package Portage; # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { use Exporter (); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our %EXPORT_TAGS = (); our @EXPORT_OK = (); } # --- public members --- # Set this to 1 to get debugging output use constant { DEBUG => 0 }; ## Note: Although use constant is deprecated as of page 55 of PBP # [ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitConstantPragma] and should be replaced by # ReadOnly, I do not see any gain in adding a dependency to dev-perl/Readonly # just for one value that is used when debugging only. - sed # $use_flags - hashref that represents the combined and # consolidated data about all valid use flags # Layout of $use_flags->{flag_name}: # {count} = number of different description lines # Note: +1 for the list of affected packages, and +1 for each descriptionless # package with settings differing from global. # {global} = hashref for the global paramters if the flag has a description in # use.desc, otherwise undefined # ->{conf} = The flag is disabled (-1), enabled (1) or not set (0) in make.conf # ->{default} = The flag is disabled (-1), enabled (1) or not set (0) by default # ->{descr} = Global description # ->{descr_alt} = Alternative description with stripped words like "Enables support for" # ->{forced} = The flag is globally force enabled (and masked) (0,1) # ->{installed} = At least one affected package is installed (0,1) # ->{masked} = The flag is globally masked (0,1) # Note: When a flag is forced, {masked} is set to one, but can be reset to # 0 by any later use.mask file. # {"local"}->{package} = hashref for per package settings # ->{descr} = Description from use.local.desc or empty if there is no # individual description. # Note: Packages without description are only listed here if their settings # differ from the global. # ->{forced} = The flag is explicitly unforced (-1), default (0) or # explicitly force enabled (1) for this package # ->{installed} = This package is installed # ->{masked} = The flag is explicitly unmasked (-1), default (0) or # masked (1) for this package # ->{package} = The flag is explicitly disabled (-1), default (0) or # enabled (1) for this package by (profiles)/package.use # ->{pkguse} = The flag is explicitly disabled (-1), default (0) or # enabled(1) for this package by /etc/portage/package.use # Note: This is a combination of the ebuilds IUSE and the installation # PKGUSE and only set for installed packages. our $use_flags; # $used_make_conf - path of the used make.conf # If PREFIX/etc/[portage/]make.conf is a directory, $used_make_conf # points to the file the last USE settings are found in. our $used_make_conf = ""; # If the found make.conf can not be changed by the effective # uid/gid of the caller, this value is set to 1 our $ro_mode = 0; # --- private members --- my %_environment = (); my $_EPREFIX = ""; my $_PORTDIR = ""; my $_PORTDIR_OVERLAY = ""; my @_profiles = (); my %_use_eh_safe = (); ## USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN safe hash. See _read_make_defaults() my %_use_order = (); # $_use_temp - hashref that represents the current state of all known flags. # This is for data gathering, the public $use_flags is generated out of this # by _gen_use_flags(). # Layout of $_use_temp->{flag_name}: # {global} = conf hash for global settings # {"local"}-> {package} = conf hash for per package settings # global and per package settings: # ->{conf} Is either disabled, left alone or enabled by make.conf (-1, 0, 1) # ->{default} Is either disabled, left alone or enabled by make.defaults # (-1, 0, 1) (global) or installed packages IUSE (local) # ->{descr} Description from use.desc ({global}) or use.local.desc {cat/pkg} # ->{forced} Is force enabled (implies {masked}=1) in any *use.force # For packages this is only set to -1 (explicitly unforced) or # +1 (explicitly forced). 0 means "left alone". # ->{installed} Has one installed package ({global}) or is installed {cat/pkg} # ->{masked} Is masked by any *use.mask (0,1) # For packages this is only set to -1 (explicitly unmasked) or +1 # (explicitly masked). 0 means "left alone". # ->{package} Is either disabled, left alone or enabled by the profiles # package.use files # ->{pkguse} Is either disabled, left alone or enabled by the users # package.use file my $_use_temp = undef; my $_use_template = { conf => 0, "default" => 0, descr => "", forced => 0, installed => 0, masked => 0, "package" => 0, pkguse => 0 }; my $_has_eix = 0; # Set to 1 by INIT if eix can be found. my $_eix_cmd = ""; # --- public methods --- sub debugMsg; # --- private methods --- sub _add_flag; sub _add_temp; sub _determine_eprefix_portdir; sub _determine_make_conf; sub _determine_profiles; sub _final_cleaning; sub _fix_flags; sub _gen_use_flags; sub _get_files_from_dir; sub _merge; sub _merge_env; sub _noncomments; sub _norm_path; sub _read_archs; sub _read_descriptions; sub _read_make_conf; sub _read_make_defaults; sub _read_make_globals; sub _read_package_use; sub _read_packages; sub _read_sh; sub _read_use_force; sub _read_use_mask; sub _remove_expands; # --- Package initialization --- INIT { $_environment{$_} = {} for qw{USE USE_EXPAND USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN}; # See if eix is available $_eix_cmd = qx{which eix 2>/dev/null}; defined($_eix_cmd) and chomp $_eix_cmd and length($_eix_cmd) and -x $_eix_cmd and $_has_eix = 1 and debugMsg("Found eix in \"$_eix_cmd\"") or $_has_eix = 0; # Initialize basics _determine_eprefix_portdir; _determine_make_conf; _determine_profiles; _read_make_globals; # make.conf is loaded first to parse for the set overlays # directories, if any. USE flags from make.conf get a # dedicated area {conf}, so there is no harm in loading # it first. _read_make_conf; # USE_ORDER must not only be defined, it sets the order in which settings # are loaded overriding each other. defined($_environment{USE_ORDER}) or die("Unable to determine USE_ORDER!\nSomething is seriously broken!\n"); my $ordNr = 0; my @use_order = reverse split /:/, $_environment{USE_ORDER}; for my $order(@use_order) { "env" eq $order and next; ## Not used by ufed "pkg" eq $order and _read_package_use; # "conf" is already loaded "defaults" eq $order and _read_make_defaults; "pkginternal" eq $order and _read_packages; "repo" eq $order and next; ## Done in "defaults" and "pkginternal" in the right order "env.d" eq $order and next; ## Not used by ufed $_use_order{$order} = ++$ordNr; } if ( !defined($_use_order{"defaults"}) || !defined($_use_order{"conf"}) || ($_use_order{"defaults"} > $_use_order{"conf"})) { die("Sorry, USE_ORDER without make.conf overriding global" . " USE flags are not currently supported by ufed.\n"); } # Now the rest can be read _read_use_force; ## Must be before _read_use_mask to not _read_use_mask; ## unintentionally unmask explicitly masked flags. _read_archs; _read_descriptions; _remove_expands; _fix_flags; _final_cleaning; _gen_use_flags; } # --- public methods implementations --- # Write a given message to STDERR adding a newline at the end # This function does nothing unless DEBUG is set to something # different than zero # Parameter 1: The message sub debugMsg { my ($msg) = @_; DEBUG or return 1; print STDERR "$msg\n"; return 1; } # --- private methods implementations --- # Add a flag to $use_flags and intialize it with the given # description hash key. # Parameter 1: flag # Parameter 2: Keyword "global" or the package name # Parameter 3: description hash key sub _add_flag { my ($flag, $pkg, $descKey) = @_; if ($descKey =~ /^\[(.*)\](-?\d+):(-?\d+):(-?\d+):(-?\d+):(-?\d+):(-?\d+):(-?\d+)$/ ) { my ($descr, $conf, $default, $forced, $installed, $masked, $package, $pkguse) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8); my %data = (); # An alternate form of the description is a version # where various words are stripped, as they do not # bear much information. my $descr_alt = $descr; if (length($descr)) { my $VERB = "(?:build|include|enable|add|support|use|be|install)(?:s)?"; my $BIND = "(?:and|for|in|the|a)?"; my $WHAT = "(?:install|support|build|include|able)?(?:s|ing|ed)?"; my $POST = "(?:in|for|the|on|with|a|to)?"; $descr_alt =~ s/^$VERB\s*$BIND\s*$WHAT\s*$POST\s*$POST\s+//mig; debugMsg("$flag : [$pkg]\n \"$descr\"\n-> \"$descr_alt\""); } $data{descr} = $descr; $data{descr_alt} = $descr_alt; $data{forced} = $forced; $data{installed} = $installed; $data{masked} = $masked; $data{"package"} = $package; $data{"default"} = $default; if ("global" eq "$pkg") { $data{conf} = $conf; %{$use_flags->{$flag}{global}} = %data; } else { $data{pkguse} = $pkguse; %{$use_flags->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}} = %data; } ++$use_flags->{$flag}{count} if (length($descr)); } else { die ("\n\"$flag\" ($pkg) Description Hash Key\n \"$descKey\"\nis illegal!\n"); } return 1; } # Add a flag to $_use_temp if it does not exist # Parameter 1: flag # Parameter 2: Keyword "global" or "category/package" sub _add_temp { my ($flag, $pkg) = @_; my $isAdded = 0; (defined($flag) && length($flag)) or return; if ("global" eq $pkg) { defined ($_use_temp->{$flag}{global}) or %{$_use_temp->{$flag}{global}} = %$_use_template; } else { defined ($_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}) or %{$_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}} = %$_use_template; } return; } # Determine the values for EPREFIX, PORTDIR and PORTDIR_OVERLAY. These are # saved in $_EPREFIX, $_PORTDIR and $_PORTDIR_OVERLAY. # This is done using 'eix' with 'portageq' as a fallback. # Other output from portageq is printed on STDERR. # No parameters accepted. sub _determine_eprefix_portdir { my $tmp = "/tmp/ufed_$$.tmp"; $_EPREFIX = qx{portageq envvar EPREFIX 2>$tmp}; defined($_EPREFIX) and chomp $_EPREFIX or $_EPREFIX=""; # Prefer eix over portageq if it is available if ($_has_eix) { debugMsg("Using eix..."); local $ENV{PRINT_APPEND}=''; $_PORTDIR = qx{$_eix_cmd --print PORTDIR 2>>$tmp}; $_PORTDIR_OVERLAY = qx{$_eix_cmd --print PORTDIR_OVERLAY 2>>$tmp}; # eix ends PORTDIR with a slash that must be removed $_PORTDIR =~ s,/+$,,; } else { debugMsg("Using portageq fallback..."); my $eroot = qx{portageq envvar EROOT 2>>$tmp}; defined($eroot) and chomp $eroot or $eroot="/"; # Remove 'gentoo', this is PORTDIR, the others are PORTDIR_OVERLAY. my $repos = join(' ', map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/^gentoo$//; $x } split(' ', qx{portageq get_repos $eroot 2>>$tmp}) ); chomp $repos; # Now the paths can be determined: $_PORTDIR = qx{portageq get_repo_path $eroot gentoo 2>>$tmp}; $_PORTDIR_OVERLAY = join(' ', map { my $x = $_; $x =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/$1/mg; $x } split('\n', qx{portageq get_repo_path $eroot $repos 2>>$tmp} )); defined($_PORTDIR) and chomp $_PORTDIR; defined($_PORTDIR_OVERLAY) and chomp $_PORTDIR_OVERLAY; } debugMsg("EPREFIX='${_EPREFIX}'"); debugMsg("PORTDIR='${_PORTDIR}'"); debugMsg("PORTDIR_OVERLAY='${_PORTDIR_OVERLAY}'"); # Print error messages if any: if ( -s $tmp ) { if (open (my $fTmp, "<", $tmp)) { print STDERR "$_" while (<$fTmp>); close $fTmp; } } -e $tmp and unlink $tmp; # Die unless this is sane defined($_EPREFIX) and defined($_PORTDIR) and length($_PORTDIR) and defined($_PORTDIR_OVERLAY) or die "\nCouldn't determine EPREFIX and PORTDIR from Portage\n"; return; } # determine which make.conf to use # and save the result in $used_make_conf sub _determine_make_conf { $used_make_conf = "${_EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf"; (-r $used_make_conf) or $used_make_conf = "${_EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf"; # If $used_make_conf points to a directory now, # or if it is simply not present, it is emptied so # _read_make_conf will determine the later used # value if ( (! -e $used_make_conf) || (-d $used_make_conf) ) { $used_make_conf = ""; } return; } # read /etc/make.profile and /etc/portage/make.profile and analyze the complete # profile tree using the found parent files. Add all found paths to @profiles. # No parameters accepted. sub _determine_profiles { my $mp_path = "${_EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.profile"; -e $mp_path or $mp_path = "${_EPREFIX}/etc/make.profile"; -e $mp_path or die("make.profile can not be found"); my $mp = undef; (-l $mp_path and $mp = readlink $mp_path) or (-d $mp_path and $mp = $mp_path) # Be sure it is not a file either: or (-f $mp_path and die( "\n$mp_path is a file.\n" . " This is an odd setup.\n" . " Please report this incident!\n")); # make.profile is mandatory and must be a link or directory defined($mp) or die("\n$mp_path is neither symlink nor directory\n"); # Start with the found path, it is the deepest profile child. @_profiles = -l $mp_path ? _norm_path('/etc', $mp) : $mp; for (my $i = -1; $i >= -@_profiles; $i--) { for(_noncomments("${_profiles[$i]}/parent")) { length($_) and splice(@_profiles, $i, 0, _norm_path(${_profiles[$i]}, $_)); } } return; } # This method does a final cleanup of $_use_temp. # Everything that is to be done _after_ all configs are parsed goes in here. # No parameters accepted sub _final_cleaning { # The "disable all" flag is truncated to '*' by the parsing, but # it has to read '-*'. _add_temp("-*", "global"); $_use_temp->{'-*'}{global}{descr} = "{Never enable any flags other than those specified in make.conf}"; $_use_temp->{'-*'}{global}{conf} = 0; ## Can never be -1 # Set it from the truncated config: if (defined($_use_temp->{'*'}{global})) { $_use_temp->{'*'}{global}{conf} > -1 and $_use_temp->{'-*'}{global}{conf} = 1; } # The following use flags are dangerous or internal only # and must no be available using ufed: defined($_use_temp->{"*"}) and delete($_use_temp->{"*"}); defined($_use_temp->{"bootstrap"}) and delete($_use_temp->{"bootstrap"}); defined($_use_temp->{"build"}) and delete($_use_temp->{"build"}); defined($_use_temp->{"livecd"}) and delete($_use_temp->{"livecd"}); defined($_use_temp->{"selinux"}) and delete($_use_temp->{"selinux"}); return; } # This function fixes two aspects of the temporary flag hash: # A) The {"default"} flag settings of packages might have to be overridden by # the {"global"} ones. # (see USE_ORDER in man make.conf) # B) All flags that are specific to explicit versioning have no descriptions # yet. This must be enriched from the versionless package setting. # C) Further flags that have no proper description get the string "(Unknown)" # as a description sub _fix_flags { for my $flag (keys %{$_use_temp}) { my $flagRef = $_use_temp->{$flag}; ## Shortcut my $globRef = $flagRef->{global} || undef; my $locaRef = $flagRef->{"local"} || undef; my $gDesc = "(Unknown)"; my $gDefault = 0; my $hasLocal = 0; # check global part first if (defined($globRef)) { if (length($globRef->{descr})) { $gDesc = $globRef->{descr}; $gDefault = $globRef->{"default"}; } elsif ( $globRef->{conf} || $globRef->{"default"} || $globRef->{forced} || $globRef->{masked} ) { ## The flag is definitely set somewhere $globRef->{descr} = $gDesc; } } # Now check local part for my $pkg (sort keys %$locaRef) { $hasLocal = 1; # fix {default} settings if a global one is set # This is make.defaults overriding IUSE settings. if ( $gDefault && ( !defined($_use_order{"pkginternal"}) || ($_use_order{"defaults"} > $_use_order{"pkginternal"})) ) { $locaRef->{$pkg}{"default"} = $gDefault; } # No further action required if a description is present next if (length($locaRef->{$pkg}{descr})); # Otherwise check wether this is worth to be added if ( $locaRef->{$pkg}{installed} || $locaRef->{$pkg}{forced} || $locaRef->{$pkg}{masked} || $locaRef->{$pkg}{"package"} || $locaRef->{$pkg}{pkguse}) { # it is set and/or used by an ebuild if ($pkg =~ /^[<>=~]+([^<>=~].+)-\d+(?:\.\d+)*\w?(?:_(?:alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)\d*)*(?:-r\d+)?$/) { defined($locaRef->{$1}) and $locaRef->{$pkg}{descr} = $locaRef->{$1}{descr}; } length($locaRef->{$pkg}{descr}) or $locaRef->{$pkg}{descr} = $gDesc; ## (Unknown) unless set } } ## End of looping packages # Finally remove the global description if it is (Unknown) with at # least one local representation present. if ($hasLocal && ("(Unknown)" eq $gDesc)) { $globRef->{descr} = ""; } } ## End of looping flags return; } # Once $_use_temp is ready, this method builds the final $use_flags hashref. # No parameters accepted sub _gen_use_flags { for my $flag (keys %$_use_temp) { my %descCons = (); my $flagRef = $_use_temp->{$flag}; ## Shortcut my $hasGlobal= defined($flagRef->{global}) ? 1 : 0; my $lCount = ($hasGlobal && length($flagRef->{global}{descr})) ? 1 : 0; my $gDesc = ""; my $gKey = ""; my $gRef = $flagRef->{global}; my $gdLen = 0; my $pDesc = ""; my $pKey = ""; my $pRef = undef; my $pdLen = 0; # Build the description consolidation hash if ($hasGlobal) { $gDesc = $gRef->{descr}; $gdLen = length($gDesc); $gKey = sprintf("[%s]%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", $gDesc, $gRef->{conf}, $gRef->{"default"}, $gRef->{forced}, $gRef->{installed}, $gRef->{masked}, $gRef->{"package"}, $gRef->{pkguse}); } for my $pkg (sort keys %{$flagRef->{"local"}}) { $pRef = $flagRef->{"local"}{$pkg}; $pdLen = length($pRef->{descr}); # only accept entries with a non-empty description: $pdLen or next; $pDesc = $pRef->{descr}; # Now the Key can be assembled... $pKey = sprintf("[%s]%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", $pDesc, $pRef->{conf}, $pRef->{"default"}, $pRef->{forced}, $pRef->{installed}, $pRef->{masked}, $pRef->{"package"}, $pRef->{pkguse}); # ...and safed, if it has an own description or differs in its settings from global if ( ($pdLen && ($gDesc ne $pDesc)) ## has an own description || $pRef->{"default"} ## explicitly set default from IUSE || $pRef->{forced} ## explicitly (un)forced from package.use.force || $pRef->{masked} ## explicitly (un)masked from package.use.mask || $pRef->{pkguse} ## explicitly (un)set from users package.use ) { $descCons{$pKey}{$pkg} = 1; ++$lCount; } } ## End of walking through a flags package list # Skip if there was nothing consolidated next unless($lCount); # Add the content of $descCons to $use_flags: $use_flags->{$flag}{count} = 0; # The global data has to be added first: length($gKey) and _add_flag($flag, "global", $gKey); # Then the "local" flag descriptions for my $key (sort keys %descCons) { # Generate the package list with same description and flags, # but not for more than 5 packages my $packages = ""; my $pkgCount = 0; for my $pkg (sort keys %{$descCons{$key}}) { length($packages) and $packages .= ", "; $packages .= $pkg; if (++$pkgCount == 5) { _add_flag($flag, $packages, $key); $packages = ""; $pkgCount = 0; } } # Add the last result if there is something left $pkgCount and _add_flag($flag, $packages, $key); } delete $_use_temp->{$flag}; } ## End of walking through $_use_temp flags return; } # Get an alphabetical case insensitive list of files # from a path (_not_ depth first!) and return it # Param 1: the path to search in # Param 2: recursive calls should set this to 1 sub _get_files_from_dir { my ($search_path, $isRecursive) = @_; my @result = (); # Nothing to do if the search path is empty ( defined($search_path) && length($search_path) ) or return @result; defined($isRecursive) or $isRecursive = 0; for my $confFile (glob("$search_path/*")) { # Skip hidden and backup files if ( (-f $confFile ) && ( ($confFile =~ /~$/) || ($confFile =~ /^\./) ) ) { debugMsg("Skipping file $confFile"); next; } # Skip special directories CVS, RCS and SCCS if ( (-d $confFile) && ($confFile =~ /\/(?:CVS|RCS|SCCS)$/ ) ) { debugMsg("Skipping directory $confFile"); next; } # recurse if this is a directory: if (-d $confFile) { push @result, _get_files_from_dir($confFile, 1); next; } # Otherwise just add to result list push @result, $confFile; } # return plain list if this is a recursive call $isRecursive and return @result; # return an alphabetically sorted list: my @sorted = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} @result; return @sorted; } # merges two hashes into the first. # Parameter 1: reference of the destination hash # Parameter 2: reference of the source hash sub _merge { my ($dst, $src) = @_; %{$dst} = () if(exists $src->{'*'}); $dst->{$_} = $src->{$_} for(keys %$src); return; } # Splits content of the source hash at spaces and # merges its contents into %_environment. # Parameter 1: reference of the hash to merge sub _merge_env { my ($src) = @_; for(keys %_environment) { if(ref $_environment{$_} eq 'HASH') { if(exists $src->{$_}) { my %split; for(split ' ', $src->{$_}) { my $off = s/^-//; %split = () if($_ eq '*'); $split{$_} = !$off; } $src->{$_} = { %split }; _merge(\%{$_environment{$_}}, \%{$src->{$_}}); } } } for(keys %$src) { if(ref $_environment{$_} ne 'HASH') { $_environment{$_} = $src->{$_}; } } return; } # returns a list of all lines of a given file/dir # that are no pure comments # Parameter 1: filename/dirname sub _noncomments { my ($fname) = @_; my @result = (); if(-d $fname) { for my $i (_get_files_from_dir($fname)) { (-f $i) && push @result, _noncomments($i); } } else { local $/; if(open my $file, '<', $fname) { binmode( $file, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ); my $content = <$file> || ""; close $file; @result = split /(?:[^\S\n]*(?:#.*)?\n)+/, "$content\n"; shift @result while ( (@result > 0) && !length($result[0]) ); } } return @result; } # normalizes a given path behind a base # Parameter 1: base path # Parameter 2: sub path # return: normalized base path / normalized sub path sub _norm_path { my ($base, $path) = @_; my @pathcomp = ($path !~ m!^/! && split(m!/!, $base), split(m!/!, $path)); for(my $i=0;;$i++) { last if $i == @pathcomp; # don't want to skip this with redo if($pathcomp[$i] eq '' || $pathcomp[$i] eq '.') { splice @pathcomp, $i, 1; redo; } if($pathcomp[$i] eq '..') { if($i==0) { splice @pathcomp, 0, 1; } else { splice @pathcomp, --$i, 2; } redo; } } return '/'.join '/', @pathcomp; } # reads all found arch.list and erase all found archs from $_use_temp. Archs # are not setable. # No parameters accepted sub _read_archs { for my $dir(@_profiles) { next unless (-r "$dir/arch.list"); for my $arch (_noncomments("$dir/arch.list")) { length($arch) and defined($_use_temp->{$arch}) and delete($_use_temp->{$arch}); } } return; } # reads all use.desc and use.local.desc and updates $_use_temp accordingly. # No parameters accepted sub _read_descriptions { for my $dir(@_profiles) { if (-r "$dir/use.desc") { for(_noncomments("$dir/use.desc")) { my ($flag, $desc) = /^(.*?)\s+-\s+(.*)$/ or next; _add_temp($flag, "global"); $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{descr} = $desc; } } ## End of having a use.desc file if (-r "$dir/use.local.desc") { for(_noncomments("$dir/use.local.desc")) { my ($pkg, $flag, $desc) = /^(.*?):(.*?)\s+-\s+(.*)$/ or next; # Here we do not explicitly add a {global} part, # some flags are local only. _add_temp($flag, $pkg); $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{descr} = $desc; } } ## End of having a use.local.desc file } ## End of looping the profiles return; } # read make.conf and record the state of all set use flags. # Additionally add all set portage directories (plus overlays) to @_profiles. # The last added profile directory, if it exists, is /etc/portage/profile to # allow recognition of user overrides. # If either of the make.conf paths is a directory, all files are read in # alphanumerical order. The file changes are written to will be the last file # that contains a USE assignement. # No parameters accepted. sub _read_make_conf { my ($stOldPath, $stNewPath) = ( "${_EPREFIX}/etc/make.conf", "${_EPREFIX}/etc/portage/make.conf" ); my (%oldEnv, %newEnv) = ([], []); my $lastUSEFile = ""; for my $confPath ($stOldPath, $stNewPath) { if ( -d $confPath) { my @confFileList = _get_files_from_dir($confPath); for my $confFile (@confFileList) { debugMsg("Reading $confFile"); %newEnv = _read_sh($confFile); _merge (\%oldEnv, \%newEnv); defined($newEnv{USE}) and $lastUSEFile = $confFile and debugMsg(" -> USE flags found"); } } else { %newEnv = _read_sh($confPath); _merge (\%oldEnv, \%newEnv); $lastUSEFile = $confPath; } } # If there is no used make.conf found, yet, save it: if ( 0 == length($used_make_conf) ) { $used_make_conf = $lastUSEFile; $used_make_conf =~ /\/make\.conf$/ or print "Using $used_make_conf as USE flags file\n"; } debugMsg("$used_make_conf will be used to store changes"); # If the make.conf is not writable, enable read-only-mode if (! -w $used_make_conf ) { my $egid = $); $egid =~ s/\s+.*$//; $ro_mode = 1; print "WARNING: $used_make_conf not writable by uid/gid $>/$egid\n"; print "WARNING: ufed will run in read-only-mode!\n"; } # Note the conf state of the read flags: for my $flag ( keys %{$oldEnv{USE}}) { _add_temp($flag, "global"); $oldEnv{USE}{$flag} and $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{conf} = 1 or $flag eq '*' and $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{conf} = 1 or $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{conf} = -1; } # Add PORTDIR and overlays to @_profiles length ($_PORTDIR) and push @_profiles, "${_PORTDIR}/profiles" or die("Unable to determine PORTDIR!\nSomething is seriously broken here!\n"); length ($_PORTDIR_OVERLAY) and push @_profiles, split(' ', $_PORTDIR_OVERLAY); -e "${_EPREFIX}/etc/portage/profile" and push @_profiles, "${_EPREFIX}/etc/portage/profile"; return; } # read all found make.defaults merge their values into env, # adding flag parameters to $_use_tmp. # TODO : use USE_EXPAND to add Expansion parsing. The most # important of these are set with sane defaults here, # too. # No parameters accepted. sub _read_make_defaults { # make.defaults are parsed first by portage: for my $dir(@_profiles) { if (-r "$dir/make.defaults") { my %env = _read_sh("$dir/make.defaults"); # Note the conf state of the read flags: for my $flag ( keys %{$env{USE}}) { _add_temp($flag, "global"); $env{USE}{$flag} and $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{"default"} = 1 or $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{"default"} = -1; } # Safe USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN if set. This is done because a user might # set it to "-*" in make.conf, which does not disable flags but only # the hidden status making them visible. _merge(\%_use_eh_safe, $env{USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN}) if (defined($env{USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN})); } } ## End of reading make.defaults return; } # read all found make.globals and merge their settings into %environment. This # is done to get the final "PORTDIR" and "USE_ORDER" # No parameters accepted sub _read_make_globals { for my $dir(@_profiles, "${_EPREFIX}/usr/share/portage/config") { _read_sh("$dir/make.globals"); } return; } # read all found package.use files and merge their values into env, adding flag # parameters to $_use_tmp. # No parameters accepted. sub _read_package_use { for my $dir(@_profiles, "${_EPREFIX}/etc/portage") { my $tgt = $dir eq "${_EPREFIX}/etc/portage" ? "pkguse" : "package"; for(_noncomments("$dir/package.use") ) { my($pkg, @flags) = split; for my $flag (@flags) { my $state = $flag =~ s/^-// || 0; _add_temp($flag, "global"); _add_temp($flag, $pkg); if ($state) { $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{$tgt} = -1; ## explicitly disabled } else { $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{$tgt} = 1; ## explicitly enabled } } } } ## End of reading package.use return; } # Analyze EPREFIX/var/db/pkg and analyze all installed packages. The contents # of the file IUSE are used to enrich the information of the {default} part and # to determine which packages are installed. sub _read_packages { my $pkgdir = undef; opendir($pkgdir, "${_EPREFIX}/var/db/pkg") or die "Couldn't read ${_EPREFIX}/var/db/pkg\n"; # loop through all categories in pkgdir while(my $cat = readdir $pkgdir) { next if $cat eq '.' or $cat eq '..'; my $catdir = undef; opendir($catdir, "${_EPREFIX}/var/db/pkg/$cat") or next; # loop through all openable directories in cat while(my $pkg = readdir $catdir) { next if $pkg eq '.' or $pkg eq '..'; my @iuse = (); # Load IUSE to learn which use flags the package in this version knows my $fiuse = "${_EPREFIX}/var/db/pkg/$cat/$pkg/IUSE"; if(open my $use, '<', $fiuse) { local $/; @iuse = split ' ', <$use>; close $use; } # could be shortened, but make sure not to strip off part of the name $pkg =~ s/-\d+(?:\.\d+)*\w?(?:_(?:alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)\d*)*(?:-r\d+)?$//; $pkg = $cat . "/" . $pkg; # Now save the knowledge gained (if any) in $_use_temp: for my $flag (@iuse) { my $eState = $flag =~ s/^\+// || 0; my $dState = $flag =~ s/^-// || 0; _add_temp($flag, "global"); _add_temp($flag, $pkg); $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{"default"} = $eState ? 1 : $dState ? -1 : 0; $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{installed} = 1; $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{installed} = 1; } ## End of looping IUSE } closedir $catdir; } closedir $pkgdir; return; } # reads the given file and parses it for key=value pairs. # "source" entries are added to the file and parsed as well. The results of the # parsing are merged into %environment. # Parameter 1: The path of the file to parse. # In a non-scalar context the function returns the found values. sub _read_sh { my ($fname) = @_; my $BLANK = qr{(?:[ \n\t]+|#.*)+}; # whitespace and comments my $IDENT = qr{([^ \\\n\t'"{}=#]+)}; # identifiers my $ASSIG = qr{=}; # assignment operator my $UQVAL = qr{((?: # guard to extend the character limit [^ \\\n\t'"#]{1,32766} | # max 32766 of regular characters or \\. # one escaped character ){1,32766} # extend by 32766 sub matches )}sx; # unquoted value my $SQVAL = qr{'((?: # guard to extend the character limit [^']{0,32766} # 0 to 32766 characters ... ){0,32766} # ... up to 32766 times )'}x; # singlequoted value my $DQVAL = qr{"((?: # guard to extend the character limit [^\\"]{0,32766} | # max 32766 non-escaped characters or \\. # one escaped character ){0,32766} # extend by up to 32766 sub matches )"}sx; # doublequoted value my %env; if(open my $file, '<', $fname) { { local $/; $_ = <$file> } close $file; eval { for(;;) { /\G$BLANK/gc; last if ((pos || 0) == (length || 0)); /\G$IDENT/gc or die "Empty file detected, no identifier found."; my $name = $1; /\G$BLANK/gc; if($name ne 'source') { /\G$ASSIG/gc or die "Bare keyword $name (pos " . pos . ") detected."; /\G$BLANK/gc; } pos == length and die "Bumped into unexpected EOF after $name."; my $value = ''; for(;;) { if(/\G$UQVAL/gc || /\G$DQVAL/gc) { my $addvalue = $1; $addvalue =~ s[ \\\n | # backslash-newline \\(.) | # other escaped characters \$(\{)? # $ $IDENT # followed by an identifier (?(2)}) # optionally enclosed in braces ][ defined $3 ? $env{$3} || '' : # replace envvars defined $1 ? $1 : # unescape escaped characters '' # delete backslash-newlines ]gex; $value .= $addvalue } elsif(/\G$SQVAL/gc) { $value .= $1 } else { last } } if($name eq 'source') { open my $f, '<', $value or die "Unable to open $value\n$!\n"; my $pos = pos; substr($_, pos, 0) = do { local $/; my $text = <$f>; defined $text or die "Error parsing $value"; $text; }; pos = $pos; close $f or die "Unable to close $value\n$!\n"; } else { $env{$name} = $value; } } }; defined($@) and length($@) and chomp $@ and die "Parse error in $fname\n - Error: \"$@\"\n"; } _merge_env(\%env); return %env if wantarray; return; } # read all enforced flags from all found use.force and package.use.force files. # Save the found masks in %use_flags. # No parameters accepted. sub _read_use_force { for my $dir(@_profiles) { if (-r "$dir/use.force") { # use.force can enforce and mask specific flags for my $flag (_noncomments("$dir/use.force") ) { my $state = $flag =~ s/^-// || 0; _add_temp($flag, "global"); $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{masked} = !$state; $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{forced} = !$state; } } ## End of having a use.force file if (-r "$dir/package.use.force") { # package.use.force can enforce or unforce flags per package for(_noncomments("$dir/package.use.force") ) { my($pkg, @flags) = split; for my $flag (@flags) { my $state = $flag =~ s/^-// || 0; _add_temp($flag, "global"); _add_temp($flag, $pkg); if ($state) { $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{masked} = -1; ## explicitly unmasked and $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{forced} = -1; ## explicitly unforced } else { $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{masked} = 1; ## explicitly masked and $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{forced} = 1; ## explicitly enforced } } } } ## End of having a package.use.force file } ## End of looping through the profiles return; } # read all masked flags from all found use.mask and package.use.mask files. # Save the found masks in %use_flags. # No parameters accepted. sub _read_use_mask { for my $dir(@_profiles) { if (-r "$dir/use.mask") { # use.mask can enable or disable masks for my $flag (_noncomments("$dir/use.mask") ) { my $state = $flag =~ s/^-// || 0; _add_temp($flag, "global"); $_use_temp->{$flag}{global}{masked} = !$state; } } ## End of having a use.mask file if (-r "$dir/package.use.mask") { # package.use.mask can enable or disable masks per package for(_noncomments("$dir/package.use.mask") ) { my($pkg, @flags) = split; for my $flag (@flags) { my $state = $flag =~ s/^-// || 0; _add_temp($flag, "global"); _add_temp($flag, $pkg); $state and $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{masked} = -1; ## explicitly unmasked $state or $_use_temp->{$flag}{"local"}{$pkg}{masked} = 1; ## explicitly masked } } } ## End of having a package.use.mask file } ## End of looping through the profiles return; } # TODO : Remove this function once the usage of the USE_EXPAND # values is implemented. # For now all use flags that are expanded are removed. They are not # set in USE="foo" but in their respective values like APACHE2_MODULES="foo" # # Note: the values from base/make.defaults are: (but there might be more) # USE_EXPAND="APACHE2_MODULES APACHE2_MPMS CALLIGRA_FEATURES ENLIGHTENMENT_MODULES # FOO2ZJS_DEVICES MISDN_CARDS FRITZCAPI_CARDS FCDSL_CARDS VIDEO_CARDS DVB_CARDS # LIRC_DEVICES INPUT_DEVICES LINGUAS USERLAND KERNEL ELIBC CROSSCOMPILE_OPTS # ALSA_CARDS ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS LCD_DEVICES CAMERAS NETBEANS_MODULES QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS # QEMU_USER_TARGETS SANE_BACKENDS RUBY_TARGETS PHP_TARGETS NGINX_MODULES_HTTP # NGINX_MODULES_MAIL XFCE_PLUGINS XTABLES_ADDONS GPSD_PROTOCOLS COLLECTD_PLUGINS # DRACUT_MODULES OFED_DRIVERS GRUB_PLATFORMS FFTOOLS PYTHON_TARGETS CURL_SSL # OPENMPI_FABRICS OPENMPI_RM OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS # VOICEMAIL_STORAGE PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET ABI_X86" # # And the USE_EXPAND variables whose contents are not shown in package manager output. # USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN="USERLAND KERNEL ELIBC CROSSCOMPILE_OPTS ABI_X86" # # Note2: It might be a good idea to leave this function and just reduce it to kill # USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN flags, as they must not be seen anyway. # # Note3: It can happen, that a user sets USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN to "-*" - which then moves # all entries to MOVE_EXPAND making them visible. sub _remove_expands { my $expands = $_environment{USE_EXPAND} || {}; my $hidden = $_environment{USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN} || {}; # If USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN is set to "-*", the safed flags have to be merged # into USE_EXPAND if (defined($hidden->{"*"})) { _merge($expands, \%_use_eh_safe); $hidden = {}; } for my $key (map {my $x=lc($_)."_"; $x } keys %$expands) { for my $flag (keys %$_use_temp) { if ($flag =~ /^$key/ ) { delete($_use_temp->{$flag}); } } } ## Done looping USE_EXPAND for my $key (map {my $x=lc($_)."_"; $x } keys %$hidden) { for my $flag (keys %$_use_temp) { if ($flag =~ /^$key/ ) { delete($_use_temp->{$flag}); } } } ## Done looping USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN return; } 1;