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	<maintainer type="person">
		<name>Brian Dolbec</name>
			<name>Brian Olson</name>
		<remote-id type="pypi">cbor</remote-id>
		<remote-id type="github">brianolson/cbor_py</remote-id>
	<longdescription>An implementation of RFC 7049 - Concise Binary Object
		Representation (CBOR).  CBOR is comparable to JSON, has a superset of
		JSON's ability, but serializes to a binary format which is smaller and
		faster to generate and parse.  The two primary functions are
		cbor.loads() and cbor.dumps().  This library includes a C implementation
		which runs 3-5 times faster than the Python standard library's
		C-accelerated implementanion of JSON. This is also includes a 100%
		Python implementation.