/* * Copyright 2005-2020 Gentoo Foundation * Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 * * Copyright 2005-2010 Ned Ludd - * Copyright 2005-2014 Mike Frysinger - * Copyright 2018- Fabian Groffen - */ #include "main.h" #include "applets.h" #include #include #include #include #include "atom.h" #include "contents.h" #include "copy_file.h" #include "hash.h" #include "prelink.h" #include "tree.h" #include "xarray.h" #include "xasprintf.h" #include "xregex.h" #define QCHECK_FORMAT "%[CATEGORY]%[PN]" #define QCHECK_FORMAT_VERBOSE "%[CATEGORY]%[PF]" #define QCHECK_FLAGS "F:s:uABHTPp" COMMON_FLAGS static struct option const qcheck_long_opts[] = { {"format", a_argument, NULL, 'F'}, {"skip", a_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"update", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"noafk", no_argument, NULL, 'A'}, {"badonly", no_argument, NULL, 'B'}, {"nohash", no_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {"nomtime", no_argument, NULL, 'T'}, {"skip-protected", no_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"prelink", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS }; static const char * const qcheck_opts_help[] = { "Custom output format (default: " QCHECK_FORMAT ")", "Ignore files matching the regular expression ", "Update missing files, chksum and mtimes for packages", "Ignore missing files", "Only print pkgs containing bad files", "Ignore differing/unknown file chksums", "Ignore differing file mtimes", "Ignore files in CONFIG_PROTECT-ed paths", "Undo prelink when calculating checksums", COMMON_OPTS_HELP }; #define qcheck_usage(ret) usage(ret, QCHECK_FLAGS, qcheck_long_opts, qcheck_opts_help, NULL, lookup_applet_idx("qcheck")) #define qcprintf(fmt, args...) do { if (!state->bad_only) printf(_(fmt), ## args); } while (0) struct qcheck_opt_state { array_t *atoms; array_t *regex_arr; bool bad_only; bool qc_update; bool chk_afk; bool chk_hash; bool chk_mtime; bool chk_config_protect; bool undo_prelink; const char *fmt; }; static int qcheck_cb(tree_pkg_ctx *pkg_ctx, void *priv) { struct qcheck_opt_state *state = priv; FILE *fp_contents_update; size_t num_files; size_t num_files_ok; size_t num_files_unknown; size_t num_files_ignored; struct stat st; char *buffer; char *line; char *savep; int cp_argc; int cpm_argc; char **cp_argv; char **cpm_argv; depend_atom *atom; fp_contents_update = NULL; /* Open contents */ line = tree_pkg_meta_get(pkg_ctx, CONTENTS); if (line == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; atom = tree_get_atom(pkg_ctx, false); num_files = num_files_ok = num_files_unknown = num_files_ignored = 0; qcprintf("%sing %s ...\n", (state->qc_update ? "Updat" : "Check"), atom_format(state->fmt, atom)); /* Open contents_update, if needed */ if (state->qc_update) { char tempfile[] = "qcheck-tmp-XXXXXX"; mode_t mask; int fd; mask = umask(0077); fd = mkstemp(tempfile); umask(mask); if (fd == -1 || (fp_contents_update = fdopen(fd, "w+")) == NULL) { if (fd >= 0) close(fd); warnp("unable to temp file"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* like tmpfile() does, but Coverity thinks it is unsafe */ unlink(tempfile); } if (!state->chk_config_protect) { makeargv(config_protect, &cp_argc, &cp_argv); makeargv(config_protect_mask, &cpm_argc, &cpm_argv); } buffer = NULL; for (; (line = strtok_r(line, "\n", &savep)) != NULL; line = NULL) { contents_entry *entry; free(buffer); buffer = xstrdup(line); entry = contents_parse_line(line); if (!entry) continue; /* run initial checks */ ++num_files; if (array_cnt(state->regex_arr)) { size_t n; regex_t *regex; array_for_each(state->regex_arr, n, regex) if (!regexec(regex, entry->name, 0, NULL, 0)) break; if (n < array_cnt(state->regex_arr)) { --num_files; ++num_files_ignored; continue; } } if (fstatat(pkg_ctx->cat_ctx->ctx->portroot_fd, entry->name + 1, &st, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)) { /* make sure file exists */ if (state->chk_afk) { if (errno == ENOENT) qcprintf(" %sAFK%s: %s\n", RED, NORM, entry->name); else qcprintf(" %sERROR (%s)%s: %s\n", RED, strerror(errno), NORM, entry->name); } else { --num_files; ++num_files_ignored; if (state->qc_update) fprintf(fp_contents_update, "%s\n", buffer); } continue; } /* Handle CONFIG_PROTECT-ed files */ if (!state->chk_config_protect) { int i; /* If in CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK, handle like normal */ for (i = 1; i < cpm_argc; ++i) if (strncmp(cpm_argv[i], entry->name, strlen(cpm_argv[i])) == 0) break; if (i == cpm_argc) { /* Not explicitly masked, so it's protected */ for (i = 1; i < cp_argc; ++i) { if (strncmp(cp_argv[i], entry->name, strlen(cp_argv[i])) == 0) { num_files_ok++; continue; } } } } /* For certain combinations of flags and filetypes, a file * won't get checks and should be ignored */ if (!state->chk_mtime && entry->type == CONTENTS_SYM) { --num_files; ++num_files_ignored; if (state->qc_update) fprintf(fp_contents_update, "%s\n", buffer); continue; } /* Digest checks only work on regular files * Note: We don't check for state->chk_hash when entering * but rather in digest-check #3, because we only succeed * tests/qcheck/list04.good if when chk_hash is false, we * do check hashes, but only print mismatched digests as * 'ignored file'. */ if (entry->digest && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { /* Validate digest (handles MD5 / SHA1) * Digest-check 1/3: * Should we check digests? */ char *f_digest; uint8_t hash_algo; switch (strlen(entry->digest)) { case 32: hash_algo = HASH_MD5; break; case 40: hash_algo = HASH_SHA1; break; default: hash_algo = 0; break; } if (!hash_algo) { if (state->chk_hash) { qcprintf(" %sUNKNOWN DIGEST%s: '%s' for '%s'\n", RED, NORM, entry->digest, entry->name); ++num_files_unknown; } else { --num_files; ++num_files_ignored; if (state->qc_update) fprintf(fp_contents_update, "%s\n", buffer); } continue; } hash_cb_t hash_cb = state->undo_prelink ? hash_cb_prelink_undo : NULL; f_digest = hash_file_at_cb( pkg_ctx->cat_ctx->ctx->portroot_fd, entry->name + 1, hash_algo, hash_cb); /* Digest-check 2/3: * Can we get a digest of the file? */ if (!f_digest) { ++num_files_unknown; if (state->qc_update) fprintf(fp_contents_update, "%s\n", buffer); if (verbose) qcprintf(" %sPERM %4o%s: %s\n", RED, (unsigned int)(st.st_mode & 07777), NORM, entry->name); continue; } /* Digest-check 3/3: * Does the digest equal what portage recorded? */ if (strcmp(entry->digest, f_digest) != 0) { if (state->chk_hash) { if (state->qc_update) fprintf(fp_contents_update, "obj %s %s %"PRIu64"\n", entry->name, f_digest, (uint64_t)st.st_mtime); const char *digest_disp; switch (hash_algo) { case HASH_MD5: digest_disp = "MD5"; break; case HASH_SHA1: digest_disp = "SHA1"; break; default: digest_disp = "UNK"; break; } qcprintf(" %s%s-DIGEST%s: %s", RED, digest_disp, NORM, entry->name); if (verbose) qcprintf(" (recorded '%s' != actual '%s')", entry->digest, f_digest); qcprintf("\n"); } else { --num_files; ++num_files_ignored; if (state->qc_update) fprintf(fp_contents_update, "%s\n", buffer); } continue; } } /* Validate mtimes */ if (state->chk_mtime && entry->mtime && entry->mtime != st.st_mtime) { qcprintf(" %sMTIME%s: %s", RED, NORM, entry->name); if (verbose) qcprintf(" (recorded '%"PRIu64"' != actual '%"PRIu64"')", (uint64_t)entry->mtime, (uint64_t)st.st_mtime); qcprintf("\n"); /* Update mtime */ if (state->qc_update) { if (entry->type == CONTENTS_SYM) { fprintf(fp_contents_update, "sym %s -> %s %"PRIu64"\n", entry->name, entry->sym_target, (uint64_t)st.st_mtime); } else { fprintf(fp_contents_update, "obj %s %s %"PRIu64"\n", entry->name, entry->digest, (uint64_t)st.st_mtime); } } continue; } /* Success! */ if (state->qc_update) fprintf(fp_contents_update, "%s\n", buffer); num_files_ok++; } free(buffer); if (!state->chk_config_protect) { freeargv(cp_argc, cp_argv); freeargv(cpm_argc, cpm_argv); } if (state->qc_update) { int fd_contents; FILE *fp_contents; /* O_TRUNC truncates, but file owner and mode are unchanged */ fd_contents = openat(pkg_ctx->fd, "CONTENTS", O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC); if (fd_contents < 0 || (fp_contents = fdopen(fd_contents, "w")) == NULL) { fclose(fp_contents_update); warn("could not open CONTENTS for writing"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* rewind tempfile */ fseek(fp_contents_update, 0, SEEK_SET); copy_file(fp_contents_update, fp_contents); fclose(fp_contents_update); fclose(fp_contents); if (!verbose) return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (state->bad_only && num_files_ok != num_files) printf("%s\n", atom_format(state->fmt, atom)); qcprintf(" %2$s*%1$s %3$s%4$zu%1$s out of %3$s%5$zu%1$s file%6$s are good", NORM, BOLD, BLUE, num_files_ok, num_files, (num_files != 1 ? "s" : "")); if (num_files_unknown) qcprintf(" (Unable to digest %2$s%3$zu%1$s file%4$s)", NORM, BLUE, num_files_unknown, (num_files_unknown > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (num_files_ignored) qcprintf(" (%2$s%3$zu%1$s file%4$s ignored)", NORM, BLUE, num_files_ignored, (num_files_ignored > 1 ? "s were" : " was")); qcprintf("\n"); if (num_files_ok != num_files && !state->qc_update) return EXIT_FAILURE; else return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int qcheck_main(int argc, char **argv) { size_t i; int ret; tree_ctx *vdb; DECLARE_ARRAY(regex_arr); depend_atom *atom; DECLARE_ARRAY(atoms); struct qcheck_opt_state state = { .atoms = atoms, .regex_arr = regex_arr, .bad_only = false, .qc_update = false, .chk_afk = true, .chk_hash = true, .chk_mtime = true, .chk_config_protect = true, .undo_prelink = false, .fmt = NULL, }; while ((ret = GETOPT_LONG(QCHECK, qcheck, "")) != -1) { switch (ret) { COMMON_GETOPTS_CASES(qcheck) case 's': { regex_t preg; xregcomp(&preg, optarg, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB); xarraypush(regex_arr, &preg, sizeof(preg)); break; } case 'u': state.qc_update = true; break; case 'A': state.chk_afk = false; break; case 'B': state.bad_only = true; break; case 'H': state.chk_hash = false; break; case 'T': state.chk_mtime = false; break; case 'P': state.chk_config_protect = false; break; case 'p': state.undo_prelink = prelink_available(); break; case 'F': state.fmt = optarg; break; } } if (state.fmt == NULL) state.fmt = verbose ? QCHECK_FORMAT_VERBOSE : QCHECK_FORMAT; argc -= optind; argv += optind; for (i = 0; i < (size_t)argc; ++i) { atom = atom_explode(argv[i]); if (!atom) warn("invalid atom: %s", argv[i]); else xarraypush_ptr(atoms, atom); } vdb = tree_open_vdb(portroot, portvdb); ret = -1; if (vdb != NULL) { if (array_cnt(atoms) != 0) { ret = 0; array_for_each(atoms, i, atom) { ret |= tree_foreach_pkg_sorted(vdb, qcheck_cb, &state, atom); } } else { ret = tree_foreach_pkg_sorted(vdb, qcheck_cb, &state, NULL); } tree_close(vdb); } if (array_cnt(regex_arr) > 0) { void *preg; array_for_each(regex_arr, i, preg) regfree(preg); } xarrayfree(regex_arr); array_for_each(atoms, i, atom) atom_implode(atom); xarrayfree_int(atoms); return ret != 0; }