dev-haskellbifunctors4.1.1.1CrappyDescriptiondescription needs improvement: using the pkg name as the description isn't very helpful dev-haskellbifunctors4.2.1CrappyDescriptiondescription needs improvement: using the pkg name as the description isn't very helpful dev-haskellbifunctors5CrappyDescriptiondescription needs improvement: using the pkg name as the description isn't very helpful dev-haskellbinary0.7.5.0DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskellbits-atomicSizeViolation"files/bits-atomic-0.1.3-gcc-5.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 30.2 KiB total dev-haskellc2hs0.17.2DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskellexceptions0.8.0.2DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ppc, sparc dev-haskellfgl5.5.2.3DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskellhaddock2.16.1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskellhpc0.6.0.2DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ia64 dev-haskellhslua0.3.13MissingSlotDep'dev-lang/lua' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5.1, 5.2 ] dev-haskellhsql-mysql1.8.3DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: amd64, ppc, ppc64, sparc, x86 dev-haskellhttp4000.2.20DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskellpersistent-sqliteUnusedLocalFlagsmetadata.xml unused local use flag: [ systemlib ] dev-haskellpuremd52.1.3DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64 dev-haskelltar0.4.2.1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskelltasty0.7DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskelltasty-hunit0.8.0.1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskelltasty-smallcheck0.8DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ppc, ppc64, sparc dev-haskellterminfo0.3.2.5MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] dev-haskellterminfo0.4.0.0MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] dev-haskelltest-framework0.4.2.0DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, sparc dev-haskelluuagc0.9.52.1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ppc, ppc64, sparc net-analyzeramap5.4MissingSlotDep'>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6j' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerargus-clients3.0.8MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] net-analyzerargus-clients3.0.8MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerbmon3.8MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.3-r2' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerbwbar1.2.3MissingSlotDep'>=media-libs/libpng-1.2' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.2, 1.5 ] net-analyzerbwm-ng0.6-r1MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.4-r4' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerbwmon1.3-r2MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzercbm0.1-r1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzercheck_mk1.2.4_p5NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/python:2.6 ] net-analyzercheck_mk1.2.4_p5-r1MissingSlotDep'media-libs/libpng' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.2, 1.5 ] net-analyzercnet3.3.1MissingSlotDep'>=dev-lang/tk-8.5' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 8.5 ] net-analyzerdriftnet0.1.6_p20090401MissingSlotDep'media-libs/libpng' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.2, 1.5 ] net-analyzerdriftnet0.1.6_p20090401MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] net-analyzerdsniff2.4_beta1-r7MissingSlotDep'>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6e' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerdsniff2.4_beta1-r7MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4' matches more than one slot: [ 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 5.1, 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 ] net-analyzerdsniff2.4_beta1-r8MissingSlotDep'>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6e' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerdsniff2.4_beta1-r8MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4' matches more than one slot: [ 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 5.1, 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 ] net-analyzerechoping6.0.2_p434MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzerechoping6.0.2_p434MissingSlotDep'>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7d' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerettercap0.8.2MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerettercap0.8.2MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.3' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerettercap9999MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerettercap9999MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.3' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerffp0.0.8-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerflow-tools0.68.5.1-r4MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzerflow-tools0.68.5.1-r4MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerflow-tools0.68.5.1-r5MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzerflow-tools0.68.5.1-r5MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerflow-tools0.68.5.1-r6MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzerflow-tools0.68.5.1-r6MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerhttping2.4MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerhttping2.4MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerhydra8.1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerhydra8.1MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzerhydra8.1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerifstatus1.1.0-r1MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-4.2' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzeripguard1.04MissingSlotDep'net-libs/libnet' matches more than one slot: [ 1.0, 1.1 ] net-analyzeriptstate2.2.5MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.7-r7' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerjnettop0.13.0-r1MissingSlotDep'=sys-libs/db-4*' matches more than one slot: [ 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 ] net-analyzerjnettop0.13.0-r1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzermbrowse0.4.3MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/glib' matches more than one slot: [ 1, 2 ] net-analyzermonitoring-plugins2.1.1MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzermonitoring-plugins2.1.1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzermunin2.0.19MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzermunin2.0.19-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzermunin2.0.25MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzermunin2.0.25-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzermunin2.1.9999MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-analyzernagios-check_rbl1.3.7-r1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: x86 net-analyzernagios-core4.0.8-r2MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/libltdl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.3, 1.5 ] net-analyzernast0.2.0-r1MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.4' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzernbwmon0.4.3MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzernbwmon0.5.1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzernbwmon0.5.2MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzernessus-bin4.4.1MissingChksum"Nessus-4.4.1-es6.x86_64.rpm" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size net-analyzernessus-bin4.4.1MissingChksum"Nessus-4.4.1-es6.i686.rpm" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size net-analyzernessus-core2.2.9-r1NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-libs/libprelude ] net-analyzernessus-core2.2.9-r1NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-libs/libprelude ] net-analyzerneti2.0-r1MissingSlotDep'>=virtual/jdk-1.2' matches more than one slot: [ 1.7, 1.8 ] net-analyzerneti2.0-r1MissingSlotDep'>=virtual/jre-1.2' matches more than one slot: [ 1.7, 1.8 ] net-analyzernetwag5.39.0MissingSlotDep'>=dev-lang/tk-8' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 8.5 ] net-analyzernetwag5.39.0MissingSlotDep'kde-apps/konsole' matches more than one slot: [ 4, 5 ] net-analyzernetwatch1.3.0.1-r3MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzernrpe2.15-r2MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzernsat1.5-r3MissingSlotDep'dev-lang/tk' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 8.5 ] net-analyzernstats0.4-r2MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerntop5.0.1-r1MissingSlotDep'media-libs/libpng' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.2, 1.5 ] net-analyzerntop5.0.1-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzerntop5.0.1-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-lang/lua' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5.1, 5.2 ] net-analyzerpinger0.32eMissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerpinger0.33MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerpktstat1.8.5-r1MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.3-r1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerpmacct1.5.3_pre20150925-r1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ppc net-analyzerpnp4nagios0.6.24MissingSlotDep'>=dev-lang/php-5.3' matches more than one slot: [ 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 ] net-analyzerripe-atlas-tools1.2.1NoFinalNewlineebuild lacks an ending newline net-analyzerrrdtool1.5.5DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, sparc net-analyzerscli0.4.0-r1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] net-analyzerscli0.4.0-r1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzersinfo0.0.48MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerslurm0.3.3-r2MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzersmokeping2.6.9NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <dev-perl/CGI-4 ] net-analyzersmokeping2.6.9NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <dev-perl/CGI-4 ] net-analyzersmokeping2.6.10NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <dev-perl/CGI-4 ] net-analyzersmokeping2.6.10NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <dev-perl/CGI-4 ] net-analyzersmokeping2.6.11NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <dev-perl/CGI-4 ] net-analyzersmokeping2.6.11NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <dev-perl/CGI-4 ] net-analyzersniffit0.3.7-r4MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzertcpdump4.7.4MissingSlotDep'>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6m' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzertcpflow1.4.4_p3MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-analyzertcptraceroute1.5_beta7-r1MissingSlotDep'net-libs/libnet' matches more than one slot: [ 1.0, 1.1 ] net-analyzertcptraceroute1.5_beta7-r2MissingSlotDep'net-libs/libnet' matches more than one slot: [ 1.0, 1.1 ] net-analyzertcptrack1.4.2MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzertracebox0.2MissingSlotDep'dev-lang/lua' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5.1, 5.2 ] net-analyzertraceproto1.1.2_beta1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerw3af1.5DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: amd64, x86 net-analyzeryersinia0.7.3MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.5' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-analyzerzniper1.0-r1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] media-fontsfont-alias1.0.3-r1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: arm64 media-fontsliberation-fonts2.00.1-r1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ppc64, sparc media-fontsunifont7.0.01DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha media-fontswqy-microhei0.2.0_beta-r1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: arm sci-chemistryambertools1.5-r1MissingChksum"AmberTools-1.5.tar.bz2" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size sci-chemistryambertools1.5-r1MissingChksum"ambertools-1.5-bugfix_1-10.patch.xz" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size sci-chemistryaqua3.2-r2MissingChksum"aqua-3.2-nmr_manual.tar.gz" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size sci-chemistryavogadro1.1.0DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ppc sci-chemistrygamess20110811.1MissingChksum"gamess-20110811.1.tar.gz" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size sci-chemistrygamess20110811.1MissingChksum"tinker.tar.Z" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size sci-chemistrymead2.2.7MissingChksum"mead-2.2.7.tar.gz" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size sci-chemistrymolmolSizeViolation"files/wild.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 49.4 KiB total sci-chemistrymsms-bin2.6.1-r1MissingChksum"msms_i86Linux2_2.6.1.tar.gz" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size sci-chemistryprocheck3.5.4-r1MissingChksum"procheck-3.5.4-manual.tar.gz" missing required chksums: sha512, whirlpool; has chksums: sha256, size x11-wmawesome3.4.15NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <x11-libs/libX11- ] x11-wmawesome3.4.15NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <x11-libs/libX11- ] x11-wmenlightenment1.0.17DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: mips x11-wmevilwm1.1.0DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, amd64, ppc, sparc, x86 x11-wmicewm1.3.11DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ppc64, sparc x11-wmratpoison1.4.8MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] www-serversbozohttpd20140708MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] www-serverslighttpd1.4.35-r1MissingSlotDep'>=dev-lang/lua-5.1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5.1, 5.2 ] www-serverslighttpdSizeViolation"files/lighttpd-1.4.29-mod_uploadprogress.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 21.9 KiB total www-serverspound2.7dMissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] www-serverspound2.7fMissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] www-serverstomcat8.0.32-r1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: ppc64 www-serversxsp2014.12-r2014120900WhitespaceFoundebuild has trailing whitespace on lines 81, 83 net-dialupfreeradius2.2.5-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] net-dialupfreeradius2.2.5-r1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] net-dialupfreeradius2.2.5-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-db/postgresql' matches more than one slot: [ 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 ] net-dialupfreeradius3.0.11-r1DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: amd64, ppc, ppc64, sparc, x86 net-dialupgnuradius1.6.1-r1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] net-dialupgnuradius1.6.1-r1MissingSlotDep'>=dev-scheme/guile-1.4' matches more than one slot: [ 12, 2 ] net-dialupminicom2.7MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-dialupppp2.4.4-r25VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201412-19) ( ver < 2.4.7 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'x86') net-dialupppp2.4.5-r3VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201412-19) ( ver < 2.4.7 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'x86') net-dialupppp2.4.6-r3VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201412-19) ( ver < 2.4.7 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'x86') net-dialuprp-pppoe3.11-r2MissingSlotDep'dev-lang/tk' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 8.5 ] net-dialuprp-pppoe3.11-r3MissingSlotDep'dev-lang/tk' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 8.5 ] net-dialupxc4.3.2-r3MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-dialupxc4.3.2-r4MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] net-fsncpfs2.2.6-r3MissingSlotDep'dev-lang/php' matches more than one slot: [ 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 ] net-fsncpfs2.2.6-r3MissingSlotDep'virtual/httpd-php' matches more than one slot: [ 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 ] net-fssamba3.5.21VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201502-15) ( ver < 3.6.25 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') net-fssamba3.5.22VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201502-15) ( ver < 3.6.25 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') net-fssamba3.6.25DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: s390, sh net-fssamba4.3.9DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: arm, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc net-fssamba4.2.9DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, mips mail-mtacourier0.74.0DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, ppc, sparc mail-mtaexim4.86.2DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, sparc mail-mtaexim4.87DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: arm mail-mtamsmtp1.6.1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] mail-mtanetqmail1.06-r1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] mail-mtanetqmail1.06-r2MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] mail-mtapostfix3.0.2DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: mips, s390 mail-mtaqpsmtpd0.95DroppedKeywordWarningkeywords dropped: amd64, x86 mail-mtasendmail8.14.9MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] mail-mtasendmail8.14.9MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/db-3.2' matches more than one slot: [ 3, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 5.1, 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 ] mail-mtasendmail8.14.9-r1MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/db-3.2' matches more than one slot: [ 3, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 5.1, 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 ]