#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import os.path as osp import ventoo.main import augeas import shutil import os sandboxDir = '/' if len(sys.argv) > 1: sandboxDir = sys.argv[1] if not osp.isdir(sandboxDir): print sandboxDir + " is not a directory." sys.exit(0) print 'Starting augeas...' #None could be a 'loadpath' a = augeas.Augeas(sandboxDir, None, augeas.Augeas.SAVE_NEWFILE) print 'Creating window...' ventoo.main.sandboxDir = sandboxDir #Note, it IS possible to create mutiple windows and augeas #instances to edit multiple "roots" at the same time. window = ventoo.main.MainWindow(a) window.show_all() window.hideApplyDiffButton() #TODO: overload show_all to preserve apply button state. #clear the diff storage place... shutil.rmtree(ventoo.augeas_utils.getDiffRoot(), True) os.makedirs(ventoo.augeas_utils.getDiffRoot()) gtk.main()