Feature: Reference answers As recruiter I want to be able to record and edit reference answers So answers of recruits can be compared against them And Recruits can get instant feedback on their answers for multiple choice questions Scenario: Record reference answer for text question and edit it as different recruiter Given I am logged in as "recruiter1" who is "recruiter" And text content "some question?" for question "question" When I am on show "question" question page And I follow "Answer it" And I check "answer[reference]" And I fill in "some answer" for "answer[content]" And I press "Create Answer" Then I should see "The answer was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" When I follow "Log out" And I am logged in as "other-recruiter" who is "recruiter" And I am on show "question" question page And I follow "View reference answer" And I follow "(Edit)" And I fill in "some other answer" for "answer[content]" And I press "Save" Then I should see "Changes to the answer were saved" within ".flash.notice" Scenario: Record reference answer for multiple choice question and edit it as different recruiter Given I am logged in as "recruiter1" who is "recruiter" And a multiple choice content "question" for "question" And following options for "question": |Opt 1|Opt 2|Opt 3| When I am on show "question" question page And I follow "Answer it" And I check "multiple_choice_answer[reference]" And I check "Opt 1" And I press "Create Answer" Then I should see "The multiple choice answer was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" When I follow "Log out" And I am logged in as "other-recruiter" who is "recruiter" And I am on show "question" question page And I follow "View reference answer" And I follow "(Edit)" And I check "Opt 2" And I press "Save" Then I should see "Changes to the multiple choice answer were saved" within ".flash.notice"