media-libsallegro5.0.11DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: mips media-libsesdl1.3.1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, ppc64 media-libsfmod3.75VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201412-09) ( ver < 4.38.00 ), keywords ('x86',) media-libsfreeverb33.1.1WhitespaceFoundebuild has leading whitespace on line 36 media-libsfreeverb33.1.1-r1WhitespaceFoundebuild has leading whitespace on line 41 media-libsfreeverb33.1.2_pre20151102WhitespaceFoundebuild has leading whitespace on line 41 media-libsfreeverb33.1.2_pre20151102-r1WhitespaceFoundebuild has leading whitespace on line 43 media-libsgegl0.3.0NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgegl0.3.4NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgegl0.3.8NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgegl9999NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgiflib5.0.6DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, amd64, arm, arm64, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc64, s390, sh, sparc, x86 media-libsgsound1.0.1NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgsound1.0.2NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgst-rtsp-server0.10.8-r1NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgst-rtsp-server0.10.8-r1NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgupnp-dlna0.10.4NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsgupnp-dlna0.10.5NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsleptonica1.71-r1MissingSlotDep'media-libs/libpng' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.2, 1.5 ] media-libsleptonica1.71-r1MissingSlotDep'media-libs/tiff' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 3 ] media-libsleptonica1.71-r1MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libslibcaca0.99_beta18-r2NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ =dev-lang/ruby-1.8* ] media-libslibcaca0.99_beta18-r2NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ =dev-lang/ruby-1.8* ] media-libslibcdr0.1.1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc media-libslibchamplain0.12.12NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libslibchamplain0.12.13NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libslibextractor1.3MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libslibmediaart0.7.0NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libslibmediaart1.9.0NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libslibmpeg31.8-r1MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libslibpano132.9.19MissingSlotDep'>=virtual/jdk-1.3' matches more than one slot: [ 1.7, 1.8 ] media-libslibpng1.5.26VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201408-06) ( ver < 1.6.10 && ver not < 1.3 && ver not = 1.5.18 && ver not = 1.5.19 && ver not = 1.5.20 && ver not = 1.5.21 && ver not = 1.5.22 && ver not = 1.5.23 && ver not = 1.5.24 && ver not = 1.5.25 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'amd64-fbsd', 'amd64-linux', 'arm', 'arm-linux', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'm68k-mint', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc-macos', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'sparc-solaris', 'sparc64-solaris', 'x64-freebsd', 'x64-macos', 'x64-solaris', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd', 'x86-freebsd', 'x86-interix', 'x86-linux', 'x86-macos', 'x86-solaris', 'x86-winnt') media-libslibpng1.5.26VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201502-10) ( ver < 1.6.16 && ver not = 1.5.21 && ver not = 1.2.52 && ver not = 1.2.53 && ver not = 1.2.54 && ver not = 1.2.55 && ver not = 1.2.56 && ver not = 1.5.22 && ver not = 1.5.23 && ver not = 1.5.24 && ver not = 1.5.25 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'amd64-fbsd', 'amd64-linux', 'arm', 'arm-linux', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'm68k-mint', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc-macos', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'sparc-solaris', 'sparc64-solaris', 'x64-freebsd', 'x64-macos', 'x64-solaris', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd', 'x86-freebsd', 'x86-interix', 'x86-linux', 'x86-macos', 'x86-solaris', 'x86-winnt') media-libslibpng1.5.27VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201408-06) ( ver < 1.6.10 && ver not < 1.3 && ver not = 1.5.18 && ver not = 1.5.19 && ver not = 1.5.20 && ver not = 1.5.21 && ver not = 1.5.22 && ver not = 1.5.23 && ver not = 1.5.24 && ver not = 1.5.25 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'amd64-fbsd', 'amd64-linux', 'arm', 'arm-linux', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'm68k-mint', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc-macos', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'sparc-solaris', 'sparc64-solaris', 'x64-freebsd', 'x64-macos', 'x64-solaris', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd', 'x86-freebsd', 'x86-interix', 'x86-linux', 'x86-macos', 'x86-solaris', 'x86-winnt') media-libslibpng1.5.27VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201502-10) ( ver < 1.6.16 && ver not = 1.5.21 && ver not = 1.2.52 && ver not = 1.2.53 && ver not = 1.2.54 && ver not = 1.2.55 && ver not = 1.2.56 && ver not = 1.5.22 && ver not = 1.5.23 && ver not = 1.5.24 && ver not = 1.5.25 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'amd64-fbsd', 'amd64-linux', 'arm', 'arm-linux', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'm68k-mint', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc-macos', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'sparc-solaris', 'sparc64-solaris', 'x64-freebsd', 'x64-macos', 'x64-solaris', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd', 'x86-freebsd', 'x86-interix', 'x86-linux', 'x86-macos', 'x86-solaris', 'x86-winnt') media-libslibquvi0.4.1MissingSlotDep'>=media-libs/libquvi-scripts-0.4.0' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.4 ] media-libslibquvi0.9.3DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, arm, hppa, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc media-libslibquvi0.4.1-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: mips media-libslibquvi-scripts0.9.20130903DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, arm, hppa, ia64, ppc, ppc64, sparc media-libslibvisio0.1.1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc media-libslibwebp0.3.0MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libsmemphis0.2.3NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/vala:0.24 ] media-libsmesa7.10.3NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent deps: [ <sys-devel/llvm-3, <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ] media-libsmesa7.10.3NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent deps: [ <sys-devel/llvm-3, <x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.34 ] media-libsmesa7.10.3VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201404-06) ( ver < 9.1.4 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'amd64-linux', 'arm', 'ia64', 'ia64-linux', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-solaris', 'x64-solaris', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd', 'x86-freebsd', 'x86-linux', 'x86-solaris') media-libsmesaSizeViolation"files/mesa-10.3.7-format_utils.c.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 34.0 KiB total media-libsming0.4.4-r1NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/php:5.3 ] media-libsming0.4.4-r1NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/php:5.3 ] media-libsmlt0.9.8-r2NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/ruby:1.9 ] media-libsnetpbmExecutableFileunnecessary executable bit: 'files/' media-libsopencollada1.2.2_p20150207MissingSlotDep'>=sys-devel/gcc-4.7' matches more than one slot: [ 4.7.4, 4.8.5, 4.9.3, 5.1.0, 5.2.0, 5.3.0, 5.4.0 ] media-libsopencv2.4.11WhitespaceFoundebuild has leading whitespace on lines 83, 84, 85, 86 media-libsopencv2.4.12WhitespaceFoundebuild has leading whitespace on lines 83, 84, 85, 86 media-libsopencv2.4.12-r1WhitespaceFoundebuild has trailing whitespace on line 200 media-libsopencv3.1.0-r1WhitespaceFoundebuild has leading whitespace on line 97 media-libsopencv3.1.0-r4WhitespaceFoundebuild has trailing whitespace on line 212 media-libsopenjpeg2.0.0DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: arm64 media-libsoyranosSizeViolation"files/oyranos-0.9.4-fix-typos-and-grammar.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 42.8 KiB total media-libsphonon4.9.0DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc64 media-libsphonon-gstreamer4.9.0DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc64 media-libsphonon-vlc0.9.0DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc64 media-libsplotutils2.6-r1MissingSlotDep'media-libs/libpng' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.2, 1.5 ] media-libsportmidi217NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ =dev-lang/python-2.6* ] media-libsportmidi217NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ =dev-lang/python-2.6* ] media-libsquvi0.9.4DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: hppa, ppc, ppc64 media-libssampleicc1.6.6MissingSlotDep'media-libs/tiff' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 3 ] media-libssampleicc1.6.8MissingSlotDep'media-libs/tiff' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 3 ] media-libssg1.5MissingSlotDep'x11-libs/motif' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 2.2 ] media-libsslv20.6.6NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/python:2.6 ] media-libsspandsp0.0.6_pre21MissingSlotDep'media-libs/tiff' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 3 ] media-libsspandsp0.0.6MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libsspandsp0.0.6MissingSlotDep'media-libs/tiff' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 3 ] media-libstiffSizeViolation"files/tiff-4.0.3-CVE-2013-1961.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 31.6 KiB total media-libsurt3.1b-r1MissingSlotDep'media-libs/tiff' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 3 ] media-libsvigra1.9.0MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libsvigra1.10.0MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libsxine-lib1.2.3MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] media-libsxine-lib1.2.3NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <media-video/libav-0.8.2-r1 ] media-libsxine-lib1.2.3NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <media-video/libav-0.8.2-r1 ] media-libsxine-lib1.2.6NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <media-video/libav-0.8.2-r1 ] media-libsxine-lib1.2.6NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <media-video/libav-0.8.2-r1 ] media-libszvbi0.2.35MissingSlotDep'>=media-libs/libpng-1.4' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.5 ] sci-libsarmadillo4.650.4DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: arm, ppc sci-libsfftw3.3.4DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: s390 sci-libsgdal1.11.1-r3NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/ruby:1.9 ] sci-libsgdal1.11.1-r3NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/ruby:1.9 ] sci-libsgdal1.11.2NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/ruby:1.9 ] sci-libsgdal1.11.2NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/ruby:1.9 ] sci-libsgeos3.5.0-r2NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/php:5.4 ] sci-libsgeos3.5.0-r2NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ dev-lang/php:5.4 ] sci-libsio_lib1.12.5DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, ia64, sparc sci-libslibgeodecomp0.3.1NoFinalNewlineebuild lacks an ending newline sci-libsmetis5.1.0-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, mips sci-libsogdi3.1.5-r1NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <sci-libs/proj-4.8.0 ] sci-libsogdi3.1.5-r1NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <sci-libs/proj-4.8.0 ] sci-libsopencascade6.7.1BadInsIntoDirebuild uses insinto /etc/env.d on line 144 sci-libsopencascade6.8.0BadInsIntoDirebuild uses insinto /etc/env.d on line 142 sci-libsopencascade6.9.0BadInsIntoDirebuild uses insinto /etc/env.d on line 147 sci-libsopencascade6.9.1BadInsIntoDirebuild uses insinto /etc/env.d on line 147 sci-libsproj4.9.2DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: mips sci-libsrosetta-fragments3.1-r1NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ sci-biology/ncbi-tools++ ] sci-libsumfpack5.6.2DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: sparc sci-libsvtk6.1.0DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: arm dev-mlbatteriesSizeViolation"files/oc43-1.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 31.7 KiB total dev-mlcamldbm1.0NonExistentDepsdepset depends: nonexistent dep: [ <sys-libs/gdbm-1.9.1-r2 ] dev-mlcamldbm1.0NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <sys-libs/gdbm-1.9.1-r2 ] dev-mlcore_kernelSizeViolation"files/oc43.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 25.4 KiB total dev-mlextlib1.7.0-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc, x86 dev-mlgd4o1.0_alpha5MissingSlotDep'media-libs/libpng' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.2, 1.5 ] dev-mlgd4o1.0_alpha5MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] dev-mljs_of_ocamlSizeViolation"files/oc43.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 47.0 KiB total dev-mllabltk8.06.0MissingSlotDep'>=dev-lang/tk-8.0.3' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 8.5 ] dev-mllwt2.5.2-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: x86 dev-mlocaml-ssl0.4.6MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] dev-mlocaml-ssl0.5.1MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] dev-mlocaml-ssl0.5.2MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] dev-mlocamlbuild0.9.2CrappyDescriptiondescription needs improvement: using the pkg name as the description isn't very helpful dev-mlocurl0.7.4DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc dev-mlppx_coreSizeViolation"files/oc43.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 30.0 KiB total dev-mlreact1.2.0DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: x86 dev-mlsexplib113.24.00DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: x86 media-fontsfont-alias1.0.3-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: arm64 media-fontsliberation-fonts2.00.1-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, ppc64, sparc media-fontswqy-microhei0.2.0_beta-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: arm www-serversbozohttpd20140708MissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] www-serverslighttpd1.4.35-r1MissingSlotDep'>=dev-lang/lua-5.1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5.1, 5.2 ] www-serverslighttpdSizeViolation"files/lighttpd-1.4.29-mod_uploadprogress.patch" exceeds 20k in size; 21.9 KiB total www-serverspound2.7dMissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] www-serverspound2.7fMissingSlotDep'dev-libs/openssl' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 0.9.8 ] www-serverstomcat8.0.32-r1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: ppc64 www-serversvarnish3.0.7MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] www-serversvarnish4.0.3MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] www-serversvarnish4.1.2MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/readline' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] app-shellsbash2.05b_p13VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201210-05) ( ver < 4.2_p37 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash2.05b_p13VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-09) ( ver < 4.2_p48 && ver not = 3.1_p18 && ver not = 3.2_p52 && ver not = 4.0_p39 && ver not = 4.1_p12 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash2.05b_p13VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-10) ( ver-rev < 4.2_p48-r1 && not ( ver = 3.1_p18 && ver-rev >= 3.1_p18-r1 ) && not ( ver = 3.2_p52 && ver-rev >= 3.2_p52-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.0_p39 && ver-rev >= 4.0_p39-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.1_p12 && ver-rev >= 4.1_p12-r1 ) ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash2.05b_p13VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201410-01) ( ver < 4.2_p52 && ver not = 3.1_p22 && ver not = 3.2_p56 && ver not = 4.0_p43 && ver not = 4.1_p16 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.0_p22VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201210-05) ( ver < 4.2_p37 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.0_p22VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-09) ( ver < 4.2_p48 && ver not = 3.1_p18 && ver not = 3.2_p52 && ver not = 4.0_p39 && ver not = 4.1_p12 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.0_p22VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-10) ( ver-rev < 4.2_p48-r1 && not ( ver = 3.1_p18 && ver-rev >= 3.1_p18-r1 ) && not ( ver = 3.2_p52 && ver-rev >= 3.2_p52-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.0_p39 && ver-rev >= 4.0_p39-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.1_p12 && ver-rev >= 4.1_p12-r1 ) ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.0_p22VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201410-01) ( ver < 4.2_p52 && ver not = 3.1_p22 && ver not = 3.2_p56 && ver not = 4.0_p43 && ver not = 4.1_p16 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.1_p23VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201210-05) ( ver < 4.2_p37 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.1_p23VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-09) ( ver < 4.2_p48 && ver not = 3.1_p18 && ver not = 3.2_p52 && ver not = 4.0_p39 && ver not = 4.1_p12 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.1_p23VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-10) ( ver-rev < 4.2_p48-r1 && not ( ver = 3.1_p18 && ver-rev >= 3.1_p18-r1 ) && not ( ver = 3.2_p52 && ver-rev >= 3.2_p52-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.0_p39 && ver-rev >= 4.0_p39-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.1_p12 && ver-rev >= 4.1_p12-r1 ) ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.1_p23VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201410-01) ( ver < 4.2_p52 && ver not = 3.1_p22 && ver not = 3.2_p56 && ver not = 4.0_p43 && ver not = 4.1_p16 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.2_p57VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201210-05) ( ver < 4.2_p37 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.2_p57VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-09) ( ver < 4.2_p48 && ver not = 3.1_p18 && ver not = 3.2_p52 && ver not = 4.0_p39 && ver not = 4.1_p12 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.2_p57VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-10) ( ver-rev < 4.2_p48-r1 && not ( ver = 3.1_p18 && ver-rev >= 3.1_p18-r1 ) && not ( ver = 3.2_p52 && ver-rev >= 3.2_p52-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.0_p39 && ver-rev >= 4.0_p39-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.1_p12 && ver-rev >= 4.1_p12-r1 ) ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash3.2_p57VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201410-01) ( ver < 4.2_p52 && ver not = 3.1_p22 && ver not = 3.2_p56 && ver not = 4.0_p43 && ver not = 4.1_p16 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.0_p44VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201210-05) ( ver < 4.2_p37 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.0_p44VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-09) ( ver < 4.2_p48 && ver not = 3.1_p18 && ver not = 3.2_p52 && ver not = 4.0_p39 && ver not = 4.1_p12 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.0_p44VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-10) ( ver-rev < 4.2_p48-r1 && not ( ver = 3.1_p18 && ver-rev >= 3.1_p18-r1 ) && not ( ver = 3.2_p52 && ver-rev >= 3.2_p52-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.0_p39 && ver-rev >= 4.0_p39-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.1_p12 && ver-rev >= 4.1_p12-r1 ) ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.0_p44VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201410-01) ( ver < 4.2_p52 && ver not = 3.1_p22 && ver not = 3.2_p56 && ver not = 4.0_p43 && ver not = 4.1_p16 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.1_p17VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201210-05) ( ver < 4.2_p37 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.1_p17VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-09) ( ver < 4.2_p48 && ver not = 3.1_p18 && ver not = 3.2_p52 && ver not = 4.0_p39 && ver not = 4.1_p12 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.1_p17VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201409-10) ( ver-rev < 4.2_p48-r1 && not ( ver = 3.1_p18 && ver-rev >= 3.1_p18-r1 ) && not ( ver = 3.2_p52 && ver-rev >= 3.2_p52-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.0_p39 && ver-rev >= 4.0_p39-r1 ) && not ( ver = 4.1_p12 && ver-rev >= 4.1_p12-r1 ) ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.1_p17VulnerablePackagevulnerable via glsa(201410-01) ( ver < 4.2_p52 && ver not = 3.1_p22 && ver not = 3.2_p56 && ver not = 4.0_p43 && ver not = 4.1_p16 ), keywords ('alpha', 'amd64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'hppa', 'ia64', 'm68k', 'mips', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 'sh', 'sparc', 'sparc-fbsd', 'x86', 'x86-fbsd') app-shellsbash4.4_rc1DroppedKeywordkeywords dropped: alpha, amd64, arm, arm64, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips, ppc, ppc64, s390, sh, sparc, x86 app-shellsbash-completion1.3-r2NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <app-admin/eselect-1.3.7 ] app-shellsbash-completion2.1-r2NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ <app-admin/eselect-1.3.7 ] app-shellsesh0.8.5-r2MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/readline-4.1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 4, 5 ] app-shellsfish2.1.1MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] app-shellsfish2.1.2MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] app-shellsfish2.2.0MissingSlotDep'sys-libs/ncurses' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] app-shellszsh5.0.5MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] app-shellszsh5.0.7-r1MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] app-shellszsh5.0.7-r2MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] app-shellszsh5.0.8MissingSlotDep'>=sys-libs/ncurses-5.1' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 5 ] xfce-basexfce4-session4.10.1-r2NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ gnome-extra/gnome-screensaver ] xfce-basexfce4-session4.12.1NonExistentDepsdepset rdepends: nonexistent dep: [ gnome-extra/gnome-screensaver ] games-utilatlas0.5.0_p20141002MissingSlotDep'virtual/jpeg' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 62 ] games-utilatlas0.5.0_p20141002MissingSlotDep'>=media-libs/libpng-1.5' matches more than one slot: [ 0, 1.5 ]