# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (28 May 2018)
# Don't rely on stable inkscape
app-text/dblatex inkscape

# Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (07 May 2018)
# Requires unstable dev-python/PyQt4
media-sound/pulseaudio qt4

# Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (07 May 2018)
# Requires not stabilised dev-python/restkit
dev-python/wsgiproxy2 test
dev-python/pyquery test

# Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (07 May 2018)
# Requires not stabilised Qt5
app-i18n/ibus kde
dev-qt/qtchooser test

# Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (07 May 2018)
# Requires not stabilised dev-python/matplotlib
dev-python/numpydoc test
dev-python/ipython matplotlib

# Andreas Sturmlechner <asturm@gentoo.org> (25 Jan 2018)
# Requires not stabilised app-text/libexttextcat, bug #637086
net-mail/dovecot textcat

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (9 Jun 2017)
# sys-cluster/galera needs additional deps stable
dev-db/mariadb galera

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (30 May 2017)
# No stable libtar yet
<media-video/vlc-2.3 libtar

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (30 May 2017)
# No stable fluidsynth yet
media-libs/sdl-mixer fluidsynth
media-sound/mpd fluidsynth
<media-video/vlc-2.3 fluidsynth

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (29 May 2017)
# frei0r-plugins is not stable yet, mask it on stable versions
<media-video/libav-12 frei0r
<=media-video/ffmpeg-3.3.6 frei0r sofalizer

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (26 May 2017)
# No musepack-tools stable yet
media-video/vlc musepack
media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta:0.10 musepack
media-sound/mpd musepack

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (18 Apr 2017)
# No gst-plugins-vp8:0.10 stable
media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta:0.10 vpx

# Michael Weber <xmw@gentoo.org> (1 Apr 2017)
# no stable jdk
media-libs/libbluray java

# Thomas Deutschmann <whissi@gentoo.org> (20 Mar 2017)
# Requires dev-java/java-config and deps which is not stable on arm
# Requires app-emulation/xen-tools which is not stable on arm
app-metrics/collectd collectd_plugins_java collectd_plugins_xencpu

# Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (19 Mar 2017)
# Required media-plugins/gst-plugins-x264 is not stable
media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta x264

# Michael Weber <xmw@gentoo.org> (01 Mar 2017)
# Mask until >sys-cluster/ceph-0.94 goes stable
net-analyzer/rrdtool rados

# Michael Weber <xmw@gentoo.org> (27 Feb 2017)
# Stable mask dev-ruby/haml test till rails is stabilized.
dev-ruby/haml test

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (17 Jan 2017)
# Stable mask galera since dev-libs/asio is not stable on arm
dev-db/mariadb galera

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (31 Dec 2016)
# Not going to be stable for now
dev-util/geany-plugins gtkspell

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (31 Dec 2016)
# No stable for arm
sys-fs/dmraid dietlibc klibc

# Christoph Junghans <junghans@gentoo.org> (27 Nov 2016)
# no stable mpi on arm yet, but maybe in the future
<=app-crypt/johntheripper-1.7.9-r6 mpi
<=sci-chemistry/gromacs-5.0.4 mpi
<=sci-libs/fftw-3.3.4 mpi

# Markus Meier <maekke@gentoo.org> (27 Sep 2016)
# Missing stable
dev-db/mariadb jdbc

# Ilya Tumaykin <itumaykin+gentoo@gmail.com> (13 Apr 2016)
# Requires special hardware to test and stabilize properly.
media-video/mpv raspberry-pi

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (08 Jan 2016)
# net-misc/libteam is not yet stable on arm
net-misc/networkmanager teamd

# Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (28 Oct 2015)
# KDE is not stable on arm
virtual/notification-daemon kde

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (03 Oct 2015)
# Missing stable, bug #529462
media-gfx/graphviz java

# Markus Meier <maekke@gentoo.org> (30 Jul 2015)
# Missing stable
x11-libs/wxGTK webkit

# Markus Meier <maekke@gentoo.org> (19 Jul 2015)
# Missing stable
media-libs/gegl umfpack

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (02 Jun 2015)
# Missing stable
net-misc/connman l2tp pptp

# Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (11 May 2015)
# kde-frameworks/kwallet is not stable on arm
www-client/qupzilla kwallet

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (02 Jul 2014)
# Mask due Gnome3 not going to be stabilized on this arch
>=gnome-base/gnome-desktop-2.32.1-r2 license-docs
gnome-base/gvfs google
net-libs/libproxy webkit
>=x11-libs/gtk+-3.12.2 cloudprint
x11-libs/gksu gnome

# Ian Whyman <thev00d00@gentoo.org> (22 May 2016)
# RPI support on arm
dev-libs/libcec -raspberry-pi