diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics/coq')
8 files changed, 10 insertions, 467 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/ChangeLog b/sci-mathematics/coq/ChangeLog
index b24776ca7a7a..a41dff599ee9 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-mathematics/coq/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-mathematics/coq
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/coq/ChangeLog,v 1.79 2013/08/03 12:06:54 gienah Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/coq/ChangeLog,v 1.80 2013/08/19 14:13:13 aballier Exp $
+ 19 Aug 2013; Alexis Ballier <> -coq-8.3_p2.ebuild,
+ -coq-8.3_p3.ebuild, -coq-8.3_p4.ebuild, -coq-8.4.ebuild,
+ -files/coq-8.4-lablgtk216.patch, -files/lablgtk216.patch:
+ remove old
*coq-8.4_p2 (03 Aug 2013)
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/coq/Manifest
index b06e610c5d18..48b1510b4f12 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/Manifest
+++ b/sci-mathematics/coq/Manifest
@@ -1,30 +1,20 @@
Hash: SHA256
-AUX coq-8.4-lablgtk216.patch 1074 SHA256 8e85d56a85660e9fe5090606a512fb1cc542288482ec6e69c4809d70072ca1bc SHA512 0504528d02e65de0330d95c3508aba379439b470a1a8c47ccd904469ab3bbb3f9267fdb5ccb7b603401d351619571a0bdf8a2b0dc75b1dde3ee288e6bcb7b9d9 WHIRLPOOL a7984aa30af6520e965406fff6925b9a6bc0a719807aa85832d285ee3a344ceecbb8e651bfe371e26135cc02d055baece962f664582316f445301ebfe10cfe7b
AUX coq-8.4_p1-camlp4.patch 594 SHA256 453e8761bc525de0f96c72e43d777dc6e3bf9fdb6ab79fb602793f290ed30aa0 SHA512 1d6ed0ac8e6b321a4d942969076fef46a07de13c4d3e40776af7740182e87d025cef1ad523ce2b5c0c1fd567ef66eabfdbf727ae5729cd68ce85c936bd42d1dd WHIRLPOOL 6103237e90f19ded2e07fa8e279a368f794607591d5258b5fb41ab9a827c99c0cef058877891dfc888726bbc724185c3d548b1a7c2d0684bf69b30f3601ce4e5
AUX coqide.desktop 241 SHA256 4d2fd36d987021fe2f5a546d9c80c78700830931512e6970d44cfbba3dad50e4 SHA512 ee74f41a2684b9dcac099ef58d4d9b498382c4d109277fd2efcd984a2c8e38667040c899c91ebb136b735a8edea48a4a746c12034d280ffaf6bae83c61bd854d WHIRLPOOL d38bf0114b0c285fe18e2a799d41cfe01db8f24bc9deaf88b266160fc32c694914faea01143edc749e0bc67ed47f02ee2338a309947e4ff1fc44dba508f99112
-AUX lablgtk216.patch 1268 SHA256 fcd9e6c534174ca23ff730a7ee21130cd80d42b1ff83e5bafbfcf3e94dcd2d5e SHA512 63b0922932781ad607dea4b3683aa448877011f28f8a3ad68ec3cac500536e4999118f586dd9ed21d4963bede7eb8a692a6eee7447182a034277f6149c29bb97 WHIRLPOOL cd4be7c5356401ea00fee9f7384b3c445fbf52dc39692f7830ec54e9ca89703c37986e14475220d0315aba65df36190a79d032c8e964d389250bd56002c52253
DIST coq-8.3pl1.tar.gz 3756961 SHA256 3a497386bd74f43a5af1d0c53f29a017ce7ed1b1e60c052217fe04b7f40be928
-DIST coq-8.3pl2.tar.gz 3760176 SHA256 b82b44ec585903b6bfadca02008eb5549cda46038c776ec115bc408c4e0f34f1
-DIST coq-8.3pl3.tar.gz 3859883 SHA256 af259e9a723761327137018fdc0b98ada71095ff033b9e169d175d92b9537947
-DIST coq-8.3pl4.tar.gz 3855074 SHA256 79f26cee0f9eb0bea376ff7eca4e9b9cbcacd179a264cb550e39e20a59a5a39d SHA512 0471f3fca4752e080ed9d320db3bc0ca68b6b9a4fdb4f9ab5ac142e48fca9f7e8b3f0c511f9093fd816053436f47fd884b237c9158e9c0ae224c8f7883cfe834 WHIRLPOOL 3b780b6cd9de0e3d2c25295f40fe9cf284b4743fb883846048ea1102d023641bafb0462eaea0e03fc41157aefe6c83e6fc47464b4c0ce1ca81165d00ee1c92fd
-DIST coq-8.4.tar.gz 4134779 SHA256 f46ae5b6f0bea9dc299de6f3c020ee75c40581e32a1832e9a290d098a6a2424d SHA512 c9429ecb8c692d45c91d9c3dad093cb2e51f0af63ec99643eea584373156d0cd46a6e1eb278482e57dbf37ef59752506faa8485584445763e05d2ab06dfeab49 WHIRLPOOL d367ed3be355a78b5a8d86bf26975c9d52b38656e2d2d9146dd1d88c4b3a4955c078b3782ac10ad78cfe682fad64ce77c58c5ebce96ad3fb0a06d477c12242b7
DIST coq-8.4pl1.tar.gz 4139808 SHA256 5d0e4553ab50677a94b4d5ca1650a90718e9362082a649ba95be4010390a0f80 SHA512 dc0073d2cbce91ac27749d84de1b350ad71632555a682d8af6612768d2c92311eb1fd36b7370e0fb630d540639a1c7e16f26a9de25d03d82c3a6eefb99aa3420 WHIRLPOOL e912b97ba1f91d3398d569a588d7cb420389c88971847e66ddff38c3fc715e45842aab285e343c0c6339da659f324ee7b60f37fd0cdcd5a8ce27ab0e8cce915a
DIST coq-8.4pl2.tar.gz 4145112 SHA256 fb719a38f613b01861e3b251e745a5c8ef395a26ce7029668e85ac75fcbca2d8 SHA512 151291a508c56f9fdc9efd96096852e94c247724030ad13122ad729476f3f7d4885c9202737d9109b6fa7f58029d3b9e8f472a7e587e0b60a49a0224ac399031 WHIRLPOOL ac338571da5f6efc08e9184f1e13b9783bd750627c70af2eee46116d2d949e61a0cbf31745373ccea3b3b862c1188316c2aa3b38e211a398185503c2844a33c5
EBUILD coq-8.3_p1.ebuild 2142 SHA256 812c6ef68e6cbd4608eec74489e850c8349be6d79901d76f31e4c709be67767b SHA512 17c78f6e06cb5d18605db78ed160c8ba0fcd6255e00d9d9dfb716408e858aab653c2e182ab8b13fe5efc68fb0055d02b9bd4191d01a21dd828f960526cb14e35 WHIRLPOOL 660cf865954a2b464f88117dd55a756931f82e4a828135997b3ebd95512301ec6b6166ad6800cc8a3442c0683bd1c84714f59f4c6ea20ace42f21a94066d436b
-EBUILD coq-8.3_p2.ebuild 3163 SHA256 c20212a95b2aa6cd7e9a889ae2f26c512ddc46322d487d5d87be31170edbed97 SHA512 0cc6f75c0cf02cded5e59069af0ce210567492ee15c9ec78a0f97a9169566f9599c3665e56f3d6ec7752522e1804e0e09f090542f767881c7ac2f4744b41ccac WHIRLPOOL 22365cc2f8f888204ac9b8a5ae99b6c96ef6ae4166946e6ecdfdb5b0acb3d845402bd0ee1a755b1c6674911c5635254dae945372ffb30f98e28182bedc39da81
-EBUILD coq-8.3_p3.ebuild 3163 SHA256 4e32cd0c79e31db0e3bae0d5bb758d29d27b1041831969e3e007b8dc6cfe7f14 SHA512 5facbea063bf01d0b7de3a57e60dac2b71c463ad6a825dd0f9bb6f82a6cd72541049bd47028e596fcdbc04636d9a962bfc06c6fa526397458603a17475300bcb WHIRLPOOL d268813788a1ccb8402f8ce1692ccd059dcdca8e6a740d254e1951f6a385f3b38fb365a3d6ecdedec85b19adfaf164dfca22e2a296afb217fcf8e8c174da6974
-EBUILD coq-8.3_p4.ebuild 2294 SHA256 ca624d78df0303cc800689a694245081b7eeae6cd9fa2c423136b8df5009175f SHA512 112b8f41fa918cd299ed1c14f4ddc07e99946c3bd8b67d5c90dca8e131554fba6050439fd6aa7f7b35ddde5ffc3170e897ec7c1135892e82eb3999788ca7451e WHIRLPOOL a06ac98ae5633a8ab9b89041e40ddc382eb4cb35fe3d24136da1dec685eff32d936c128a330fa921dd58b9ba4851dc3fbdf051a5170602309618bb39b3d38888
-EBUILD coq-8.4.ebuild 2148 SHA256 becaf917d68264f859cb816bc0662d78ca907e3ad1522b021d9da81d5c7b4599 SHA512 c76892e12a26d2335e0d6c542ff9a5258b5e73438988054bba17f904c93fe83d20b1fd9779ad930be82918c7048b83af5f0c48973e8899850bb7d2e894ff39cb WHIRLPOOL 5f1b4e839d0ae93cb1ab6cb7b4e15bffd51fe68a0a882cf762c11ba9957715abf69fa09c08b592e02768f01518036dca684ab28a4b2051ed1a6d8b4f7244afe5
EBUILD coq-8.4_p1.ebuild 2098 SHA256 4db6051690cc119a89dda7cfd73c18755f1eeb29d11bdd7f1b51a6919ff1c8e9 SHA512 cf02b2296e72ed9e58bbc7e91d3d180c04cb7763b2c45e4c77994ea36f490c88cae42835022bbb9178b399e145c5a5676cdc159de884b883a593996299f85de7 WHIRLPOOL 3f24e033c1b4396027f15ac2fa5511fe17fbe52c7371635acc87ac441ccb8493e36cd600fbcb26054ef9d151110366397b3b375e5ab7f2aacdb7d36d69e19e39
EBUILD coq-8.4_p2.ebuild 2044 SHA256 e13bcbede97b60e7b373e7ed5c16a55a36e6828e203d8783bb47396f577ec44a SHA512 de56fd02e407182aebbc3819148d1dcf4950e36a497eb94ec08bbf20281ead780468e71c30f9ae3b91a1ad7034918296bba427f505ba7a78ee21a3d92a8975e7 WHIRLPOOL f5fb3c567d352927965e7485e7d6421b163149522bc57e8d3e1332d1fa62b9e7c6f47f8c8d2f5ca27dc9468bc135c497c7438650db650ed56dad9478222ace04
-MISC ChangeLog 12901 SHA256 95746cc03d48be36d0da3077900dd8445d3490c59d75f51a5cb33a9d5d65114c SHA512 f4e5c28081f188cc1f9d723354d9328b8046c8751d7f68bf130fb0f91af57bb0ff0487afb0b3cefa5ff40bb6c5d8fba59323a9db0b3a9cb7197dea3e4bb75dea WHIRLPOOL d60db3d18818953e5d9291cda5deca85c66a037741ad098b5532c634892fd1510b39efae7c0b2407eaabd5cacfacf928b352176a48b17988fd0ca641fcd327f5
+MISC ChangeLog 13108 SHA256 69935b2187ca7e6a74fd4f8ef0a2e30977015df16a03e5cbe2fe6b8cc8bd0331 SHA512 a80e6e716454b3029809ccb6b408eca8dfd28336125056514180afe970a5fccf4648ece4361aae911ab278c78b1eac0d0cfafeb2dcd152698fd0e130c9330f9b WHIRLPOOL ab945dd7352452c6d50a8604a59e36f7877cbbbcb3447efff7eb448d1018e60429d3efa3f7e3d03e7ad540779a0b33242c7272af616f771fccfaa327f59fc21e
MISC metadata.xml 899 SHA256 e0676f509aac30fee1d2f69dcbb0644d06e8e15d8dcc72295f67ce0d769c032e SHA512 7f203472451d8725a671b3460f68baf03637055cf7eac21197e930bac79d2924a5dc04d8111465afbd47c49def5cb2a12023d2d58855cb319436603387536d61 WHIRLPOOL d5490532c78ab704459b90e0a03547d13f62b058f5aa2e7817e7b13f43745782a1de74bb251108fc2dfe8f73d0b0aefbd1898f5769fc4337b7f0e2991fcad421
Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p2.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 37dc9f4b8047..000000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p2.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/03/24 13:59:39 gienah Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Coq is a proof assistant written in O'Caml"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="gtk debug +ocamlopt doc"
- >=dev-ml/camlp5-5.09[ocamlopt?]
- gtk? ( >=dev-ml/lablgtk-2.10.1[ocamlopt?] )"
- doc? (
- media-libs/netpbm[png,zlib]
- virtual/latex-base
- dev-tex/hevea
- dev-tex/xcolor
- dev-texlive/texlive-pictures
- dev-texlive/texlive-mathextra
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
- )"
-src_prepare() {
- # configure has an error at line 640 leading to closing a
- # string to early in the generated Here is a
- # wild sed which replaces \"$LABLGTKLIB\" by $LABLGTKLIB. Note
- # during pl2-bump: Hmm, my patch did not get applied upstream?
- sed -i "s/\\\\\"\\\$LABLGTKLIB\\\\\"/\\\$LABLGTKLIB/" configure
- # Stdpp.Exc_located is an alias for Ploc.Exc, it has been
- # deprecated for a while, and was removed in dev-ml/camlp5-6.05
- # Fixed by upstream in svn repo:
- #
- sed -e 's@Stdpp.Exc_located@Ploc.Exc@g' \
- -i "${S}/checker/" \
- -i "${S}/ide/" \
- -i "${S}/lib/" \
- -i "${S}/lib/util.mli" \
- -i "${S}/parsing/" \
- -i "${S}/plugins/subtac/" \
- -i "${S}/pretyping/" \
- -i "${S}/pretyping/" \
- -i "${S}/pretyping/" \
- -i "${S}/proofs/" \
- -i "${S}/proofs/" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/class_tactics.ml4" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/extratactics.ml4" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/rewrite.ml4" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/" \
- -i "${S}/toplevel/" \
- -i "${S}/toplevel/" \
- -i "${S}/toplevel/" \
- || die "Could not rename deprecated Stdpp.Exc_located to Ploc.Exc"
-src_configure() {
- ocaml_lib=`ocamlc -where`
- local myconf="--prefix /usr
- --bindir /usr/bin
- --libdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq
- --mandir /usr/share/man
- --emacslib /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
- --coqdocdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq/coqdoc
- --docdir /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- --camlp5dir ${ocaml_lib}/camlp5
- --lablgtkdir ${ocaml_lib}/lablgtk2"
- use debug && myconf="--debug $myconf"
- use doc || myconf="$myconf --with-doc no"
- if use gtk; then
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --coqide opt"
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf --coqide byte"
- else
- myconf="$myconf --coqide no"
- fi
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf -byte-only"
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --opt"
- export CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/kernel/byterun/"
- ./configure $myconf || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
- emake STRIP="true" -j1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- emake STRIP="true" COQINSTALLPREFIX="${D}" install || die
- use gtk && domenu "${FILESDIR}/coqide.desktop"
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p3.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f6bea9a97c2..000000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p3.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/03/24 13:59:39 gienah Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Coq is a proof assistant written in O'Caml"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="gtk debug +ocamlopt doc"
- >=dev-ml/camlp5-5.09[ocamlopt?]
- gtk? ( >=dev-ml/lablgtk-2.10.1[ocamlopt?] )"
- doc? (
- media-libs/netpbm[png,zlib]
- virtual/latex-base
- dev-tex/hevea
- dev-tex/xcolor
- dev-texlive/texlive-pictures
- dev-texlive/texlive-mathextra
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
- )"
-src_prepare() {
- # configure has an error at line 640 leading to closing a
- # string to early in the generated Here is a
- # wild sed which replaces \"$LABLGTKLIB\" by $LABLGTKLIB. Note
- # during pl2-bump: Hmm, my patch did not get applied upstream?
- sed -i "s/\\\\\"\\\$LABLGTKLIB\\\\\"/\\\$LABLGTKLIB/" configure
- # Stdpp.Exc_located is an alias for Ploc.Exc, it has been
- # deprecated for a while, and was removed in dev-ml/camlp5-6.05
- # Fixed by upstream in svn repo:
- #
- sed -e 's@Stdpp.Exc_located@Ploc.Exc@g' \
- -i "${S}/checker/" \
- -i "${S}/ide/" \
- -i "${S}/lib/" \
- -i "${S}/lib/util.mli" \
- -i "${S}/parsing/" \
- -i "${S}/plugins/subtac/" \
- -i "${S}/pretyping/" \
- -i "${S}/pretyping/" \
- -i "${S}/pretyping/" \
- -i "${S}/proofs/" \
- -i "${S}/proofs/" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/class_tactics.ml4" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/extratactics.ml4" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/rewrite.ml4" \
- -i "${S}/tactics/" \
- -i "${S}/toplevel/" \
- -i "${S}/toplevel/" \
- -i "${S}/toplevel/" \
- || die "Could not rename deprecated Stdpp.Exc_located to Ploc.Exc"
-src_configure() {
- ocaml_lib=`ocamlc -where`
- local myconf="--prefix /usr
- --bindir /usr/bin
- --libdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq
- --mandir /usr/share/man
- --emacslib /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
- --coqdocdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq/coqdoc
- --docdir /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- --camlp5dir ${ocaml_lib}/camlp5
- --lablgtkdir ${ocaml_lib}/lablgtk2"
- use debug && myconf="--debug $myconf"
- use doc || myconf="$myconf --with-doc no"
- if use gtk; then
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --coqide opt"
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf --coqide byte"
- else
- myconf="$myconf --coqide no"
- fi
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf -byte-only"
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --opt"
- export CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/kernel/byterun/"
- ./configure $myconf || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
- emake STRIP="true" -j1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- emake STRIP="true" COQINSTALLPREFIX="${D}" install || die
- use gtk && domenu "${FILESDIR}/coqide.desktop"
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p4.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0eb00cebf4..000000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.3_p4.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/08/24 13:39:48 aballier Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Coq is a proof assistant written in O'Caml"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="gtk debug +ocamlopt doc"
- >=dev-ml/camlp5-5.09[ocamlopt?]
- gtk? ( >=dev-ml/lablgtk-2.10.1[ocamlopt?] )"
- doc? (
- media-libs/netpbm[png,zlib]
- virtual/latex-base
- dev-tex/hevea
- dev-tex/xcolor
- dev-texlive/texlive-pictures
- dev-texlive/texlive-mathextra
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
- )"
-src_prepare() {
- # configure has an error at line 640 leading to closing a
- # string to early in the generated Here is a
- # wild sed which replaces \"$LABLGTKLIB\" by $LABLGTKLIB. Note
- # during pl2-bump: Hmm, my patch did not get applied upstream?
- sed -i "s/\\\\\"\\\$LABLGTKLIB\\\\\"/\\\$LABLGTKLIB/" configure
- has_version '>=dev-ml/lablgtk-2.16' && epatch "${FILESDIR}/lablgtk216.patch"
-src_configure() {
- ocaml_lib=`ocamlc -where`
- local myconf="--prefix /usr
- --bindir /usr/bin
- --libdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq
- --mandir /usr/share/man
- --emacslib /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
- --coqdocdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq/coqdoc
- --docdir /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- --camlp5dir ${ocaml_lib}/camlp5
- --lablgtkdir ${ocaml_lib}/lablgtk2"
- use debug && myconf="--debug $myconf"
- use doc || myconf="$myconf --with-doc no"
- if use gtk; then
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --coqide opt"
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf --coqide byte"
- else
- myconf="$myconf --coqide no"
- fi
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf -byte-only"
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --opt"
- export CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/kernel/byterun/"
- ./configure $myconf || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
- emake STRIP="true" -j1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- emake STRIP="true" COQINSTALLPREFIX="${D}" install || die
- use gtk && domenu "${FILESDIR}/coqide.desktop"
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.4.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e424ba1dd6d..000000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/coq/coq-8.4.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/10/06 21:07:26 aballier Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Coq is a proof assistant written in O'Caml"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="gtk debug +ocamlopt doc camlp5"
- camlp5? ( >=dev-ml/camlp5-6.02.3[ocamlopt?] )
- gtk? ( >=dev-ml/lablgtk-2.10.1[ocamlopt?] )"
- doc? (
- media-libs/netpbm[png,zlib]
- virtual/latex-base
- dev-tex/hevea
- dev-tex/xcolor
- dev-texlive/texlive-pictures
- dev-texlive/texlive-mathextra
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
- )"
-src_prepare() {
- has_version '>=dev-ml/lablgtk-2.16' && epatch "${FILESDIR}/coq-8.4-lablgtk216.patch"
-src_configure() {
- ocaml_lib=`ocamlc -where`
- local myconf="--prefix /usr
- --bindir /usr/bin
- --libdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq
- --mandir /usr/share/man
- --emacslib /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
- --coqdocdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/coq/coqdoc
- --docdir /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- --configdir /etc/xdg/${PN}
- --lablgtkdir ${ocaml_lib}/lablgtk2"
- use debug && myconf="--debug $myconf"
- use doc || myconf="$myconf --with-doc no"
- if use gtk; then
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --coqide opt"
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf --coqide byte"
- else
- myconf="$myconf --coqide no"
- fi
- use ocamlopt || myconf="$myconf -byte-only"
- use ocamlopt && myconf="$myconf --opt"
- use camlp5 || myconf="$myconf --usecamlp4"
- use camlp5 && myconf="$myconf --camlp5dir ${ocaml_lib}/camlp5"
- export CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/kernel/byterun/"
- ./configure $myconf || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
- emake STRIP="true" -j1 || die "make failed"
-src_install() {
- emake STRIP="true" COQINSTALLPREFIX="${D}" install || die
- use gtk && make_desktop_entry "/usr/bin/coqide" "Coq IDE" "/usr/share/coq/coq.png"
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/files/coq-8.4-lablgtk216.patch b/sci-mathematics/coq/files/coq-8.4-lablgtk216.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b929681963..000000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/files/coq-8.4-lablgtk216.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Fix build with lablgtk 2.16.
-Apply conditionally because it uses new types introduced in this version.
-Index: coq-8.4/ide/
---- coq-8.4.orig/ide/
-+++ coq-8.4/ide/
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let mod_to_str (m:Gdk.Tags.modifier) =
- | `MOD5 -> "<Mod5>"
- | `CONTROL -> "<Control>"
- | `SHIFT -> "<Shift>"
- let mod_list_to_str l = List.fold_left (fun s m -> (mod_to_str m)^s) "" l
-Index: coq-8.4/ide/utils/
---- coq-8.4.orig/ide/utils/
-+++ coq-8.4/ide/utils/
-@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ let int_of_modifier = function
- | `BUTTON3 -> 1024
- | `BUTTON4 -> 2048
- | `BUTTON5 -> 4096
-+ | `HYPER -> 8192
-+ | `META -> 16384
-+ | `RELEASE -> 32768
-+ | `SUPER -> 65536
- let print_modifier l =
- List.iter
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/coq/files/lablgtk216.patch b/sci-mathematics/coq/files/lablgtk216.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d123e89683e1..000000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/coq/files/lablgtk216.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Fix build with lablgtk 2.16.
-Apply conditionally because it uses new types introduced in this version.
-Index: coq-8.3pl4/ide/
---- coq-8.3pl4.orig/ide/
-+++ coq-8.3pl4/ide/
-@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ let mod_to_str (m:Gdk.Tags.modifier) =
- | `LOCK -> "LOCK"
- | `SHIFT -> "SHIFT"
-+ | `HYPER -> "HYPER"
-+ | `META -> "META"
-+ | `SUPER -> "SUPER"
- let (str_to_mod:string -> Gdk.Tags.modifier) =
- function
-@@ -47,6 +51,10 @@ let (str_to_mod:string -> Gdk.Tags.modif
- | "LOCK" -> `LOCK
- | "SHIFT" -> `SHIFT
-+ | "HYPER" -> `HYPER
-+ | "META" -> `META
-+ | "SUPER" -> `SUPER
- | s -> `MOD1
- type pref =
-Index: coq-8.3pl4/ide/utils/
---- coq-8.3pl4.orig/ide/utils/
-+++ coq-8.3pl4/ide/utils/
-@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ let int_of_modifier = function
- | `BUTTON3 -> 1024
- | `BUTTON4 -> 2048
- | `BUTTON5 -> 4096
-+ | `HYPER -> 8192
-+ | `META -> 16384
-+ | `RELEASE -> 32768
-+ | `SUPER -> 65536
- let print_modifier l =
- List.iter