o = cls() assert not hasattr(o, "invoked") assert o.my_attr == now assert o._blah2 == now assert o.invoked def test_jit_attr_ext_method(self): now = time() now2 = now + 100 class base: def f1(self): return now def f2(self): return now2 def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if not getattr(self, "_setattr_allowed", False): raise TypeError("setattr isn't allowed for %s" % attr) object.__setattr__(self, attr, value) base.attr = self.jit_attr_ext_method("f1", "_attr") o = base() assert o.attr == now assert o._attr == now assert o.attr == now base.attr = self.jit_attr_ext_method("f1", "_attr", use_cls_setattr=True) o = base() with pytest.raises(TypeError): getattr(o, "attr") base._setattr_allowed = True assert o.attr == now base.attr = self.jit_attr_ext_method("f2", "_attr2") o = base() assert o.attr == now2 assert o._attr2 == now2 # finally, check that it's doing lookups rather then storing the func. base.attr = self.jit_attr_ext_method("func", "_attr2") o = base() # no func... with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(o, "attr") base.func = base.f1 assert o.attr == now assert o._attr2 == now # check caching... base.func = base.f2 assert o.attr == now del o._attr2 assert o.attr == now2 def test_check_singleton_is_compare(self): def throw_assert(*args, **kwds): raise AssertionError( "I shouldn't be invoked: %s, %s" % ( args, kwds, ) ) class puker: __eq__ = throw_assert puker_singleton = puker() obj = self.mk_inst(singleton=puker_singleton) obj._attr = puker_singleton # force attr access. if it's done wrong, it'll puke. # pylint: disable=pointless-statement obj.attr def test_cached_property(self): l = [] class foo: @klass.cached_property def blah(self, l=l, i=iter(range(5))): l.append(None) return next(i) f = foo() assert f.blah == 0 assert len(l) == 1 assert f.blah == 0 assert len(l) == 1 del f.blah assert f.blah == 1 assert len(l) == 2 def test_cached_property(self): l = [] def named(self, l=l, i=iter(range(5))): l.append(None) return next(i) class foo: blah = klass.cached_property_named("blah")(named) f = foo() assert f.blah == 0 assert len(l) == 1 assert f.blah == 0 assert len(l) == 1 del f.blah assert f.blah == 1 assert len(l) == 2 class Test_aliased_attr: func = staticmethod(klass.alias_attr) def test_it(self): class cls: attr = self.func("dar.blah") o = cls() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(o, "attr") o.dar = "foon" with pytest.raises(AttributeError): getattr(o, "attr") o.dar = o o.blah = "monkey" assert o.attr == "monkey" # verify it'll cross properties... class blah: target = object() class cls: @property def foon(self): return blah() alias = self.func("") o = cls() assert o.alias is class Test_cached_hash: func = staticmethod(klass.cached_hash) def test_it(self): now = int(time()) class cls: invoked = [] @self.func def __hash__(self): self.invoked.append(self) return now o = cls() assert hash(o) == now assert o.invoked == [o] # ensure it cached... assert hash(o) == now assert o.invoked == [o] assert o._hash == now class Test_reflective_hash: func = staticmethod(klass.reflective_hash) def test_it(self): class cls: __hash__ = self.func("_hash") obj = cls() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): hash(obj) obj._hash = 1 assert hash(obj) == 1 obj._hash = 123123123 assert hash(obj) == 123123123 # verify it's not caching in any form del obj._hash with pytest.raises(AttributeError): hash(obj) class cls2: __hash__ = self.func("_dar") obj = cls2() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): hash(obj) obj._dar = 4 assert hash(obj) == 4 class TestImmutableInstance: def test_metaclass(self): self.common_test(lambda x: x, metaclass=klass.immutable_instance) def test_injection(self): def f(scope): klass.inject_immutable_instance(scope) self.common_test(f) def common_test(self, modify_kls, **kwargs): class kls(**kwargs): modify_kls(locals()) o = kls() with pytest.raises(AttributeError): setattr(o, "dar", "foon") with pytest.raises(AttributeError): delattr(o, "dar") object.__setattr__(o, "dar", "foon") with pytest.raises(AttributeError): delattr(o, "dar") # ensure it only sets it if nothing is in place already. class kls(**kwargs): def __setattr__(self, attr, value): raise TypeError(self) modify_kls(locals()) o = kls() with pytest.raises(TypeError): setattr(o, "dar", "foon") with pytest.raises(AttributeError): delattr(o, "dar") class TestAliasMethod: func = staticmethod(klass.alias_method) def test_alias_method(self): class kls: __len__ = lambda s: 3 lfunc = self.func("__len__") c = kls() assert c.__len__() == c.lfunc() c.__len__ = lambda: 4 assert c.__len__() == c.lfunc() class TestPatch: def setup_method(self, method): # cache original methods self._math_ceil = math.ceil self._math_floor = math.floor def teardown_method(self, method): # restore original methods math.ceil = self._math_ceil math.floor = self._math_floor def test_patch(self): n = 0.1 assert math.ceil(n) == 1 @klass.patch("math.ceil") def ceil(orig_ceil, n): return math.floor(n) assert math.ceil(n) == 0 def test_multiple_patches(self): n = 1.1 assert math.ceil(n) == 2 assert math.floor(n) == 1 @klass.patch("math.ceil") @klass.patch("math.floor") def zero(orig_func, n): return 0 assert math.ceil(n) == 0 assert math.floor(n) == 0