Agenda topics for the next KDE team meeting ------------------------------------------- 1. Roll call (5 minutes) 2. Electing a new team leader (5 minutes, please make your mind up beforehand!) 3. What shall we do with kdepim-4.4 (15 minutes) * Discuss/vote: At the moment KDEpim-4.4 is still fully functional, no known regressions. Functionality of KDEpim-4.7 is slowly stabilizing, with occasional pains. Do we want to keep KDEpim-4.4 in the main tree? 4. kdeenablefinal revisited (15 minutes) * Discuss/vote: See last test run bug #353246. Should we provide this feature anymore? What is the purpose nowadays, in fact of upstream keep going split the huge packages (kde frameworks, kdepim)? 5. phonon-xine removal (5 minutes) * Discuss/vote: Upstream declared it as dead. Already masked since 1. Dec 2011. We have two other working and maintained backends. Current open bugs #359979, #397585. 6. qt-4.8 (5 minutes) * Short discussion about potential problems. 7. Dropping RPATH from installed binaries (5 minutes) * Short discussion- any objections to testing this in the overlay eclasses and later moving it to the main tree if it works? 8. To eselect Boost or not to eselect boost (10 minutes) We need to figure out what is actually the best desired behaviour :| 9. Bugs (30 minutes) * dev-util/cmake picks always the latest boost. * Fix in overlay since 13. Dec. Move to tree? * cmake-utils.eclass PREFIX is not defined, any progress? * Remove hard dep on media-libs/phonon from kde-base/kdelibs * Eclass problem with handbook without LINGUAS. * MacOSX request for cmake-utils.eclass: Remove force of CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=TRUE -> can easily be done, because the FORCE affects only prefix anyway * Revise the change "semantic-desktop? -> semantic-desktop=". Why was the change needed. 10. Open floor (15 minutes)