#* -a x:y:z simulate x DVB-S2, y DVB-T2 and z DVB-C adapters on this box (0 means auto-detect) # * eg: -a 1:2:3 # - it will report 1 dvb-s2 device, 2 dvb-t2 devices and 3 dvb-c devices #* -b --buffers X:Y : set the app adapter buffer to X Bytes (default: 25004) and set the kernel DVB buffer to Y Bytes (default: 5775360) - both multiple of 188 # * eg: -b 18800:18988 #* -c X: bandwidth capping for the output to the network [default: unlimited] # * eg: -c 2048 (does not allow minisatip to send more than 2048KB/s to all remote servers) #* -d --diseqc ADAPTER1:COMMITTED1-UNCOMMITTED1[,ADAPTER2:COMMITTED2-UNCOMMITTED2[,...] # * The first argument is the adapter number, second is the number of committed packets to send to a Diseqc 1.0 switch, third the number of uncommitted commands to sent to a Diseqc 1.1 switch # The higher number between the committed and uncommitted will be sent first. # * eg: -d 0:1-0 (which is the default for each adapter). # - note: * as adapter means apply to all adapters # - note: * before committed number enables fast-switch (only voltage/tone) #* -q --diseqc-timing ADAPTER1:BEFORE_CMD1-AFTER_CMD1-AFTER_REPEATED_CMD1-AFTER_SWITCH1-AFTER_BURST1-AFTER_TONE1[,...] # * All timing values are in ms, default adapter values are: 15-54-15-15-15-0 # - note: * as adapter means apply to all adapters #* -D --device-id DVC_ID: specify the device id (in case there are multiple SAT>IP servers in the network) # * eg: -D 4 #* -Y --delsys ADAPTER1:DELIVERY_SYSTEM1[,ADAPTER2:DELIVERY_SYSTEM2[,..]] - specify the delivery system of the adapters # * eg: --delsys 1:dvbt,2:dvbs # - specifies adapter 1 as a DVBT device, adapter 2 as DVB-S, which overrides the system detection of the adapter #* --dmx-source ADAPTER1:FRONTENDX - specifies the frontend number specified as argument for DMX_SET_SOURCE # * eg: --dmx-source 0:1 - enables DMX_SET_SOURCE ioctl call with parameter 1 for adapter 0 #* -e --enable-adapters list_of_enabled adapters: enable only specified adapters # * eg: -e 0-2,5,7 (no spaces between parameters) # - keep in mind that the first adapters are the local ones starting with 0 after that are the satip adapters # if you have 3 local dvb cards 0-2 will be the local adapters, 3,4, ... will be the satip servers specified with argument -s #* -f foreground, otherwise run in background #* -g use syslog instead stdout for logging, multiple -g - print to stderr as well #* -i --priority prio: set the DVR thread priority to prio #* -l increases the verbosity (you can use multiple -l), logging to stdout in foreground mode or in /tmp/log when a daemon # * eg: -l -l -l #* -L --lnb specifies the adapter and LNB parameters (low, high and switch frequency) # * eg: -L *:9750-10600-11700 - sets all the adapters to use Universal LNB parameters (default) # * eg: -L *:10750-10750-10750 - sets the parameters for Sky NZ LNB using 10750 Mhz # * eg: -L 0:10750-10750-10750,1:9750-10600-11700 - adapter 0 has a SKY NZ LNB, adapter 1 has an Universal LNB #* -m xx: simulate xx as local mac address, generates UUID based on mac # * eg: -m 001122334455 #* -o --dvbapi host:port - specify the hostname and port for the dvbapi server (oscam) # * eg: -o # is the host where oscam is running and 9000 is the port configured in dvbapi section in oscam.conf #* -p url: specify playlist url using X_SATIPM3U header # * eg: -p # - this will add X_SATIPM3U tag into the satip description xml #* -r --remote-rtp remote_rtp_host: send the rtp stream to remote_rtp_host instead of the ip the connection comes from # * eg: -r #* -R --document-root directory: document root for the minisatip web page and images # default gentoo install /usr/share/doc/minisatip-*/html #* -s --satip-servers DELSYS:host:port - specify the remote satip host and port with delivery system DELSYS, it is possible to use multiple -s # * DELSYS - can be one of: dvbs, dvbs2, dvbt, dvbt2, dvbc, dvbc2, isdbt, atsc, dvbcb ( - DVBC_ANNEX_B ) [default: dvbs2] # host - the server of the satip server # port - rtsp port for the satip server [default: 554] # eg: -s -s dvbt: -s dvbc: # - specifies 1 dvbs2 (and dvbs)satip server with address # - specifies 1 dvbt satip server with address # - specifies 1 dvbc satip server with address #* -O --satip-tcp Use RTSP over TCP instead of UDP for data transport #* -S --slave ADAPTER1,ADAPTER2-ADAPTER4[,..] - specify slave adapters # * Allows specifying bonded adapters (multiple adapters connected with a splitter to the same LNB) # Only one adapter needs to be master all others needs to have this parameter specified # eg: -S 1-2 # - specifies adapter 1 to 2 as slave, in this case adapter 0 can be the master that controls the LNB # - the slave adapter will not control the LNB polarity or band, but it will just change the internal frequency to tune to a different transponder # - in this way the master will be responsible for changing the LNB polarity and band #* -t --cleanpsi clean the PSI from all CA information, the client will see the channel as clear if decrypted successfully #* -T --threads: enables/disable multiple threads (reduces memory consumptions) (default: ENABLED) #* -u --unicable unicable_string: defines the unicable adapters (A) and their slot (S), frequency (F) and optionally the PIN for the switch: # * The format is: A1:S1-F1[-PIN][,A2:S2-F2[-PIN][,...]] # eg: 2:0-1284[-1111] # * When * character is used before frequency, force 13V only for setup #* -j --jess jess_string - same format as -u #* -w --http-host http_server[:port]: specify the host and the port (if not 80) where the xml file can be downloaded from [default: default_local_ip_address:8080] # * eg: -w #* -x --http-port port: port for listening on http [default: 8080] # * eg: -x 9090 #* -X --xml PATH: the path to the xml that is provided as part of the satip protocol # * by default desc.xml is provided by minisatip without needing an additional file, # however satip.xml is included if it needs to be customized #* -y --rtsp-port rtsp_port: port for listening for rtsp requests [default: 554] # * eg: -y 5544 # - changing this to a port > 1024 removes the requirement for minisatip to run as root MINISATIP_PARAM="-a 1"