project( 'portage', 'c', version : '', license : 'GPL-2.0-or-later', meson_version : '>=0.58.0' ) py_mod = import('python') # TODO: Add "pure : not native_extensions" here instead of py.install_sources() # when requiring Meson >=0.64.0. py = py_mod.find_installation() sed = find_program('sed', required : true) system_wide = get_option('system-wide') native_extensions = get_option('native-extensions') eprefix = get_option('eprefix') prefixdir = get_option('prefix') datadir = get_option('datadir') docdir = get_option('docdir') portage_base = get_option('portage-base') portage_bindir = get_option('portage-bindir') portage_datadir = get_option('portage-datadir') sysconfdir = system_wide ? get_option('sysconfdir') \ : datadir / 'etc' if docdir == '' docdir = system_wide ? datadir / 'doc' / 'portage' \ : datadir / 'share' / 'portage' / 'doc' endif if portage_base == '' # This path must be absolute when system-wide. portage_base = system_wide ? prefixdir / 'lib' / 'portage' \ : datadir / 'lib' / 'portage' endif if portage_bindir == '' portage_bindir = portage_base / 'bin' endif if portage_datadir == '' portage_datadir = system_wide ? datadir / 'portage' \ : datadir / 'share' / 'portage' endif # hprefixify is copied from prefix.eclass. dirs = '/(usr|lib(|[onx]?32|n?64)|etc|bin|sbin|var|opt|run)' hprefixify = [ sed, '-r', '-e', 's,([^[:alnum:]}\\)\\.])' + dirs + ',\\1' + eprefix.replace(',', '\\,') + '/\\2,g', '-e', 's,^' + dirs + ',' + eprefix.replace(',', '\\,') + '/\\1,', '@INPUT@' ] # Use Portage's own code to determine the version from git, if possible. version = run_command( [py, '-c', 'import portage; print(portage.VERSION)'], env : { 'PYTHONPATH' : meson.current_source_dir() / 'lib' }, capture : true, check : false ) # Fall back to the Meson project version above. if version.returncode() == 0 version = version.stdout().strip() if version == 'HEAD' version = '' endif else version = '' endif conf_data = configuration_data({ 'VERSION' : version == '' ? meson.project_version() : version }) if system_wide conf_data.set('INSTALL_TYPE', 'SYSTEM') conf_data.set('PORTAGE_BASE_PATH', portage_base) conf_data.set('PORTAGE_BIN_PATH', portage_bindir) conf_data.set('EPREFIX', eprefix) else conf_data.set('INSTALL_TYPE', 'MODULE') conf_data.set('PORTAGE_BASE_PATH', '') conf_data.set('PORTAGE_BIN_PATH', '') conf_data.set('EPREFIX', '') endif subdir('bin') subdir('lib') if native_extensions subdir('src') endif if system_wide METADATA = configure_file( input : 'cnf/METADATA', output : 'METADATA', configuration : conf_data ) install_data( [ METADATA ], install_dir : py.get_install_dir() / 'portage-@0@.dist-info'.format(conf_data.get('VERSION')) ) endif test( 'pytest', py, args : ['-m', 'pytest', '--rootdir', meson.current_source_dir(), meson.current_source_dir()], timeout : 0 ) if get_option('code-only') subdir_done() endif subdir('cnf') install_data( [ 'NEWS', 'RELEASE-NOTES' ], install_dir : docdir ) if not system_wide subdir_done() endif subdir('doc') subdir('man')