diff options
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/ b/eclass/
index 05889510901f..e582a5add5bc 100644
--- a/eclass/
+++ b/eclass/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
@@ -63,4 +63,191 @@ elif [[ -z ${KDE_ORG_COMMIT} ]]; then
+# list of applications ported to KF6 in SLOT=6 having to block SLOT=5
+if $(ver_test -gt 24.01.75); then
+ case ${PN} in
+ akonadi | \
+ akonadi-calendar | \
+ akonadi-contacts | \
+ akonadi-import-wizard | \
+ akonadi-mime | \
+ akonadi-notes | \
+ akonadi-search | \
+ akonadiconsole | \
+ akregator | \
+ analitza | \
+ ark | \
+ audiocd-kio | \
+ baloo-widgets | \
+ blinken | \
+ bomber | \
+ bovo | \
+ calendarjanitor | \
+ calendarsupport | \
+ colord-kde | \
+ dolphin | \
+ dolphin-plugins-dropbox | \
+ dolphin-plugins-git | \
+ dolphin-plugins-mercurial | \
+ dolphin-plugins-mountiso | \
+ dolphin-plugins-subversion | \
+ dragon | \
+ elisa | \
+ eventviews | \
+ filelight | \
+ granatier | \
+ grantlee-editor | \
+ grantleetheme | \
+ gwenview | \
+ incidenceeditor | \
+ isoimagewriter | \
+ juk | \
+ kaccounts-integration | \
+ kaccounts-providers | \
+ kaddressbook | \
+ kajongg | \
+ kalarm | \
+ kalgebra | \
+ kamera | \
+ kanagram | \
+ kapman | \
+ kapptemplate | \
+ kate | \
+ kate-addons | \
+ kate-lib | \
+ katomic | \
+ kbackup | \
+ kblackbox | \
+ kblocks | \
+ kbounce | \
+ kbreakout | \
+ kbruch | \
+ kcachegrind | \
+ kcalc | \
+ kcalutils | \
+ kcharselect | \
+ kcolorchooser | \
+ kcron | \
+ kde-dev-utils | \
+ kdebugsettings | \
+ kdeconnect | \
+ kdegraphics-mobipocket | \
+ kdenetwork-filesharing | \
+ kdenlive | \
+ kdepim-addons | \
+ kdepim-runtime | \
+ kdf | \
+ kdialog | \
+ kdiamond | \
+ keditbookmarks | \
+ kfind | \
+ kfourinline | \
+ kgeography | \
+ kget | \
+ kgoldrunner | \
+ kgpg | \
+ khangman | \
+ khelpcenter | \
+ kidentitymanagement | \
+ kigo | \
+ killbots | \
+ kimap | \
+ kiriki | \
+ kiten | \
+ kitinerary | \
+ kjumpingcube | \
+ kldap | \
+ kleopatra | \
+ klettres | \
+ klickety | \
+ klines | \
+ kmag | \
+ kmahjongg | \
+ kmail | \
+ kmail-account-wizard | \
+ kmailtransport | \
+ kmbox | \
+ kmime | \
+ kmines | \
+ kmousetool | \
+ kmouth | \
+ knavalbattle | \
+ knetwalk | \
+ knights | \
+ knotes | \
+ kolf | \
+ kollision | \
+ konqueror | \
+ konquest | \
+ konsole | \
+ konsolekalendar | \
+ kontact | \
+ kontactinterface | \
+ kontrast | \
+ konversation | \
+ korganizer | \
+ kopeninghours | \
+ kosmindoormap | \
+ kpat | \
+ kpimtextedit | \
+ kpkpass | \
+ kpmcore | \
+ kpublictransport | \
+ kreversi | \
+ krfb | \
+ kruler | \
+ kshisen | \
+ ksirk | \
+ ksmtp | \
+ ksnakeduel | \
+ kspaceduel | \
+ ksquares | \
+ ksudoku | \
+ ksystemlog | \
+ kteatime | \
+ ktimer | \
+ ktorrent | \
+ ktuberling | \
+ kturtle | \
+ kubrick | \
+ kwalletmanager | \
+ kweather | \
+ kwordquiz | \
+ kwrite | \
+ libgravatar | \
+ libkeduvocdocument | \
+ libkdegames | \
+ libkdepim | \
+ libkleo | \
+ libkmahjongg | \
+ libksieve | \
+ libktnef | \
+ libktorrent | \
+ lskat | \
+ mailcommon | \
+ mailimporter | \
+ markdownpart | \
+ mbox-importer | \
+ merkuro | \
+ messagelib | \
+ okular | \
+ palapeli | \
+ parley | \
+ partitionmanager | \
+ picmi | \
+ pim-data-exporter | \
+ pim-sieve-editor | \
+ pimcommon | \
+ skanpage | \
+ spectacle | \
+ svgpart | \
+ sweeper | \
+ thumbnailers | \
+ yakuake | \
+ zanshin)
+ RDEPEND+=" !${CATEGORY}/${PN}:5" ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac