/* eslint-disable no-jquery/no-global-selector */ mw.echo = mw.echo || {}; mw.echo.config = mw.echo.config || {}; // Set default max prioritized action links per item mw.echo.config.maxPrioritizedActions = 2; /** * Initialise desktop Echo experience */ function initDesktop() { 'use strict'; // Remove ?markasread=XYZ from the URL var uri = new mw.Uri(); if ( uri.query.markasread !== undefined ) { delete uri.query.markasread; delete uri.query.markasreadwiki; window.history.replaceState( null, document.title, uri ); } // Activate ooui $( function () { var selectedWidget, echoApi, messageController, alertController, messageModelManager, alertModelManager, unreadMessageCounter, unreadAlertCounter, maxNotificationCount = require( './config.json' ).EchoMaxNotificationCount, pollingRate = require( './config.json' ).EchoPollForUpdates, documentTitle = document.title, $existingAlertLink = $( '#pt-notifications-alert a' ), $existingMessageLink = $( '#pt-notifications-notice a' ), numAlerts = $existingAlertLink.attr( 'data-counter-num' ), numMessages = $existingMessageLink.attr( 'data-counter-num' ), badgeLabelAlerts = $existingAlertLink.attr( 'data-counter-text' ), badgeLabelMessages = $existingMessageLink.attr( 'data-counter-text' ), // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state hasUnseenAlerts = $existingAlertLink.hasClass( 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications' ), // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state hasUnseenMessages = $existingMessageLink.hasClass( 'mw-echo-unseen-notifications' ), // latestMessageNotifTime is the time of most recent notification that came when we called showNotificationSnippet last // the function showNotificationSnippet returns the time of the latest notification and latestMessageNotifTime is updated latestMessageNotifTime = new Date(), latestAlertNotifTime = new Date(), alertCount = parseInt( numAlerts ), messageCount = parseInt( numMessages ), loadingPromise = null, // Store links links = { notifications: $existingAlertLink.attr( 'href' ) || mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Notifications' ), preferences: ( $( '#pt-preferences a' ).attr( 'href' ) || mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Preferences' ) ) + '#mw-prefsection-echo' }; function updateDocumentTitleWithNotificationCount( totalAlertCount, totalMessageCount ) { var totalCount = totalAlertCount + totalMessageCount, convertedTotalCount, newTitle = documentTitle; if ( totalCount > 0 ) { convertedTotalCount = totalCount <= maxNotificationCount ? totalCount : maxNotificationCount + 1; convertedTotalCount = mw.msg( 'echo-badge-count', mw.language.convertNumber( convertedTotalCount ) ); newTitle = mw.msg( 'parentheses', convertedTotalCount ) + ' ' + documentTitle; } document.title = newTitle; } /** * Show notification snippet via mw.notify of notifications which came after highestNotifTime. * * @param {mw.echo.dm.ModelManager} modelManager * @param {Date} highestNotifTime Timestamp of latest notification the last time function was called * @return {Date} Timestamp of latest notification */ function showNotificationSnippet( modelManager, highestNotifTime ) { var timestampAsDate, highestTime = new Date(); highestTime = highestNotifTime; modelManager.getLocalNotifications().forEach( function ( notificationItem ) { timestampAsDate = new Date( notificationItem.timestamp ); if ( timestampAsDate > highestNotifTime ) { if ( timestampAsDate > highestTime ) { highestTime = timestampAsDate; } if ( !notificationItem.seen ) { mw.notify( $.parseHTML( notificationItem.content.header ), { title: mw.msg( 'echo-displaysnippet-title' ) } ); } } } ); return highestTime; } /** * Change the seen state of badges if there are any unseen notifications. * * @param {mw.echo.dm.ModelManager} modelManager * @param {mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget} badgeWidget */ function updateBadgeState( modelManager, badgeWidget ) { modelManager.getLocalNotifications().forEach( function ( notificationItem ) { if ( !notificationItem.isSeen() ) { badgeWidget.updateBadgeSeenState( true ); } } ); } function isLivePollingFeatureEnabledOnWiki() { return pollingRate !== 0; } /** * User has opted in to preference to show notification snippets and update document title with unread count. * * Only useful when isLivePollingFeatureEnabledOnWiki() returns true. * * @return {boolean} User preference */ function userHasOptedInToLiveNotifications() { return mw.user.options.get( 'echo-show-poll-updates' ) === '1'; } // Change document title on initialization only when polling rate feature flag is non-zero. if ( isLivePollingFeatureEnabledOnWiki() && userHasOptedInToLiveNotifications() ) { updateDocumentTitleWithNotificationCount( alertCount, messageCount ); } function loadEcho() { if ( loadingPromise !== null ) { return loadingPromise; } // This part executes only once, either when header icons are clicked or after completion of 60secs whichever occur first. echoApi = new mw.echo.api.EchoApi(); loadingPromise = mw.loader.using( 'ext.echo.ui.desktop' ).then( function () { // Overlay mw.echo.ui.$overlay.appendTo( document.body ); unreadAlertCounter = new mw.echo.dm.UnreadNotificationCounter( echoApi, 'alert', maxNotificationCount ); alertModelManager = new mw.echo.dm.ModelManager( unreadAlertCounter, { type: 'alert' } ); alertController = new mw.echo.Controller( echoApi, alertModelManager ); mw.echo.ui.alertWidget = new mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget( alertController, alertModelManager, links, { numItems: Number( numAlerts ), convertedNumber: badgeLabelAlerts, hasUnseen: hasUnseenAlerts, badgeIcon: 'bell', $overlay: mw.echo.ui.$overlay, href: $existingAlertLink.attr( 'href' ) } ); // Replace the link button with the ooui button $existingAlertLink.parent().replaceWith( mw.echo.ui.alertWidget.$element ); alertModelManager.on( 'allTalkRead', function () { // If there was a talk page notification, get rid of it $( '#pt-mytalk a' ) .removeClass( 'mw-echo-alert' ) .text( mw.msg( 'mytalk' ) ); } ); // listen to event countChange and change title only if polling rate is non-zero if ( isLivePollingFeatureEnabledOnWiki() ) { alertModelManager.getUnreadCounter().on( 'countChange', function ( count ) { alertController.fetchLocalNotifications().then( function () { updateBadgeState( alertModelManager, mw.echo.ui.alertWidget ); if ( userHasOptedInToLiveNotifications() ) { latestAlertNotifTime = showNotificationSnippet( alertModelManager, latestAlertNotifTime ); alertCount = count; updateDocumentTitleWithNotificationCount( count, messageCount ); } } ); } ); } // Load message button and popup if messages exist if ( $existingMessageLink.length ) { unreadMessageCounter = new mw.echo.dm.UnreadNotificationCounter( echoApi, 'message', maxNotificationCount ); messageModelManager = new mw.echo.dm.ModelManager( unreadMessageCounter, { type: 'message' } ); messageController = new mw.echo.Controller( echoApi, messageModelManager ); mw.echo.ui.messageWidget = new mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget( messageController, messageModelManager, links, { $overlay: mw.echo.ui.$overlay, numItems: Number( numMessages ), hasUnseen: hasUnseenMessages, badgeIcon: 'tray', convertedNumber: badgeLabelMessages, href: $existingMessageLink.attr( 'href' ) } ); // Replace the link button with the ooui button $existingMessageLink.parent().replaceWith( mw.echo.ui.messageWidget.$element ); // listen to event countChange and change title only if polling rate is non-zero if ( isLivePollingFeatureEnabledOnWiki() ) { messageModelManager.getUnreadCounter().on( 'countChange', function ( count ) { messageController.fetchLocalNotifications().then( function () { updateBadgeState( messageModelManager, mw.echo.ui.messageWidget ); if ( userHasOptedInToLiveNotifications() ) { latestMessageNotifTime = showNotificationSnippet( messageModelManager, latestMessageNotifTime ); messageCount = count; updateDocumentTitleWithNotificationCount( alertCount, count ); } } ); } ); } } } ); return loadingPromise; } // Respond to click on the notification button and load the UI on demand $( '.mw-echo-notification-badge-nojs' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { var timeOfClick = mw.now(), $badge = $( this ), clickedSection = $badge.parent().prop( 'id' ) === 'pt-notifications-alert' ? 'alert' : 'message'; if ( e.which !== 1 || $badge.data( 'clicked' ) ) { return false; } $badge.data( 'clicked', true ); // Dim the badge while we load $badge.addClass( 'mw-echo-notifications-badge-dimmed' ); // Fire the notification API requests echoApi = new mw.echo.api.EchoApi(); echoApi.fetchNotifications( clickedSection ) .then( function ( data ) { mw.track( 'timing.MediaWiki.echo.overlay.api', mw.now() - timeOfClick ); return data; } ); loadEcho().then( function () { // Now that the module loaded, show the popup selectedWidget = clickedSection === 'alert' ? mw.echo.ui.alertWidget : mw.echo.ui.messageWidget; selectedWidget.once( 'finishLoading', function () { // Log timing after notifications are shown mw.track( 'timing.MediaWiki.echo.overlay', mw.now() - timeOfClick ); } ); selectedWidget.popup.toggle( true ); mw.track( 'timing.MediaWiki.echo.overlay.ooui', mw.now() - timeOfClick ); if ( hasUnseenAlerts || hasUnseenMessages ) { // Clicked on the flyout due to having unread notifications // This is part of tracking how likely users are to click a badge with unseen notifications. // The other part is the 'echo.unseen' counter, see EchoHooks::onPersonalUrls(). mw.track( 'counter.MediaWiki.echo.unseen.click' ); } }, function () { // Un-dim badge if loading failed $badge.removeClass( 'mw-echo-notifications-badge-dimmed' ); } ); // Prevent default return false; } ); function pollForNotificationCountUpdates() { alertController.refreshUnreadCount(); messageController.refreshUnreadCount(); // Make notification update after n*pollingRate(time in secs) where n depends on document.hidden setTimeout( pollForNotificationCountUpdates, ( document.hidden ? 5 : 1 ) * pollingRate * 1000 ); } function pollStart() { if ( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) !== 'minerva' && isLivePollingFeatureEnabledOnWiki() ) { // load widgets if not loaded already then start polling loadEcho().then( pollForNotificationCountUpdates ); } } setTimeout( pollStart, 60 * 1000 ); } ); } /** * Initialise a mobile experience instead */ function initMobile() { if ( !mw.user.isAnon() ) { mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.echo.mobile', 'mobile.startup' ] ).then( function ( require ) { require( 'ext.echo.mobile' )(); } ); } } $( function () { if ( mw.config.get( 'wgMFMode' ) ) { initMobile(); } else { initDesktop(); } } );