--- setup.py.old	2004-02-13 09:53:33.220320152 +0000
+++ setup.py	2004-02-13 09:54:06.966190000 +0000
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@
     # figure out from the base setting where the lib and .h are
     if not incdir:
-        incdir = os.path.join(BERKELEYDB_DIR, 'include')
+        incdir = os.path.join(BERKELEYDB_DIR, 'include/db4.2')
     if not libdir:
         libdir = os.path.join(BERKELEYDB_DIR, 'lib')
-    if not '-ldb' in LIBS:
-        libname = ['db']
+    if not '-ldb-4.2' in LIBS:
+        libname = ['db-4.2']
         libname = []
     utils = []
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     fp = os.popen('ldd %s 2>&1' % sys.executable)
     results = fp.read()
     status = fp.close()
-    if not status and results.find('libdb.') >= 0:
+    if not status and results.find('libdb-4.2.') >= 0:
         static = 1
     if static: