<IfDefine LAYOUT>
LoadModule layout_module modules/mod_layout.so

<Directory /home/*/public_html>
# This default configuration adds a footer to every html page in ~user
# "Powered by Gentoo Linux"

# Enable the filter for all text/html pages
# use LayoutHandler for Apache1 and AddOutputFilter for Apache2
#LayoutHandler text/html
#AddOutputFilterByType LAYOUT text/html

# This directives makes sure that all Layout headers and footers 
# get Cache-Control: no-cache methods in all situations. This 
# directive either takes On or Off."
# LayoutCacheNeeded

# A URI which prints the header contents.
# LayoutHeader

# A URI which prints the footer contents.
LayoutFooter "<p>Powered by <a href='http://www.gentoo.org'>Gentoo Linux</a></p>"

# Add a layout to be inserted when a tag is found, this takes two
# options, with a third optional parameter. The first is a pattern,
# the second is the layout and the third is how the layout should be
# inserts (either prepend, append, or replace). The default is to
# replace.
# Layout "<-- replace_me -->" "<p>Visit: <a href=http://www.gentoo.org/>Gentoo Linux</a></p>" replace

# Enter a URI that should be ignored, regular expressions are allowed.
# LayoutIgnoreURI

# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the header, regular expressions
# are allowed.
# LayoutIgnoreHeaderURI

# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the HTTPHeader, regular
# expressions are allowed.
# LayoutIgnoreHTTPHeaderURI

# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the footer, regular expressions
# are allowed.
# LayoutIgnoreFooterURI

# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). It places HTML comments
# in the outbound text describing when and where mod_layout has been
# inserting text.
LayoutComment On

# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). This is both
# experimental and probably quite broke.
# LayoutProxy

# This can either be On or Off (default it On). When off the original
# document is not displayed.
# LayoutDisplayOriginal

# Turns On (default) or Off a list of standard types to handle.
# LayoutDefaultHandlers

# This takes a SSI style timme format that can be used to change the
# output by mod_layout's internal TIME environmental variables that
# it introduces.
# LayoutTimeFormat

# Takes a URI to call for the HTTP Header.
# LayoutHTTPHeader

# Specify handlers that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
# LayoutHTTPOverrideHandler

# Specify URI's that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
# LayoutHTTPOverrideURI

# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the footer.
# LayoutFooterOff

# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the header.
# LayoutHeaderOff

# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the http header.
# LayoutHTTPHeaderOff

# Turns on and off asynchronous POSTs (AKA everything can see the post
# data).
# LayoutPostAsync

# This moves the default cache from /tmp to another directory(or a
# RAM disk).
# LayoutCache

# Turning this On or Off afffects whether or not headers and footers
# are appended when creating subsections.
# LayoutAppend

# Turning this on and off will tell mod_layout to attempt to resolve
# content (do a merger of the footer, body and header text
# LayoutMerge

# Use this to change the default begin tag to use during merges (the
# default string is \<HTML>\
# LayoutMergeBeginTag

# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
# default string is \<\\HTML>\
# LayoutMergeEndTag

# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
# default string is \<\\HTML>\
# LayoutHeaderAppend

# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
# default string is \<\\HTML>\
# LayoutFooterAppend

# When enabled (it takes on and off flags) mod_layout will not try
# to wrap any errors. Merge must be enabled for this to work. The
# default for this is off.
# LayoutMergeErrorIgnore

# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer or header will be
# inserted into the document
# LayoutIgnoreTag

# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer will be inserted
# into the document
# LayoutIgnoreTagFooter

# If this tag is found during a merge, no header will be inserted
# into the document
# LayoutIgnoreTagHeader

# This turns on mod_layout's own text/html and text/plain handler
# LayoutHTMLHandler

# If this is enabled and you are doing a merge, the tags used for the
# merge will be replaced.
# LayoutReplaceTags

# If you want applications to do notes (a set of directives to control
# actions inside apache).
# LayoutNotes


# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache