# ChangeLog for media-video/handbrake # Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/handbrake/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2013/09/16 12:42:28 tomwij Exp $ 16 Sep 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> +files/handbrake-0.9.9-add-gmodule-to-gtk-configure.patch, files/handbrake-9999-remove-faac-dependency.patch, handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Added gmodule to linker command line, fixes bug #482674 reported by Neil. Repaired handbrake-9999-remove-faac-dependency.patch, fixes bug #484234 reported by Piotr Mitas. The live version still fails due to missing ff_cpu_cpuid, likely needs newer (masked) ffmpeg to proceed. 05 Sep 2013; Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Clean up PYTHON_COMPAT from old implementations. 12 Aug 2013; Ian Whyman <thev00d00@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Fix broken ffmpeg deps, thanks to Damien Granger on #480682 11 Aug 2013; Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: write proper ffmpeg/libav deps 15 Jul 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> +files/handbrake-0.9.9-remove-faac-dependency.patch, -handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441-r1.ebuild, files/handbrake-9999-remove-faac-dependency.patch, handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Fix faac dependency removal patch for handbrake-9999, currently it still fails to build due to a yasm based cpuid detection they introduced that doesn't appear to work; also heavily documented that ebuild with TODOs that would be nice to have for the upcoming release. Fixed up src_configure a bit. Removed old snapshot version 0.9.9_pre5441-r1. 07 Jul 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Add sub slot operator for media-libs/x264 dependency. 04 Jul 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild: Removed unconditional -lfaac LDFLAG from missed GTK configure. 04 Jul 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild: Block <media-video/ffmpeg-1.2.1 even more. 29 Jun 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441-r1.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Block <media-video/ffmpeg-1.2.1, which Handbrake 0.9.9 does not build against, due to a dependency version change in =virtual/ffmpeg-9. Reported by Heiss, fixes bug #475262. 23 May 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Added missing intltool dependency. *handbrake-0.9.9 (23 May 2013) 23 May 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> +handbrake-0.9.9.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Version bump to 0.9.9. 16 May 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441-r1.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild: Changed slot of libmp4v2 dependency from 1 to 0 since 0 installs the required include files whereas 1 doesn't. *handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441-r1 (07 May 2013) 07 May 2013; Ian Whyman <thev00d00@gentoo.org> +handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441-r1.ebuild, -handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild, metadata.xml: Add support for fdk-aac, update 9999 ebuild 07 May 2013; Ian Whyman <thev00d00@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441.ebuild, metadata.xml: Fix build with automake 1.13 #468694, call eautoreconf instead of autogen.sh, add myself to maintainers 05 May 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441.ebuild, handbrake-9999.ebuild, metadata.xml: Made use of python-any-r1 instead of python-single-r1 since python is only relevant at Python and the implementation does not matter. Use the global gstreamer USE flag instead of the local gst USE flag. Better support prefixes using EPREFIX. Thanks to Nikoli for these suggestions. More testing of dependency versions and the use of virtuals will follow the coming week... *handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441 (05 May 2013) *handbrake-9999 (05 May 2013) 05 May 2013; Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> +files/handbrake-9999-expand-MK_SUBTITLE_PGS.patch, +files/handbrake-9999-fix-compilation-with-mp4v2-v1.9.1.patch, +files/handbrake-9999-remove-dvdnav-dup.patch, +files/handbrake-9999-remove-faac-dependency.patch, +files/handbrake-9999-use-older-libmkv.patch, +files/handbrake-9999-use-unpatched-a52.patch, +handbrake-0.9.9_pre5441.ebuild, +handbrake-9999.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Added handbrake; an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder. Thanks to all contributors of bug #89432. Stepping up as its maintainer, help is welcome. 0.9.9 will no longer require one to use bundled libraries therefore handbrake can now reside in the Portage tree; once 0.9.9 is released and ffmpeg-1.2 is no longer masked, we can unmask handbrake.