# Copyright 2022-2023 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # XXX: the tarball here is just the kernel modules split out of the binary # package that comes from VirtualBox-*.run # XXX: update: now it is split from virtualbox-*-Debian~bullseye_amd64.deb EAPI=8 inherit linux-mod toolchain-funcs MY_P="vbox-kernel-module-src-${PV}" DESCRIPTION="Kernel Modules for Virtualbox" HOMEPAGE="https://www.virtualbox.org/" SRC_URI="https://dev.gentoo.org/~ceamac/${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${MY_P}.tar.xz" S="${WORKDIR}" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0/$(ver_cut 1-2)" KEYWORDS="~amd64" BUILD_TARGETS="all" MODULE_NAMES="vboxdrv(misc:${S}) vboxnetflt(misc:${S}) vboxnetadp(misc:${S})" MODULESD_VBOXDRV_ENABLED="yes" MODULESD_VBOXNETADP_ENABLED="no" MODULESD_VBOXNETFLT_ENABLED="no" pkg_setup() { linux-mod_pkg_setup BUILD_PARAMS="CC=\"$(tc-getBUILD_CC)\" KERN_DIR=${KV_DIR} KERN_VER=${KV_FULL} O=${KV_OUT_DIR} V=1 KBUILD_VERBOSE=1" if linux_chkconfig_present CC_IS_CLANG; then ewarn "Warning: building ${PN} with a clang-built kernel is experimental." BUILD_PARAMS+=' CC=${CHOST}-clang' if linux_chkconfig_present LD_IS_LLD; then BUILD_PARAMS+=' LD=ld.lld' if linux_chkconfig_present LTO_CLANG_THIN; then # kernel enables cache by default leading to sandbox violations BUILD_PARAMS+=' ldflags-y=--thinlto-cache-dir= LDFLAGS_MODULE=--thinlto-cache-dir=' fi fi fi } src_install() { linux-mod_src_install insinto /usr/lib/modules-load.d/ newins "${FILESDIR}"/virtualbox.conf-r1 virtualbox.conf } pkg_postinst() { # Remove vboxpci.ko from current running kernel # This module is obsolete, removed in december 2019, so it may be missing. No || die # TODO: consider removing this line in the near future find /lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/misc -type f -name "vboxpci.ko" -delete linux-mod_pkg_postinst }